Abstract: The Kazakh-Jungar war and the corresponding migration of a significant part of Kazakh clans from
Semirechye and South Kazakhstan westward and to the north-west, in the beginning of the 17th century
intensified the Kazakh-Bashkir interaction embracing ethnic, military and political components.
The complicated political situation of the 16th and 17th centuries, when there was a confrontation and
interaction between Muscovy, the Nogai Horde, the Khanate of Siberia and the Kazakh Khanate,
was superimposed on the strengthening of interaction between Bashkirs, Kazakhs and other Turkic-speaking
nations with the western Oirat-Kalmyks during the expansion of the latter. The article analyses sources on
participation of the Kazakh and Karakalpak in the Bashkir riots of the second half of the 17th century. It also
considers the reasons and purposes of the Muscovite tsarist government's measures to counteract the union
of Turkic-speaking peoples with Kalmyks, the issues of Bashkir and Kalmyk subjectship, as well as Bashkir-
Kalmyk interaction. The analysis of the complex political and legal status of the Bashkirs in the period under
consideration is given. Along with the facts of the conclusion of oaths on the joint struggle of Bashkirs and
Kazakhs, preconditions for the gradual transition of political patrons of Bashkirs from Kuchumovich to
representatives of Kazakh governing dynasties are formed.
Abstract: The article is devoted to a topical issue – foreign policy contacts of the Kalmyk Khanate. This Volga
region entity actively interacted with the Dzungar Khanate, Qing China and Tibet. The place of the Kalmyks
in the system of intra-Asian relations in the second half of the 18th century is analyzed. The article is based
on the introduction of Russian archival materials into scientific circulation. Currently, there are only a few
works on the topic under study. In addition, the need for a comprehensive and in-depth study of this
problem dictates the use of interdisciplinary and civilizational-cultural approaches. A comprehensive
analysis of the development of relations between the Volga region Kalmyks and the Dzungar Khanate, Tibet
and the Qing empires in Inner Asia in the middle of the 18th century is the goal of this work, since it will
clarify many events that had a significant impact on the historical fate of the Kalmyk people. The authors
presented and analyzed archival materials and scientific literature. The time frames of the study chosen by
the authors correspond to the task at hand, since provide an opportunity to trace the evolution of the
relationship between the Volga Kalmyks in the system of international relations in Inner Asia in the first half
of the 18th century. The article uses the following methodological principles: objectivity, historicism, and
comprehensiveness. The Kalmyk factor played a significant role at that time in international relations in
Inner Asia, which even the suzerain of the Kalmyk Khanate, the Russian Empire, could not ignore.
The military potential of the Kalmyks attracted even Qing China, which was fighting with the Dzungar
Khanate for hegemony in Inner Asia.
Abstract: The proposed text is a publication of the documents that were unknown for wide range of researchers.
The first document provides new details about the situation preceding the sending of an envoy by the Khan of
the Younger Zhuz Abulkhair to Empress Anna Ioannovna in 1730, and about the role that the Bashkirs of the
Nogai and Siberian roads played in this. The second material complements significantly the available
information about the reasons for the Khan of the Middle Zhuz Semeka sending envoys to the Ufa governor
Koshelev with a proposal to accept Russian citizenship by the Kazakhs of this zhuz.
The following three texts are materials from interrogations of three participants in Kazakh raids on
Kalmyks winter huts in the winter of 1739–1740. These sources contain information about the organizers and
leaders of the campaigns, the course of the raids, and specific toponyms that allow us to reconstruct the
events with reference to the location.
In general, these documents allow us to reconstruct a more complete picture of complicated
relationships between the Kazakhs and the Russian Empire and directly with the Bashkirs and Kalmyks,
as citizens of the Russian Empress, during this period.
Abstract: The article is dedicated to analyzing how effective was the defense system of the Orenburg Borderlands
of the Russian Empire in 1801–1831 at protecting local populace from steppe nomad’s slave raids, and how
efficiently were local officials organizing rescue of the Russian subjects already taken into slavery.
The research is based on materials of the Joint State Archive of Orenburg Region (OGAOO), previously
mostly unpublished. Firstly, the author analyzes the overall dynamics for the number of slaves captured at
the time and the number of killed during slave raids. Secondly, thorough examination of well-documented
individual cases helps understand real practices of the local officials and officers.
The following quote of the Orenburg Military Governor G.S. Volkonskii, taken from his orders which
were sent to the commandants of all border fortresses, is provided in the first part of article: “Weakness and
negligence of service continue to this day”. The research shows that only formal performance of one’s duties
by border officers in the aforementioned period wasn’t unusual. At the same time, the change of dynamics of
the number of captured slaves was also influenced by events in the steppe. As a result, the highest number of
captures occurs in 1823, when, on the one hand, the uprising of Zh. Tlenshiev – a nomad starshina, who was
formerly loyal to Russian authorities and even saved at least 1 Russian slave – reached its peak; on the other
hand, an investigation conducted by the adjutant of P.K. Essen, next Orenburg Military Governor, revealed
grievous flaws in the defense of the borderland (up to absence of reaction on the news about a group of
nomads capturing people, and one of them having a Russian officer’s uniform).
Abstract: This manuscript is dedicated to the 215th anniversary of Ya.M. Neverov and highlights some aspects of
his biography. The materials were the works of Neverov himself, as well as biographical works about his
personality and activities. The research methods are the historiographical method, the biographical method,
the classification method and the synthesis method.
Yanuarii Mikhailovich Neverov is an outstanding Russian educator, manager in the education system,
and a theorist of didactics of a new formation, the so-called “activity pedagogy”. He promoted the ideas of
nationality, the creation of a Russian national system of upbringing and education, the universal accessibility
and all-religious education, rightly believing that it is precisely in a high level of education that the economic
success of the nation lies.
Being from a poor provincial family and a disabled child, Neverov “made himself”, having received an
excellent education, and thanks to his hard work and outstanding organizational abilities, he rose to the rank
of a full privy councilor.
During the administration of the Caucasian Educational District, the number of public (primary)
schools and ethnic “literacy schools” has increased several times, and the educational management system
itself has become exemplary.
In his pedagogical works, Yanuarii Mikhailovich carries out an in-depth analysis of the situation in the
field of education, fully highlights its shortcomings, and also provides practical recommendations necessary
for its development.
Abstract: The research examines the facts of surrender, desertion and unauthorized abandonment of the
battlefield by Russian servicemen on the basis of materials on the fighting of the Patriotic War of 1812 for the
period from border battles to the Battle of Borodino inclusive. The authors focus on individual plots of the
Battle of Borodino. The paper proves that for the Russian military authorities of the early 19th century.
surrenders were an uncomfortable topic, which is therefore poorly reflected in the sources, but the authors
managed to find in the array of documentary evidence mentions of rare facts about Russian prisoners of war
in the Great Army of Napoleon Bonaparte. Based on these testimonies, the authors conclude that much more
than 3,000 Russian soldiers were captured during the specified period. The authors also conclude, based on
the analysis of the events of the Battle of Borodino, that the organization and methodology of the battle of the
Russian Army in 1812 were qualitatively different. They were inferior to the French side, the authors attribute
this to the fact that the Russian Empire remained a semi-feudal state at that time. The authors show in their
work that desertion was not a common phenomenon in Russian provinces, but at the same time they note the
opportunistic behavior of many landlords during recruitment.
Abstract: The article analyzes the strategic perspectives of Napoleon Bonaparte's Grand Army in the Campaign
of 1812. There is also the Russian strategic perspective in 1812 in comparison with the French one. Objective
factors influencing the situation of the armed forces of France and Russia are mainly considered. Authors
focus on the distribution of human resources, as well as the losses suffered by Russia and France during the
Napoleonic Wars until 1812. The authors prove that Napoleonic France suffered heavy losses during military
campaigns in the period from 1800 to 1811, the French army had a particularly difficult situation on Iberian
Peninsula, campaigns against Spain and Portugal were in many ways a continuation of the long-running socalled
“Anglo-French duel”. The authors show in their work that the demographic situation in Russia was
more favorable by 1812, which had a positive effect on its defense capability, which cannot be said about
Napoleonic France, whose human reserves were not enough in 1812 for a war “on two fronts”. Russian
Russian-Turkish (1806–1812) and Russian-Persian Wars (1804–51813) negatively affected Russia's ability to
fight against Napoleonic France out of pulling large military contingents to southern borders. Authors also
show that the structure of the Grand Army was not well thought out to carry out such operation as an
offensive deep into European Russia. The authors rely mainly on English-language sources.
8. Angela A. Zhurtova, Peter A. Kuzminov, Lina R. Gaunova, Zareta H. Soblirova
Military and Political Activities of F.K. Kluki von Klugenau in the North-Eastern Caucasus in 1818–1850 (based on Materials from the “Russkaya Starina”)
Abstract: The article is devoted to the study of the military and administrative activities of Lieutenant General of
the Russian Imperial Army F.K. Kluki von Klugenau. His service lasted from 1818 to 1850 and is associated
with the period of the Caucasian War. This study is based on materials compiled by his adjutant, Colonel
I.A. Grzhegorzhevsky and published in the journal “Russkaya Starina”. Kluki von Klugenau acted as an
informant and editor of these materials. The presented memoirs are quite extensive, so the editors of the
magazine published them in parts in four issues. The time of Kluki von Klugenau's Caucasian service is
divided into three periods in the documents: the first stage from 1818 to 1832 ends with the capture of the
strategically important aul of Gimry in the North-Eastern Caucasus; the second – from 1833 to 1836 –
the period of his command of troops in Northern Dagestan before his appointment as commander of the first
brigade of the XIX infantry division, and the third stage from 1836 to 1850, during which Klugenau governed
the Akhaltsikhe province, took part in the fight against Shamil and his supporters, etc. before his
appointment to serve in the Kingdom of Poland in 1849. The memoirs, reports, notes of Kluki von Klugenau
are among the main sources on the history of the struggle against Imam Shamil, military-political and
administrative processes in the region in the 1820s – 1850s.
Abstract: The history of Russian-Kazakh relations in the first half of the 19th century has been poorly studied.
Thus, the “white spots” of the historiography of the topic remain the personalities of Kazakh public figures
and their participation in negotiation processes with the border imperial services. Not only khans, sultans
and batyrs, but also representatives of the clergy, as it turned out, were involved in political processes in the
border regions. In the twentieth century, these categories of nomadic society were classified as a “hostile
class” and completely removed from scientific circulation. From a new methodological standpoint, it makes
sense to study the essence of social protest among the Orenburg Kazakhs of the eastern part, in which Maral
Ishan Kurmanov, of course, played the role of a spiritual leader. Based on scientific methods (analysis and
synthesis, comparative studies, principles of historicism and verification of sources), materials from the
central historical archives of Russia and Kazakhstan, periodicals and books of the XIX century were
identified, systematized and studied. The discovery of correspondence between the border administration
and M. Kurmanov reveals little-known aspects of border contacts. The article attempts to compare the tactics
of steppe leaders, who often used diplomacy as a peaceful way to solve problematic issues. The materials of
the pre-revolutionary press have been critically studied. The facts of migration, together with M. Kurmanov,
of Kazakh families in the southern and south-eastern directions, as a result of the land crisis and a number of
unresolved issues, have been revealed.
Abstract: This work, which is dedicated to the 200th anniversary of its foundation, explores some historical aspects of
the gymnasium in Tambov. The materials were historical sources, in particular, Commemorative books of the
Tambov province and historiography on the development of the education system in the region. The research
methods were the historiographical method, the classification method and the synthesis method.
Tambov Men's Gymnasium is one of the most remarkable institutions in the history of the Tambov region
(province). It existed from 1825 to 1918. The gymnasium, as well as the Noble Boarding School at it, usually
accepted the children of nobles, officials, honorary citizens, merchants, as well as burghers who completed their
course at the county school. The gymnasium was considered one of the best in the Russian Empire.
For a long time, the gymnasium remained the only one in the region, and the problem with the large
student body was very urgent. She was also not without managerial shortcomings, as the publicist and writer
S. eloquently wrote. Atava (S.N. Terpigorev). The gymnasium was closed in 1918 under the socialist
government, which categorically rejected the division of education based on gender.
Russian Russian cosmology graduates were very famous people, in particular, composer and
conductor N.D. Dmitriev, founder of Russian cosmism N.F. Fedorov, founder of the Russian indological
school I.P. Minaev, physician, pharmacologist and balneologist V.S. Bogoslovsky, Minister of National
Education N.K. Kulchitsky, philosopher A.I. Vvedensky, and others.
Abstract: This article is dedicated to the 195th anniversary of the birth of the Russian teacher A.I. Georgievsky.
The materials were the works of Georgievsky himself, as well as some biographical studies about him.
The methodological basis consists of the historical-systemic method, the historical-genetic method, etc.
Theresearch is based on the principle of historicism, objectivity, reliance on the source base and
historiographical materials.
Alexander Ivanovich Georgievsky became famous as an ideologist of the classical education system,
a reformer of secondary and higher education, who adhered to conservative and sometimes openly reactionary
views. He fought the revolutionary movement in every possible way, and also supported the rights of the Jewish
ethnic group to education and the abolition of any restrictions on the specified nationality.
Soviet historiography, right up to perestroika and the end of the 1980s, consigned to oblivion the name
of A.I. Georgievsky, as a consistent and pedantic fighter against the revolution and a supporter of
conservative views on the education system that ran counter to Soviet ideology.
A.I. Georgievsky was awarded the highest awards of the Russian Empire, rose to the rank of a full privy
councilor, was the founder of “Societies of Classical Philology and Pedagogy”.
An exemplary family man, Georgievsky was distinguished in official matters by his principles, courage,
discipline, ability to work and pedantry. In his organizational and pedagogical works, he relied on the
extensive use of statistics, factology, and also very scrupulously justified his own position.
Abstract: The article analyzes the complex of ethnocultural and socio-political contradictions between Russia
and Poland and its influence on the views of the Russian intelligentsia and the development of public thought
in the 19th century. Based on the study of archival materials, memoirs, and journalistic sources, a correlation
has been identified between historical processes of past centuries and the nature of Russian-Polish relations
in the 19th century. The position of the intelligentsia as an expression of national self-awareness is examined
in the context of its activity in addressing the Polish question, which was one of the most significant
components of socio-political processes. The views of representatives of the intelligentsia belonging to
different political movements and their positions regarding the authorities' policies on the Polish question
are analyzed. The multifaceted impact of the Polish question on the destabilization of internal life in Russia
and the loss of image on the foreign policy arena is revealed. Various solutions to the Polish question
proposed by the intelligentsia are presented. The study establishes that the unifying factor for the
intelligentsia was its negative attitude toward the territorial claims of the Poles. The alienation of historically
Russian lands with their Orthodox population was unacceptable for the patriotically minded intelligentsia.
The reasons for the interethnic conflict are substantiated, among which the peculiarities of the Polish
national character, as confirmed by the opinions of a number of Polish researchers from the 19th to the
21st centuries, play a significant role. An examination of the historical experience of Russian-Polish
interethnic and interstate relations may contribute to a deeper understanding of the causes of the conflict
and thus aid in its resolution.
Abstract: In the 19th century, the expansion of the Russian Empire into the Inner territories of Asia faced a
confrontation with British interests. British press closely monitored Russia’s actions from the perspective of
global competition, known as the “Great Game”. The Kazakh steppe, located at the intersection of imperial
interests, played a significant role in this process.
The British periodicals developed distinct views on Kazakh history, conveying the steppe's complex
political, economic situation to a global audience. In this context, the study will undertake a comprehensive
analysis of the content, interpretation, and historical accuracy of the data concerning Kazakh history
presented in periodicals.
The following conclusions have been drawn: alongside political, economic topics, the extensive
coverage of ethnographic information about the Kazakhs in British periodicals contributed to changing
stereotypical views; the sources not only highlighted the importance of the Steppe in the system of
international relations and the economic interests of the empires, but also emphasized its role as a transit
corridor and a source of raw materials; the potential of using periodicals as sources for the study of
19th century Kazakh history was established; gaps in the coverage of issues related to the Kazakh Khanate,
the Kazakh hordes were identified.
Russian Periodicals of the XIX century as a Polemical Environment of Caucasian Studies (Case of Discussion of the Publication of “Laws and Customs of the Kabardians”)
Abstract: The periodical press is regarded as an important infrastructural and institutional component of the
scientific discourse of the 19th century. In the conditions of spontaneous development of Caucasian studies,
the bulk of publications about the Caucasus were articles and essays in newspapers and magazines.
The periodicals became a platform for discussions among Caucasologists. The paper examines a particular
case of polemics surrounding the publication of “Laws and Customs of Kabardinians” by I.T. Radozhitsky.
The circumstances, content and results of the discussion of Kabardin legal norms published in the press are
clarified. The possibilities of providing such polemics by the periodical press and its results are summarized.
The content and format of presentation in the press of materials that formed the discussion of the “Laws and
customs of Kabardins” are analyzed. The nature of I.T. Radozhitsky's publication is reconsidered. It is revealed
that it is not an author's essay, but a publication of the existing legal norms of Kabardins. Discussion authorship
of “Remarks” to I.T. Radozhitsky's publication is confirmed. The study of the polemics concerning the
publication of Kabardin legal norms has demonstrated its non-compliance with the standards of competent
scientific evaluation and criticism. At the same time, it is shown that the critical capabilities of the periodical
press in the 19th century were commensurate with the embryonic state of Russian Caucasian studies.
Abstract: The second half of the XIX – early XX centuries was the time of significant transformations in higher
education in the Russian Empire. The study of the university paradigm and its formation in this period allows us
to identify the main trends and features that influenced the development of educational and scientific institutions.
The article considers changes in the tasks and functions of universities, their role in socio-economic and cultural
processes, as well as their impact on social development. Special attention is paid to the interaction of universities
with state structures, as well as reforms aimed at modernizing educational programs and methods. The analysis of
various approaches to the organization of university education allows us to identify the key models that have
become the basis for the formation of modern universities.
National universities became centers not only of academic thought, but also of political and social
activity, playing an important role in the formation of national identities. During this period, they began to be
actively involved in the processes of industrialization and modernization, as well as in educational reforms
focused on training specialists for various sectors of the economy.
A notable feature of the era is the gradual transformation of university programs aimed at combining
theoretical and practical knowledge. In most universities there was an expansion of scientific disciplines,
which contributed to the strengthening of interdisciplinary research. It is also worth noting that in some
cases, despite modernization efforts, universities faced resistance from conservative circles of society and
government. This is due to fears of the loss of traditional values, as well as the desire to retain control over
educational processes and scientific activities.
The study of the paradigms of university development in the second half of the 19th – early
20th centuries allows us to understand how new educational structures were created under the conditions of
socio-economic and political changes, as well as how universities contributed to the formation of modern
scientific and educational environment.
16. Sadokat M. Matkarimova, Sanzhar S. Davletov, Kudrat Y. Masharipov, Temur P. Abdullaev
Representations of the Turkestan Region as the outskirts of the Russian Empire in the Discourse of Regional Periodicals in the late XIX – early XX centuries
Abstract: The article reveals the content of representations of Turkestan as the outskirts of the Russian Empire
in the discourse of regional periodicals in the late 19th - early 20th centuries. It is noted that the choice of the
late nineteenth - twentieth centuries as the chronological boundaries of the study is explained by important
shifts in the socio-political reception of the acquired territories in Central Asia and changes in the sociopolitical
context of the implementation of Russian colonial policy in the Turkestan region in connection with
the social upheavals that occurred in Russia at the turn of the century. In the course of the study, the “sites”
of representation of Russian society's ideas about the status of Turkestan as a territory incorporated into the
general imperial field were identified, and the program of the official publications of the region – “Turkestan
Vedomosti”, “Turkestan Diocesan Vedomosti” as a newspaper and journal, which actively defended and
broadcast imperial principles of organization of socio-political and cultural space of the Turkestan region,
was presented. It is established that despite the “departmental” difference and relative dissimilarity of the
tasks solved in secular and church publications, in the discussion of the development of the Turkestan region
as a “Russian cause”, the main newspaper (Turkestan Vedomosti) and the journal (Turkestan Diocesan
Vedomosti), demonstrated the commonality of positions, which was expressed in the universality of the
subject lines of publications. The publications were equally close to the topical issues of the resettlement
movement, political engagement of the population under the influence of revolutionary and foreign policy
processes of the early twentieth century, organization and promotion of education, construction of railroad
lines. At the same time, the determining factor was the communicative consent of the regional press in the
ideas about the special status in the Turkestan region of the imperial bureaucracy, positioned in numerous
publications as a decisive argument for the transformation of the region into the Russian Empire.
Abstract: This work is dedicated to the 175th anniversary of the birth of the German zoologist (helminthologist and
parasitologist) Maximilian Brown. The materials of our research are some of Brown's writings, as well as selected
biographical works about his personality. The methodological basis of the work consists of the historiographical
method (or the method of content analysis), the biographical method and the synthesis method.
Professor Maximilian Brown became famous for studying parasites living inside the body of mammals,
including humans. He established the path of infection of some species of them in animals and humans, including
through his own experience, personally consuming contaminated food. He studied various types of helminths.
Distinguished by a very broad outlook, he also studied reptiles, crustaceans, higher animals, etc.,
as well as anthropogenic effects on fauna and living conditions of living organisms.
Maximilian Brown was the author of textbooks on helminthology and parasitology for medical staff
and students. The scientist published his works in German, but a significant part of them (mainly textbooks
on parasitology) was translated into English, Russian and French. He was actively engaged in teaching.
Abstract: The article examines the role of Iosif Osmolovsky in the context of Russian military campaigns against
the Khanate of Kokand between 1852 and 1862. Although Osmolovsky is a lesser-known figure in the history
of the Russian Empire, he played a key role in gathering intelligence on the political, military, and
geographical situation in the Central Asian khanates. His efforts, in collaboration with Kazakh informants,
were instrumental in shaping Russia's strategic approach during military expeditions. The paper explores
how Osmolovsky utilized local knowledge, which allowed the Russian military to overcome logistical
challenges and navigate the vast, harsh landscapes of Central Asia. By focusing on Osmolovsky’s role in
organizing and analyzing intelligence, the research highlights the significance of local collaboration in
ensuring the success of Russian campaigns, especially in light of the challenges presented by the Kokand
Khanate’s internal conflicts and its military defenses. The findings reveal that Osmolovsky’s work in
intelligence gathering was crucial for refining Russian military strategies, optimizing troop movements, and
enhancing the overall efficiency of the expeditions. The study demonstrates how the use of local informants
became an essential tool for the Russian Empire in expanding its influence in Central Asia.
The Museum of the History of the American Knights Templar at Cherkas Global University: Its Collections Dating to between the second half of the 19th and the early 20th centuries
Abstract: This work details the collections of the Museum of the History of the American Knights Templar
dating to between the second half of the 19th and the early 20th centuries.
The materials for the study included several emerging collections at Cherkas Global University’s
Museum of the History of the American Knights Templar. Currently, the museum features four major
collections – the sword collection, the uniform collection, the badge collection, and the photo collection.
The study’s findings revealed that as at December 31, 2024, the four collections at Cherkas Global
University’s Museum of the History of the American Knights Templar contained a combined 215 artifacts.
The largest number of artifacts are in the uniform collection (80 items), followed by the badge collection
(68), the sword collection (55), and, lastly, the photo collection (12). Most items in the museum collections
date to between the second half of the 19th and the early 20th centuries, although there are also some that
date to an earlier time. Some of the museum’s items, like, for instance, those in the uniform collection, have
already been exhibited. Overall, Cherkas Global University organized seven different exhibits in 2024.
The museum’s 8th exhibit was launched on January 13, 2025.
Abstract: The article presents the changes in the state's exploitation of wine regalia, which were made during the
reign of Catherine II. The main sources for the research were legislative acts of state power regulating the
receipts from drinking; some of them are being introduced into scientific circulation for the first time. It is
shown that the state interest in obtaining "fast" money stimulated drinking transformations. The treasury
began to rent out a well-known area to private individuals and determine the number of places where drinks
are sold, the order of vacation, the amount of the purchase amount to be paid to the treasury. The treasury
carried out the harvesting of wine independently at state-owned and private factories. Under Catherine II,
distilling became a noble monopoly. The nobles produced wine both for the treasury and for their own needs.
The amount of wine produced "for oneself" was determined by rank. The exclusive right to smoke wine
brought super profits to the nobility. The author draws attention to the fact that drinking legislation was
improved throughout Catherine's reign. The first wine charter was issued, which brought the wine regalia
into strict order. The drinking collection grew. But the government was concerned about the drinking, which
could not be eliminated, despite the brutal persecution of those who carried out the secret production and
sale of drinks. By the end of the reign of Catherine II, the tax system had become stronger. The farmers
received the right to purchase wine independently. It is concluded that the drinking collection was a typical
product of the Catherine era; such features as the proactive role of the state in the transformative process,
stimulation of budget revenues in conditions of limited internal resources, and support for the nobility are
visible in its organization.
Abstract: This article is devoted to the history of science and vocabulary in Russia in the 19th and early
20th centuries. The maturity of any science is determined, along with the availability of scientific and
educational literature within its framework, by the existence of a terminological dictionary. Modern
archaeology, which has become recognized not as the science of ancient things, but as the science of man,
is not sufficiently provided with truly scientific dictionaries even in the conditions of the current vocabulary
boom. Therefore, consideration of the experience of compiling a special dictionary, an experience that has
been undeservedly forgotten, seems relevant. The sources for this work were both rarely used publications
and archival materials, which determines the novelty of this study. During the vocabulary work, Russian
archaeologists solved the question of the essence of their science as a comprehensive description of the way
of life of the ancient peoples who inhabited the Russian Empire. The authors of the dictionary showed high
not only archaeological, but also linguistic competence. Dictionary entries contain information about the
etymology of terms, quotations from historical sources and the latest scientific literature for that time, often
in the original language. Russian archaeologists are turning to new quantitative methods and creating real
scientific research in their dictionary entries. They use an original tabulation technique when forming a
dictionary, which reflects their understanding of the non-discreteness of archaeological categories, which the
theory of archaeology will only come to these days. Work on the dictionary continued in the early postrevolutionary
years, but it was never completed. Nowadays, Russian archaeologists are returning to
compiling special dictionaries after almost a century of interruption, and taking into account the experience
of archaeologists of the past may be useful in their terminological activities
22. Serikbay D. Mamraimov, Aigul M. Zharken, Sabira N. Apasheva, Bakyt S. Tokmurzayev
Reception of the Resettlement Business in the Turkestan Region in the Assessments of Imperial Experts of the second half of the ХIХth – early ХХth centuries
Abstract: In the article, on the materials of resettlement officials' records and scientific-publicistic works of the
second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries, the perceptions of imperial experts about the organization of
resettlement in Turkestan Krai in the dynamics of agrarian and colonization activities in the region are
revealed. In the course of the study it is established that expert assessments of the range of problems
accompanying peasant resettlements to Turkestan were of critical and prescriptive nature, and the opinions
expressed by imperial experts on the circumstances of formation and content of resettlement policy, as well
as resettlement practices in different chronological periods of colonization of the Turkestan region, were
demanded by the authorities and, with some adjustments, were implemented. The main problem spheres of
the resettlement business, the reception of which is made in the texts of imperial experts, have been revealed.
Firstly, according to the experts' opinion, the resettlement business initially had an element of managerial
disorganization, which was expressed in the prerogative given to the higher provincial administration to
make independent decisions in the process of settling and settling settlers. Secondly, according to the
conclusions of experts, the governor-general corps of the region was mobilized mainly from the
administrators who had experience of administration in the western periphery of the Russian Empire. In the
conditions of the eastern periphery, regional administrators sought to protect and promote the interests of
the “Russian cause” often without taking into account local ethno-confessional specifics, which a priori
created situations of conflict and confrontation. Thirdly, imperial experts believed that the geographical
remoteness of Turkestan from the center of the empire, the specificity of natural and climatic conditions,
significantly limited the potential of agrarian colonization, which was reflected in the low quality of
resettlement material, mostly selected during the development of Western Siberia and the Steppe region.
According to experts, resettlement in the Turkestan region acquired a dynamic format only in the early
twentieth century, which was due to the escalation of the agrarian and agricultural crisis in the European
part of Russia and the subsequent reforms in the agrarian sphere. Imperial experts saw the way out of the
crisis situation, which united Turkestan and Russia in a common colonization field, not in measures aimed at
restricting or completely banning resettlement in the Turkestan region, but in the gradual sectoral
reorientation from grain farming to cotton growing, which significantly expanded the scope of the
colonization fund and contributed to the rational organization of the resettlement business.
Abstract: The article examines the educational function of customary law on the example of Siberian foreigners.
Education is considered in a broad and narrow sense. In a broad sense, education is aimed at the formation
of traditional values and the worldview of the whole society. In a narrow sense, the educational function is
understood as the upbringing of children and the care of orphans. The study was conducted on the basis of
archival materials of the XIX century on the territory of the Yenisei province. The materials of the ancestral
organs and official data were used.
The formation of moral ideals and moral values was of great importance for understanding and
accepting collective interests. Survival in harsh conditions was possible with the unity of society and the
presence of collective efforts. The decisions of the tribal organs were conciliatory in nature, to exclude blood
feuds and enmity. Customary law was aimed at the formation of collectivism, since the survival of an
individual outside the collective was impossible. The educational function covered all members of society and
was aimed at forming unity, which made it possible to survive. The specific conditions of farming have
caused high self-regulation of society.
Taking care of the children was a priority, as the family was interested in increasing its size. There
were no institutions for orphans, the children lived in families. Customs regulated the issues of custody of
orphans and their property, while the ancestral organs retained control functions. The children were treated
as household helpers and put their work into the general household of the guardian. Customary law was
aimed at education, which was the main function.
Abstract: The article highlights some aspects of the history of the Imperial Novorossiysk University from the
year of its foundation to 1917. The research was tamed for the 160th anniversary of the university.
The materials of our work were historical works on the history of the university, and the methods used were
the method of content analysis, the method of classification and synthesis.
Founded during the bourgeois reforms of Alexander II, the Imperial Novorossiysk University has been
a model of the quality of education and science throughout its history.
The initiator of the creation was the founder of the Russian military surgery, Professor N.I. Pirogov
and the Governor-General of Novorossiya A.G. Stroganov. The university was established on the basis of the
Lyceum named after Armand-Emmanuel de Richelieu in 1865. The organizational and legal basis of the
university was the General Charter of the Imperial Universities of 1863.
Initially, the university had three faculties: history and Philology, Physics and Mathematics, and Law.
In 1900, the medical faculty was opened. The Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, which included
12 departments, should be considered the most advanced. Since its foundation, the staffing table has also
provided for the organization of three museums. Ivan Dmitrievich Sokolov became the first rector.
A very high-quality educational base, as well as a good geographical location, predetermined the
worthy teaching staff of the Imperial Novorossiysk University and the popularity of the university among
world-renowned scientists such as I.I. Mechnikov, I.M. Sechenov, V.P. Filatov, etc. In 1920, the university
was closed.
Abstract: It is known that the driving force of any development is various innovations and innovations. During
the period under study in Russia (a small number of years have passed since the reform of 1861), there is an
awareness of the need to pay attention to the development of agriculture, especially issues related to
overcoming the crisis in which it was. A certain modernization of Russian agriculture was required, which
could partly be facilitated by numerous innovations. The study attempts to determine which innovations
could contribute to overcoming the agrarian crisis, as well as to identify the possibility of their
implementation in the studied period of time in the agriculture of the Russian Empire. Examples of
innovations from different branches of agriculture are selected in the work: forestry, beekeeping,
horticulture, cattle breeding, as well as examples of innovations (inventions used in practice) in the field of
agricultural machinery and implements are given. Innovations are understood as innovations proposed for
the first time for use (approbation), and implemented everywhere (including mandatory ones). As the results
showed, many innovations in Russian agriculture have a local nature of implementation: only in certain
farms, for example, in the farm of the inventor himself (used only by the developer/inventor himself and
some people who have information about such an invention (including through publications in a newspaper)
or decide to test it). The identification of innovations that appeared in Russian agriculture in 1867 took place
on the basis of a study of published official documents and journalistic materials of that time period.
Abstract: The article analyzes the historical events that led to the formation in May 1881 of the lands of the Akhal-
Teke oasis and the Transcaspian military department of the Caucasian Military District of the Russian Empire, the
Transcaspian region with its center in the city of Askhabad, where administrative, governmental and commercialindustrial
institutions of Transcaspia later concentrated. The author argues that the formation of the Transcaspian
region has created institutional prerequisites for accelerating the processes of uniting numerous Turkmen clans
and tribes into a single ethnic group on the basis of developed Russian institutions of state power, the judicial and
legal system, and the adaptation of this system to local traditions and customs. The interaction of traditional
institutions of the local population with Russian state institutions, the rapidly changing socio-economic situation,
the change in the economic and lifestyle, the link to market relations, led not only to the transformation of the
usual way of life, but also to a change in the traditional legal consciousness of the Turkmen. Under the rule of the
Transcaspian administration, industry developed, cities began to be built, educational and medical institutions
aimed at European standards appeared; the foundation of the future national, and taking into account the
localization of religious norms, secular Turkmen statehood, which was further developed in Soviet and post-Soviet
times, was laid. The provisions and conclusions formulated in the article on the example of the historical past of
the Transcaspian region, which currently geographically forms a large part of modern Neutral Turkmenistan, to a
certain extent expand the understanding of the process of formation and development of Russian-Turkmen
relations, influence promising areas of cooperation for Russia and Turkmenistan, and specify the functions of
state bodies in strengthening these relations.
Abstract: This work examines the activity of Bethany Commandery No. 28, an organization within the Masonic
order of Knights Templar, over the first 50 years of its existence – from 1868 to 1918. The paper gives
consideration to the composition and size of the commandery’s membership.
The materials for the study included the reports of 50 annual conclaves of the Grand Commandery of
Knights Templar of the state of Illinois from the library of the George Washington Masonic National
Memorial (Washington DC, USA).
The study’s findings revealed that in the period from 1868 to 1918 Bethany Commandery No. 28 had a
total of 274 members go through it, with 52 of those passing away while a member of the commandery.
By 1918, membership in Bethany Commandery No. 28 reached an all-time high of 106. In the first 50 years of
its existence, membership in the commandery included 10 Civil War and four World War I participants.
In terms of profession, its membership included intellectuals (physicians and engineers) and farmers.
The average length of service with Bethany Commandery No. 28 was approximately 11.8 years. In the first
50 years of its existence, Bethany Commandery No. 28 had 21 different commanders, with some of those
holding the post for several years.
The Emergence and Development of New Religious Movements in Kazakhstan in the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries (based on materials from the Turgay and Ural Regions)
Abstract: This article examines history of emergence and development of new religious movements in Ural and
Turgay regions in late 19th – early 20th centuries. New religious groups and communities formed in these
regions went through several stages, influenced by policies of Orenburg administration, activities of
Orthodox Church, and changes in imperial legislation.
Study was conducted primarily on archival documents and personal sources. Archival materials
include correspondence between local and central authorities, reports on new religious groups, their
composition, and statistical records. Personal sources consist of memoirs from leaders and preachers of
Baptist communities. Particular attention was given to analyzing collected data, as well as time and place of
formation of new religious groups, their activities, leaders, preachers, influence on local population, and
relationships with authorities and Orthodox Church.
Studied topic is divided into specific issues: emergence of new religious movements, formation of
groups and communities, attitude of local authorities and Orthodox Church, changes in legislation, departure
of representatives of other religions from Orthodoxy, development of new religious groups, and their
activities. Detailed conclusions were drawn for each aspect, allowing deeper understanding of spread of new
religious movements in studied regions. This analysis provides a more comprehensive view of religious
changes in the area.
Abstract: The article examines the development of forestry of large landowners of the Tambov province in the
late XIX – early XX century. It is shown that the forestry of landlords' economies was in the process of
formation and the search for its own ways of development. On the one hand, the high provision of private
estates with forest plantations formed the consumer attitude of landlords to available land and stimulated
mass felling of trees, on the other hand, it was the large owners who became pioneers in the field of
rationalization of pre-revolutionary forestry. Large farmers were not only monopolistic forest owners,
but also the largest timber producers specializing in forest entrepreneurship. It has been established that
forests have become only a source of quick income for a significant part of landowners. Legislative measures
were supposed to streamline the felling of tree cottages, but in practice this did not happen. Some of the
owners brazenly sabotaged the logging plans and continued the predatory destruction of plantations in the
same volumes. More cautious landowners learned to circumvent the prohibitions by selling part of their
estates, as a result of which all fixed logging plans ceased to operate. It is recorded that predatory destruction
of forests was typical for all types of estates in the Tambov province. At the same time, there has been an
increase in the rationalization of landowner forestry, which included cutting down dead wood, reforestation,
and choosing the right planting material. It was determined that the factor of rationalization of forest
management of Tambov estates was the creation of an adjacent greenhouse, greenhouse and garden fund.
It is noted that at the end of the XIX – beginning of the XX century, elements of rational forestry began to
penetrate into the economic nature management of Russian landowners. The owners actively introduced the
correct cutting speeds, experimented with artificial afforestation. And although innovations penetrated only
into large and productive complexes, the environmental effects of these measures significantly increased the
economic efficiency of private estates and made forestry part of the owners' long-term profitable strategy.
Abstract: A general analysis of the pre-Soviet (imperial) historiography on the issue of vocational education
development in Kherson gubernia through the prism of historical and pedagogical science is provided in the
research paper. Special attention is paid to highly specialized works with serious information potential for
studying the history of various educational institutions in the region under study.
Summarizing the literature review, several main groups can be distinguished in the entire body of
literature (the division is general and does not claim to be universal): works of local nature, where the author
focuses on a specific educational institution or narrowly limited geography (for example, educational
institutions of a particular city); works of all-Russian nature, where the primary attention of the author is
focused either on the general state of vocational education or on a particular field of vocational education –
maritime, agricultural, crafts, or railroad; works of pedagogical direction designed to improve the content
characteristics of vocational education and training; studies in the sphere of pedagogy conducted to improve
the substantive characteristics of the educational process.
It should be noted that specific issues are reflected in pre-revolutionary historiography but no
generalizing studies are conducted. Most works that uncover the history of local educational institutions are
of a factual nature and represent more of a worthwhile source than a historiographic achievement.
All-Russia studies are limited to the difficulties in training workers, mainly for the industrial central
regions of the Russian Empire. Kherson gubernia is rarely mentioned in all these works (except a few
regional studies), although the vocational educational institutions of the region had already accumulated a
certain amount of experience by that time.
That is why an objective and comprehensive scientific study of the issue is required, the basis of which
should be made up of both the developments of pre-Soviet historiography and the latest scientific research
results in modern historical and pedagogical sciences, archival materials, modern methodological
developments in the field of vocational education and other materials.
“The Sublime Porte was not Guided by any Specific Rules or Laws of Civilized War”: F.F. Martens on the Russian-Turkish War of 1877–1878 and Humanitarian Law
Abstract: The article reveals the views of the famous Russian legal scholar and diplomat F.F. Martens on the war
between Russia and Turkey in 1877–1878 and the observance by the belligerents of humanitarian law.
Martens outlined his position primarily in the fundamental work «The Eastern War and the Brussels
Conference. 1874–1878». In this work, he sought to analyze the political and legal aspects of the Russian-
Turkish war of 1877–1878, as well as to substantiate the importance of observing the norms of humanitarian
law. In addition, Martens sought to refute accusations against Russia of violating the laws and customs of
war, which were codified at the Brussels Conference convened on her initiative in 1874.
Martens devoted a significant place in his work to the consideration of the nature of war.
He considered conflicts between individuals and nations inevitable, but their forms and consequences should
gradually change under the influence of social progress. Martens considered international law to be an
effective means of resolving and preventing interstate clashes. In assessing the compliance of the belligerents
with the laws and customs of war, Martens took the position of a harsh and categorical critic of Turkey, which
constantly and purposefully violated the norms of humanitarian law, despite its participation in the Brussels
Conference of 1874. The scientist explained this by the general low level of right-wing culture of both
ordinary Turks and the Turkish elite. In turn, the Russian army and its government strictly followed the
norms of humanitarian law during the war with Turkey, despite the actual refusal to comply with them on the
part of the enemy.
32. Ruslan M. Zhitin, Alexey G. Topilsky, Maxim А. Oblitsov
Features of the Development and Productive Indicators of Animal Husbandry of Large Landed Estates of the Tambov Province in the late XIX – early XX centuries
Abstract: The article examines the development of animal husbandry on the territory of large landlords of
Tambov province in the late XIX – early XX century. In addition to the obvious economic changes associated
with the growth of livestock and an increase in the productivity of owner-owned livestock, the rationalization
of this industry contributed to the general rise of rural production, increased its stability during the years of
the global agrarian crisis. Specific aspects of the development of large livestock estates in pre-revolutionary
Russia have not yet been the subject of study, however, consideration of this topic allows us to supplement
the historiographical characteristics of latifundial economies, to more fully analyze the problem of
rationalization of private estates in the late XIX – early XX centuries. The first attempts at a comprehensive
study of the parameters of animal husbandry of large estates date back to the second half of the XIX century.
At the same time, a significant amount of source data, general statistical notes on animal husbandry of a
number of estates were contained in zemstvo collections, which have not lost their significance so far. Many
Tambov owners started extensive pedigreed herds of Russian and foreign cattle. By 1914, there were
119 sheep and 169 pig breeding farms in Russia, 483 estates bred productive cattle, 293 specialized in the
production and sale of valuable horses. Thus, in the post-reform period, Tambov landlords significantly
increased the qualitative and quantitative indicators of the development of the livestock industry in the
region. Sheep breeding, pig breeding, horse breeding, and cattle breeding developed significantly. At the
same time, landowners have made improvements in the field of their breeding, maintenance and feeding.
Industrial processing of livestock products became a separate direction, which was most fully expressed in
the creation of separate milk processing. The increased indicators of cattle breeding increased the overall
progress of the owners' agriculture, contributed to the growth of their income from the sale of meat and dairy
products and live cattle.
33. Gani M. Karasayev, Altyn S. Ualtayeva, Konstantin V. Cherepanov, Aida S. Margulan
Socio-Economic Development of Akmola Region based on materials from Russian Official Sources at the end of the 19th century (1881–1900) (Historical-Political Aspect)
Abstract: The article examines the socio-economic transformations in the Akmola region in terms of the
colonization penetration of the Russian Empire into the steppes of Kazakhstan of the last quarter of the
19th century. Based on official sources of information (Reviews of the Akmola region and other similar
sources of information), the types and methods of implementing the colonization and modernizing
intentions of the tsarist administration are investigated and analyzed, the degree of their success and
fundamentality is assessed. Valuable information deposited in the reviews of the Akmola region makes it
possible to study the development of the city of Akmola and the adjacent territory in different aspects and the
attitude of the authorities both to the development of the region and to the needs of its residents. At the same
time, without a certain management experience developed over the long existence of the empire and its
colonization practices, it would not have been possible to carry out further major socio-economic
transformations in Kazakhstan in the first decades of the 20th century.
34. Gregory Popov, Stanislav Davydov, Andrew Kukareka, Elena Babaeva
The Far Eastern Vector of the Grand Strategy of the General Staff of the Russian Army in the late 19th and Early 20th centuries and the Failures of the Russian Empire in the First World War
Abstract: This article is devoted to a poor studied subject of an influence of resource allocation in the Russian
Empire on its military potential before the First World War on an example of the Russian Far East. Authors
consider three aspects: the distribution of artillery, railway equipment and the financing of defense
programs. In addition, the authors turn to the military-political factors that influenced the decisions on
military modernization of the Far East and a choice of methods and ways to implement this. Authors prove
that Military Ministry was not confident in Japan's readiness to fellow the 1905 Portsmouth Peace Treaty,
this provoked the Russian Empire to build up ground forces in the Far East and Transbaikalia, as well as to
modernize the Vladivostok fortress. Authors also note that the Russian high military command considered an
alliance between Japan and China against Russia as possible. Authors provide statistical data on the
construction of railways in the Far East in the early XX century and an equipping of the Chinese military
railway with steam locomotives and wagons, they prove that this road took a lot of resources from the
railways of the European part of Russia at the beginning of the First World War. Russia has also made many
budget investments in railway construction in the Far East, which financially exceeded the cost of programs
to modernize the Armed Forces of the Russian Empire. Authors conclude that the military modernization of
the Far East had a negative impact on Russia's preparations for the First World War.
Abstract: The article analyzes a public proposal from 1886 on the organization of electricity supply to
consumers: state, public and other institutions, as well as private individuals. The electricity supply
organization and the applicant would enter into legal relations on energy supply on the basis of joining the
proposal in question. The considerable attention is devoted to the legal qualification of electricity as the
subject of the concluded agreement and the agreement itself, which was stipulating the supply of electricity,
as well as to the analysis of the rights and obligations assumed by the parties to the energy supply agreement.
The article emphasizes the lack of separation of the electricity supply activities and their performance by the
same organization. In this regard, the article identifies the rights and obligations that were granted to
electricity supply organizations for the technological arrangement of power grid equipment and generation
facilities. The main sources for the present study are legal acts that regulated electricity supply relations in
pre-revolutionary Russia, domestic legal doctrine of that period, judicial practice of the late 19th century and
early 20th century, as well as archival documents illustrating the procedure for organizing electricity supply.
The authors note the integrity of terms for the power supply formulated by the electricity supply organization
with the lack of a sufficient legislative framework at that time.
Abstract: This article tested the historical facts about the conducting general and personnel records
management in government bodies in Eastern Siberia (the part of the Russian Empire). The personnel
documents of 1887–1917 reviewed in the article indicate the use of letterheads printed in local typographs
and handwritten in the Irkutsk and Yenisei provincial boards, Irkutsk and Yenisei state chambers, Yakutsk
and Zabaikalsky regional boards, district and county institutions. At the same time, the establishment of
unification and the use of generally accepted standards in the preparation of documents is indicated by the
mandatory availability and registration of banking details. Some feature of the pre-revolutionary practice in
the personnel records management of local government institutions in Siberia was the lack of mention of the
initials of the drafters and/or authors of documents, probably due to the prominence of higher ranks or the
insignificance of the role of lower officials. In personnel documents, the printed text was often combined with
the handwritten one, which indicates the limited availability of printing machines, as well as registration
numbers, notes and corrections were made manually. There were documents written in free form and
illegible, but based on samples. Often, the used paper was reused to decorate the case covers, reflecting
savings. The quality of the paper was often poor, which worsened the preservation of documents. Stamp
stamps were affixed to the petitions of officials to higher authorities, sometimes stamp paper was used. In the
Yakutsk region, some documents could be sent without stamp duty, which differed from the practice of the
Irkutsk and Yenisei provinces. Documents sent to the capital or other regions via Irkutsk could have
deadlines of up to a year. The loss of documents was considered a serious crime punishable by court.
The institutions kept formal lists of employees, submitting them every five years to the provincial
governments. Lists of officials for promotion and awards were prepared annually, and sent to the Chapter of
Orders and the Department of Heraldry for publication in online calendars.
Abstract: The appeal to the topic of the legal status of the mentally ill at the turn of the XIX–XX centuries in the
Russian Empire is determined by several important factors. First of all, through the fixation of mental illness,
the establishment of which had ambiguous approaches in domestic psychiatry, acting as conditions for
possible manipulations, and in the procedure of examination, and in actions with the mentally ill. And also
through the institution of care for the person and property of the mentally ill, which created irreconcilable
disputes between close relatives over inherited property, often leading to the loss of the property itself and
the death of the mentally ill.
Documentary sources of legislative acts and testimonies of direct participants of the treatment process
allow us to consider the most outstanding examples of psychiatric science's advance over the regulation of
the procedure of recognizing a person as insane or insane, revealing its ambiguity and instability. And at the
same time to highlight the most common features of the organization of the procedure, when the decision of
the medical commission is absorbed by the administrative function.
The management of the property of a mentally ill person, in the regulation of civil legislation at the
turn of the XIX–XX centuries, touches upon such important aspects as: the need to preserve it from unlawful
encroachments by third parties; the urgency of actions of heirs to challenge the guardianship powers related
to the management of the property of a mentally ill person. In a nuanced historical-legal vision, examples of
case law reflect the most vivid moments illustrating the details of emerging family disputes.
The study of documentary sources makes it possible to understand the distinctive features inherent in
transactions made by mentally ill persons or with their property, and the materials of court practice in
historical retrospect – to reveal the content component of their legal perception.
Abstract: The study of migration as a historical phenomenon contributes to the preservation of historical
continuity and the use of accumulated experience to ensure State security. The aim of the study is to
determine the attitude of state authorities to migration in the Russian Empire in the late XIX – early
XX centuries, which at that time was called resettlement, using the example of the Yenisei province.
The research is based on archival materials, historical documents and published statistical data.
The methodological basis includes the theory of agrarian colonization (D.N. Belyanin), it takes into account
the identified causes of the migration movement of peasants of European Russia to Siberia. Chronological
stages of migration policy in relation to the Yenisei province were identified by the problem-chronological
method: administrative up to 1889; legislative up to 1892; regional up to 1917. Migration flows in the Yenisei
province, their interrelation with socio-political and economic-industrial factors, as well as the role of local
authorities in the resettlement process were considered within the framework of a historical and systematic
approach. The reasons for the administrative and organizational lack of collection and analysis of
information about immigrants until the mid-1890s were the following factors. The first is the relatively small
number of immigrants to the Yenisei province and the vast expanses of land suitable for economic activity.
The second is the lack of relevant regulatory requirements before 1893. Only at the beginning of XX century
the governors began to indicate in their annual All-submitted reports generalized data on the population.
Even unauthorized migrants were provided with land plots and received support from local authorities.
The province was interested in increasing the peasant population, which, as a result, was supposed to
contribute to the economic development of the region. However, the increasing flow of migrants provoked a
number of difficulties. However, the increasing flow of migrants provoked a number of difficulties:
the uneven distribution of peasants, which was accompanied by oppression in the most fertile districts and
the abandonment of traditional land use for old-timers. The emergence of settlements that are remote from
logistics routes actualizes the issues of providing schools, hospitals, shops and churches. The adoption of
various measures by the local authorities was aimed at reducing return migration and helping to acquire a
strong household.
Abstract: The presented research is devoted to the study of strategic guidelines for economic modernization of
Russia in the late 19th century in the context of choosing the directions of reforms and internal contradictions
in their implementation. The methodology of the work is built by combining elements of synchronous,
diachronic and structural analysis. The source base of the work includes a set of personal sources and
previously unpublished office materials of the central institutions of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian
Empire in the field of trade and industry. The author comes to the conclusion that at the end of the
19th century, the strategy of economic modernization of Russia was built in accordance with the goal of
forming a system for regulating the economic activities of commercial structures based on the principle of
expanded public-private partnership. The authorities, on the one hand, formed the institutional environment
and infrastructural foundations for the development of private business initiatives, and on the other hand,
took direct part in the implementation of flagship projects, including in the order of attracting foreign
investment. The main results of the implementation of the strategic guidelines for the modernization of the
economy include the formation of a system of national commercial banks, expanded access of manufacturers
to long-term loans, partial optimization of the tax system, stabilization of the national currency by
introducing the gold ruble, the creation of a tariff system to protect producers from foreign competitors,
the formation of favorable conditions for the creation of monopolistic structures and the beginning of capital
exports to neighboring states. All this contributed to the implementation of plans for the accelerated
industrialization of the Russian economy. However, the internal contradictions of the reform strategy
contributed to an increase in the scale of stock exchange speculation (including Gründer projects),
a significant increase in the volume of Russia's external debt, a significant increase in consumer prices for
industrial products, the displacement of small and medium-sized companies from the market by large
businesses, which created new obstacles to the completion of Russia's economic modernization.
Abstract: Today, the relationship between epistemology and history is an important problem in various aspects,
both as an enrichment of research practice and as a pedagogical resource. The individual scientific
experience of historians is a unique historiographical information. The methodological synthesis of the
researcher makes it possible to cognize the subjective reality contained in the sources and reveals the nature
of historical consciousness.
In the context of the history of historical knowledge, V.V. Barthold's scientific legacy is presented as an
example of a scientific strategy based on a strict logical analysis and verification of data from a complex of
historical sources. The purpose of the article is to analyze the research strategy of V.V. Barthold, one of the
founders of the school of Oriental Studies on the history of Central Asia. The research materials are the works
of V.V. Barthold. The result is to update the methodology of the subject of scientific knowledge V.V. Barthold
in the modern system of scientific knowledge as part of intellectual culture.
Abstract: The proposed study aims to reconstruct a little-studied fragment of the biography of the educator and
public figure, leader of the regionalist movement – Nikolai Mikhailovich Yadrintsev, associated with his trip
to the United States of America in 1893.
Based on published sources, as well as with the involvement of archival material found in the funds of
the National Library of Russia, an attempt is made to show what significance the visit to the American
continent had for the worldview and professional activities of the famous Siberian.
The work is based on the epistemological potential of the “new social history”, which is aimed at
understanding the past of individual social groups and significant personalities in history. The involvement
of the cognitive tactics of the “new social history” can really contribute to the reconstruction of little-studied
fragments in the extraordinary life of the Siberian educator.
The authors emphasize that the experience of development and methods of colonization policy on the
American continent captured and aroused genuine interest in Nikolai Mikhailovich Yadrintsev. This narrative was
typical for all representatives of the Siberian regionalists movement, whose leader was the educator.
The study established that impressions from what he saw with his own eyes in the USA should have
become a significant help in statistical studies of future expeditions to Altai. N.M. Yadrintsev was always
interested in the mechanism of improving the methodology of scientific and technical design of data on
colonization processes. American impressions, therefore, could have had a generally positive effect on the
educator's further study of the problems of the policy of developing the Russian Altai.
Abstract: The functioning of the primary school in Komi, where in the late XIX – early XX centuries the Zyryans
mainly lived, was closely interrelated not only with the cultural processes taking place in the region and in
the state, but also with socio-political, socio-economic changes. Primary school was of great importance in
the life of the Zyryans of the Yarensky and Ust-Sysolsky counties in the late XIX – early XX centuries.
Moving away from the archaic views of the Komi peasants, they were well aware of the need for their children
to receive primary education as the first educational step. At that time, education played an important role in
the development of the Komi Region, which contributed to the acquisition of primary educational skills in
writing, numeracy, reading, as well as raising the level of legal culture of the population, which in turn served
as the basis for further development of the region. In turn, the state, paying considerable attention and
taking special care of the development of education, including in Yarensky and Ust-Sysolsky counties.
Abstract: Russian religious philosopher, theologian, and jurist, known for his socio-political activities, especially
in the context of Russian emigration and philosophical thought, Sergei Nikolaevich Bulgakov, in the period
1901–1917. The authors note that the scientist left a significant contribution to the socio-political life of
Russia in the early 20th century, combining philosophical reflections. on issues of religion, culture and politics,
law and the state with active political and state activity. S.N. Russian Russian religious philosopher Bulgakov
was one of the representatives of Russian religious philosophy, his works are devoted to theology, metaphysics
and philosophy, he sought to comprehend and preserve the Russian spiritual tradition in the context of political
and social changes. S.N. Bulgakov considered the relationship between religious values and legal norms,
morality as the basis of law in the context of the interaction of religion and secular legislation.
In his socio-political activities, he focused on the social responsibility of the individual to society and
the state, and his ideas about human freedom and responsibility in the context of government became the
basis for further research in the field of philosophy of law. Advocating the ideas of social justice and
humanism, he criticized both capitalism and socialism, and sought ways to achieve harmony between the
spiritual and material aspects of life, which was reflected in his scientific works.
Thus, the study of S.N. Bulgakov's socio-political activities is a multifaceted field that covers the
philosophical, social and political aspects of his legacy, helps to better understand his complex and
multifaceted views on law and the state, as well as their impact on domestic political and legal thought.
Abstract: The article explores the potential of sources of personal origin in constructing the image of the Asian
periphery of the Russian Empire. The aim of this paper is to reveal the perceptions of church ministers about
the Turkestan region based on the ego-text of priest V. Ilarionov, who represents Turkestan in the system of
coordinates of the categories “own”/“foreign”, which are the basis for the reception of the region in the power
and socio-political discourse. The source base of the work is the diary of a priest published in 1906–1911 on
the pages of the journal ‘Turkestan Diocesan Vedomosti’. The personal diary as a source, mastered in the
article by the method of disourse analysis, widely used in modern source study, opens up prospects for a
more complete description of imperial projects of colonisation of the eastern suburbs, as well as dynamically
changing perceptions of the authorities and society about the administrative tasks in the Turkestan region
and the ways of their implementation. In the course of the research, we have revealed priest V. Ilarionov's
perceptions of the Turkestan region in the early twentieth century: markers used by the author of the diary to
identify and separate the ‘own’ from the ‘strangers’; signs of these categories in the reception of the Russian
Orthodox Church figure. The components of the image of Turkestan, in the representations of the priest's
diary, as well as the factors that influenced the construction of the image of the region in a long-time
perspective are determined. It has been established that V. Hilarionov's representations of Turkestan are
based on the image of Turkestan. Ilarionov's perception of the Turkestan region was based on the inertial
perception of the region in the rhetoric of the enlightenment-progressive ideology, which implied ‘reading
the other’ as an uncivilised subaltern with respect to which active cultural regression is possible. At the same
time, immersion in the problems of administrative, economic and socio-cultural everyday life in Turkestan
led to the reformatting of ideas about territorial organisation, population, and communicative practices
within the boundaries of the Russian Empire. The image of Turkestan created by the author went beyond the
categorical imperative of ‘own’ / ‘foreign’, acquired features of dynamism, transformed into a multilayered
and contradictory intellectual construct, which largely testifies to the ambiguity of the Orientalist approach in
assessing the eastern policy of the Russian Empire in the early twentieth century.
Abstract: The article presents materials about providing the tuberculosis medical assistance in the Yenisei
province in the 1910s. Through the activities of the Krasnoyarsk and Achinsk local departments of the All-
Russian League for the Fight against Tuberculosis, shown the contribution of the Siberian public to the
organization of medical and social assistance to tuberculosis patients, which manifested itself through the
disseminating of anti-tuberculosis literature, the organization of educational lectures, the organization of
outpatient clinics and summer colonies (sanatoriums), and collecting of statistical data about tuberculosis.
Some difficulties (personnel, organizational, financial) solved by the local departments of the All-Russian
League for the Fight against Tuberculosis in the Yenisei province during the First World War are traced.
Assessing the historical importance of medical and social care for tuberculosis patients in the Yenisei
province, the authors confirms the judgment available in the scientific literature that the local departments of
the All-Russian League for Tuberculosis Control managed to attract public attention to the study of
tuberculosis and a number of anti-tuberculosis measures. In the 1900s and 1914s, in general, it was possible
to provide primary health care, organize the work of some anti-tuberculosis institutions: outpatient clinics,
hospitals, sanatoriums, using funds collected with charity.
Abstract: The article is devoted to a relevant, socially significant and at the same time little-studied in historical
terms scientific problem – the regional aspect of charitable activities in the field of health care. The authors
reveal the information coverage, methods of holding a charitable event – White Flower Day (White
Chamomile) in the Yenisei province in the 1 necessary cause – the fight against tuberculosis. These issues are
of timeless importance. The implementation of the actions contributed not only to attracting the attention of
the population to the problem of tuberculosis. The White Flower Day program included educational antituberculosis
events and collecting donations for tuberculosis patients. The research materials show that
where a quick response to an emerging problem was required, charitable actions played a significant, and
sometimes key role. With the charitable funds collected during the "white flower" days, outpatient clinics and
summer health resorts for tuberculosis patients were opened and maintained in Yenisei province. At the
same time, the article notes that the implementation of charitable actions in favor of tuberculosis patients
encountered various difficulties and required answers to many questions, both of a purely local and general
nature. The development of this topic involves a wide range of various documents and materials of written
origin (office records, reference and statistical materials, periodicals), both little-known published and
archival, introduced into scientific circulation for the first time.
Abstract: This historiographical work is devoted to a brief analysis of modern research on the study of the
Eastern Front of the First World War. The materials were works on the study of this war,
the historiographical method, the classification method and the synthesis method were used as methods.
Having studied modern historiography on the problem of researching the First World War, we can
conclude that the vector of these studies has changed quite a lot.
The fighting and the balance of forces of the warring parties have been studied very fully before.
Currently, previously unexplored topics are being explored in more depth, in particular, issues of agitation
and military propaganda, the participation of non-combatants in the war, as well as the role and impact of
individual regions, territories, and cities on the results of the war; the phenomena of heroism and exploits of
individual personalities are also being deeply and pointfully explored.
Abstract: The article, based on the analysis of the materials of the 1917 All-Russian agricultural census,
characterizes the changes in the ethnic composition of migrant peasants and the specifics of the demographic,
economic and social adaptation of migrants of different nationalities in the Altai okrug. It has been established
that the demographic structure of migrant households was determined by differences in the cultural and family
traditions of migrants of different ethnic groups and the needs of economic adaptation in a new habitat.
The choice of land use form, specialization and scale of the agricultural production, the level of provision with
draft cattle and agricultural equipment, the social stratification of migrant households were largely determined
by national economic traditions and economic experience acquired in their previous place of residence.
In terms of literacy, which characterizes one of the aspects of socio-cultural adaptation, adult migrants of all
nationalities, except for the Mordvins, surpassed the old-timers, and children of migrants of those ethnic
groups that were characterized by a higher level of adult literacy had a higher level of school enrollment.