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Bylye Gody – Russian Historical Journal

E-ISSN 2310-0028
Publication frequency – issued 4 times a year.

Issued from 2006.

4 December 01, 2023


1. Bakyt B. Baishov, Gulfairus K. Zhapekova, Nurlygul S. Alikulova, Zhazira Zh. Orazayeva
Historical Geography of the Northeastern Caspian Region (Based on the Materials of the X-XIX centuries)

Bylye Gody. 2023. 18(4): 1586-1595.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2023.4.1586CrossRef

The Caspian Sea and its coast had a huge importance for many centuries, and occupied a key place in the Great Silk Road, which was one of the most important trade routes connecting East and West. The purpose of this work is to study the history of the north-eastern part of the Caspian Sea. Archaeological excavations in the settlements of Karakabak, Kyzylkal, Zhaiyk and other places in the Caspian territory show an important role in revealing the historical pages of this region. They provide valuable information about past cultures, lifestyles and the nature of the development of the population in this area. Analysis and use as main sources of cartographic materials, works of medieval historians, Arabic and European travelers, as well as Russian researchers of the New Time, allow you to understand the historical geography of the area. The authors strive to systematize sources and cartographic data, to provide historical trends that have existed on these territories in different historical periods. Particular attention is paid to the northeastern coast of the Caspian Sea, including the Jem River, as the natural northern boundary of the Aral-Caspian marine interval. The study of the history of the Caspian Sea and its coast helps to understand the versatility and significance of this region in world history and culture. It allows you to form a complete picture of past events and interactions that have shaped this unique historical context.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1701432657.pdf
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2. Ernar M. Uzhkenov, Galiya A. Shotanova, Malika T. Moryakova, Andrey A. Korablev
The Life and Activity of the Golden Horde Settlement on the Territory of Western Kazakhstan: Stages and Causes of Decline (on the Example of the Aktobe Settlement)

Bylye Gody. 2023. 18(4): 1596-1611.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2023.4.1596CrossRef

This article reveals one of the key problems of domestic and foreign medieval studies, namely the role and importance of small settled agricultural centers that developed in the Golden Horde period throughout the territory of the Ulus of Jochi, including in Western Kazakhstan. The purpose and objectives of the research are based on the analysis of written sources and reports of archaeological expeditions, to identify the genesis of settled centers in Western Kazakhstan and reveal their role and significance, reconstructing the life of medieval inhabitants as far as possible. The source base of the studied problem is mainly represented by material, written and phonic sources. The source base of the studied problem is mainly represented by material, written and phonic sources. The archaeological material is presented in the form of monuments of material culture discovered during excavations on the territory of the settlements of Saraychik, Aktobe, Zhaiyk. The discovered rich material, presented in the form of mass remnants of ceramic dishes, indicates their narrow specialization. A unique feature of the monuments of sedentary culture is the fact that these settlements practically did not fall into the field of view of travelers, and therefore, when studying the history of these sedentary centers, it is necessary to rely on a sufficiently rich cartographic material. Some elements of the history of these centers were reflected in the diaries of travelers, such as information about the Shed preserved in the notes of Ibn Battut. In addition, there are testimonies of Italian merchants and missionaries – the Pegolletti brothers, the monk Brother Paschal, etc. In the course of the study, the following methods were used: historical-system, historical-comparative and cartographic methods. In addition, the article analyzes the results of natural science research, where the object of analysis was the natural and climatic conditions and the transgressions of the Caspian Sea that affected them, which often led to catastrophic consequences of various cultures and states in this region. The appearance of oases of settled agricultural culture in a steppe, arid region is a phenomenon, the disclosure of the causes of which will help reconstruct the history of the medieval world. The foundation of the settled centers became possible not only due to objective factors in the form of climatic optimum, but also due to the traditional policy of the nomadic rulers of the patronage of the settled culture, which received the maximum scope precisely during the history of the Golden Horde. In the XIV century there were the most positive conditions for the emergence of centers of settled culture in the steppe zone. Thanks to a well-thought-out supply system and the establishment of monetary trade and in-kind exchange, the settled centers were able to establish their own life support system and create an appropriate infrastructure, which was largely brought from Transoxiana, although with features

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1701433005.pdf
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3. Olga A. Plotskaya, Nazikgul J. Osmonalieva, Evgeny N. Lotorev, Irina V. Shiryova
Usually-Legal Status of a Peasant Widow among the Zyryans and Votyaks in the XVIII–XIX centuries

Bylye Gody. 2023. 18(4): 1612-1620
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2023.4.1612CrossRef

In the XVIII–XIX centuries, a significant role in the regulation of social relations that arose among the Zyryans and Votyaks was played by customary law, based on customs verified over the centuries. It consolidated the established patterns of proper behavior in ethnic local societies. The norms of customary law among the studied peoples were widespread in the field of marriage and family relations, including the regulation of the institutions of marriage, family, the legal status of spouses in marriage, their children, widows, widowers, etc. Widows among the Zyryans and Votyaks in the period under review represented a special category of women in the peasant ethno-local society. Significant changes in their marital status occurred after the death of a spouse, due to the fact that a woman, losing the status of a married lady, passed into the state of a widow. Left without a husband, a woman could manage and dispose of a peasant economy, represent her yard at community gatherings, accept “help” organized by the community, enter into contractual relations, bequeath property to her children by drawing up a “spiritual will”, apply to community government bodies and higher state bodies with petitions. The existing customs of levirate and sororate made it possible not only to keep property within the family, but also to raise children in the family of blood relatives. In the field of inheritance relations, during the period under review, the widow retained a wide range of rights, especially if she had young children in her care. She retained the opportunity after the death of her husband to inherit almost all family property, in the event that their joint children had already separated from their parents. However, by implementing the principle of protecting family property from being transferred to other persons, the widow lost her rights in relation to the property of her deceased husband in the event of remarriage.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1701433525.pdf
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4. Vladimir T. Tepkeev, Narma A. Kamandzhaev
‘I Am not Actually Aware of the Great Cause of Yours. Yet, Had Your Letter Been Delivered to Me for Certain, Would Have Rejoiced Particularly’: Two 1713 Letters of Kalmyk Khan Ayuka to Russian Tsar Pyotr I Alekseevich

Bylye Gody. 2023. 18(4): 1621-1629.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2023.4.1621CrossRef

The article details a review of the written heritage of the Kalmyk khan Ayuki, which has survived to this day, and also publishes the text of the translation of his two new letters. Recently, historiography has seen an increasing interest in the personality of the Kalmyk khan Ayuki and his written heritage, to which a number of publications are devoted. The purpose of the work is to introduce into scientific circulation two new written testimonies of Khan Ayuki. The main source base for this work was the materials of the Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts, where unique documents concerning the correspondence of the Kalmyk Khan with the Russian Tsar Peter Alekseevich were deposited. The publication of this correspondence will make a serious contribution to the study of Russian-Kalmyk relations of the XVII–XVIII centuries. In the documents we find rather interesting information about the military-political situation in the southern and southeastern regions of the Russian state. The epistolary written heritage of the Kalmyk khan Ayuki is an invaluable historical source, which will allow modern researchers to fully study the era of the formation and formation of the Russian Empire at the beginning of the 18th century.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1701433574.pdf
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5. Galiya А. Shotanova, Ernar M. Uzhkenov, Zaure S. Tabynbaeva, Anar D. Аrеpova
The Last Nomads of Eurasia: the Loss of the Prestige of the Supreme Power and the Crisis of the Kazakh Statehood (on the Example of the Junior Horde)

Bylye Gody. 2023. 18(4): 1630-1642.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2023.4.1630CrossRef

The article discusses the main causes of the crisis of sovereignty of the Kazakhs of the Junior Zhuz, which subsequently led to the loss of independence, first in Western Kazakhstan, and later in other parts. The causes themselves of the crisis of the khan's power were sown deep within nomadic state, where, despite the right of primogeniture and the time-honored dynastic tradition, nevertheless, the strong positions of the steppe aristocracy remained, and not only among the representatives of the “white bone”, but also the nomadic nobility from among the “black bone”. To the external reasons for the elimination of statehood among the Kazakhs, internal reasons were added, expressed not only in the intensification of internecine struggle, but also the general economic decline of the entire Central Asian region, associated with the consequences of the Dzungarian invasion and the crisis of urban culture. In fact, the Kazakh state at the beginning of the 18th century was the last state of Eurasia, where the nomadic economy fully dominated over other forms of life. Although Kazakh society traditionally belongs to the types of economy that did not depend so much on trade with settled centers, nevertheless, the decline of urban culture in the south led to increased contacts with the Russian Empire in the west, north and east of the country, which in turn affected the strengthening of economic dependence on the Russian market. The elimination of the traditional khan status led to various difficulties in the further development of the conservative Kazakh society. The combined internal, external, economic and cultural reasons led to a decline in the prestige of the supreme power, and as a consequence, its abolition by the imperial administration. That is why the authors made an attempt to restore the picture of the external and internal situation in the Kazakh Steppe after the death of the last universal Kazakh khan and analyze the causes of the decline of the Kazakh state. Previously, there were numerous attempts by scientists to restore the realities of the political life of the Kazakh khanate, which from the 30s of the XVIII century began to feel new hardships of the situation that had developed by this period, however, these studies were mainly based on the previous, earlier established approaches and, as a rule, did not take into account the mentality, folklore sources and other previously unused approaches, which could not but affect the distortion of historical reality. Therefore, the authors in this article have tried to restore the general historical background of the collapse of the last nomadic state of the Eurasian steppes.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1701433635.pdf
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6. Goran Rajović, Sergei N. Bratanovskii
The System of Public Education on the Territory of Kharkiv Province in the XIX – early XX centuries. Part 1

Bylye Gody. 2023. 18(4): 1643-1651.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2023.4.1643CrossRef

The article considers the system of public education on the territory of Kharkiv province during the imperial period. This part of work examines the period from 1732 to 1880. The source base of the study is represented by the annual publications of the Kharkiv Provincial Statistical Committee: “Commemorative books of the Kharkiv province” and “Kharkiv calendars”, published in the period of 1862–1882. The authors conclude that in the period of 1732–1880 the system of public education on the territory of the Kharkiv province was actively developing. So, in 1732 there were 46 (primary) parochial schools in the region. Already in 1804–1805 years, the higher and secondary educational institutions for boys were opened in the provincial center (the city of Kharkov), and in 1812 the first secondary educational institution for girls was also opened there. By 1880, there were already 515 educational institutions on the territory of the province with the number of students – 31898 people. Higher education in the provincial center has also become available for women (students of the midwifery institute). The network of secondary educational institutions extended to large county towns, which made secondary education available not only in Kharkiv, but also in the regions. Lower education was represented by 13 educational institutions for boys, and primary education was represented by 475 primary educational institutions of different departments.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1701439710.pdf
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7. Ziyabek Y. Kabuldinov, Aksunkar T. Abdulina, Malika T. Moryakova, Nurlybek A. Dosymbetov
The Development of Haymaking and Agriculture among the Kazakhs in the XVIII – early XX centuries

Bylye Gody. 2023. 18(4): 1652-1662.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2023.4.1652CrossRef

The article examines the history of the development of agriculture on the territory of modern Kazakhstan in the XVIII – early XX centuries. In addition to the dominant cattle breeding on the territory of Kazakhstan since the Neolithic and Eneolithic, there was agriculture in Southern and Southeastern Kazakhstan, and then its development was continued in the Turkic era. A significant blow to agriculture was inflicted by the Mongol conquest. During the periods of the Mongolian and Kazakh Khanate, arrays of irrigated lands were preserved around the cities. The following stages can be distinguished in the development of agriculture on the territory of Kazakhstan: 1) XVIII century – the development of haymaking and agriculture as an auxiliary type of nomadic economy for some groups of Kazakhs in Southern and Eastern Kazakhstan; 2) late XVIII – first half of the XIX centuries – beginning of the process of transition of Kazakh pastoralists to haymaking and agriculture; 3) the second half of the XIX – early XX centuries – a significant expansion of the haymaking zone and agriculture in Kazakhstan in connection with peasant colonization while maintaining the dominant importance of cattle breeding in semi-nomadic and semi-sedentary forms. For most Kazakhs, agriculture was auxiliary in nature, complementing the main occupation – nomadic and semi-nomadic cattle breeding. The main social strata of pastoralists and farmers were jataks (impoverished steppe dwellers). The main reasons for the Kazakhs' transition to agriculture are the desire to keep ancestral lands, the reduction of pasture lands due to seizures and population growth in stable periods, the adoption of a sedentary lifestyle, agricultural labor skills from Russians, Uighurs, Dungans. Changes in the Kazakh farming system are the result of their adaptation to the changed conditions. A primitive fallow-shift farming became widespread due to the aridity of the climate, the salinity of the soil and the high level of flood and groundwater in the summer. There were two types of agriculture: irrigation, rain-fed.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1701640023.pdf
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8. Zhanerke N. Shaygozova, Kanat Z. Uskenbay, Almira B. Naurzbayeva, Aman I. Ibragimov
The Study of Traditional Crafts of Kazakhstan in the Imperial Period: Sources and Museum Collections

Bylye Gody. 2023. 18(4): 1663-1673.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2023.4.1663CrossRef

The article analyses the role and contribution of Russian adventurers and researchers to the study of Kazakh traditional crafts in the imperial period, which was particularly active and productive at the turn of the 18th–20th centuries. The researchers collected and described a huge factual material consisting of written and visual sources, as well as samples of handicrafts exhibited in the leading academic museums of the Russian Federation, specifically in the Russian Museum of Ethnography (REM) and Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (MAE RAS). Today, the documents and artefacts analysed in the given article represent not only the richest source material for the study of the development and genesis of traditional Kazakh crafts, but also for the reconstruction of some lost authentic technologies of manufacturing various craft products. It is necessary to state the fact that today many types of Kazakh crafts and handicraft technologies that qualified by specialists as the most important element of intangible cultural heritage (ICH), and threatened with extinction. The study mainly relies on historical-comparative and historical-descriptive methods, as well as on-site study of the holdings of the Kazakh collections of the REM and MAE RAS in 2018 and 2021. The results of the research are the conclusion of the authors of this study that the analysed sources carry important information that allows us to assess the state of Kazakh handicrafts in the pre-revolutionary period, the level of their development and trace their genesis and typology. As of the current date, the scientific description of some authentic technologies of handicrafts production are the most relevant and in high-demand, for their renaissance in modern practice as one of the efficient measures for safeguarding the intangible cultural heritage of the country, obliging Kazakhstan to undertake them since the ratification of the Convention for the Safeguarding of ICH (2003 Convention) in 2011.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1701434014.pdf
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9. Marat V. Saudakhanov,Tatyana V. Vorotilina
Interstate Relations between the Russian Empire and Spain in the Sphere of Trade at the beginning of the XIX century

Bylye Gody. 2023. 18(4): 1674-1682.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2023.4.1674CrossRef

The article analyzes the sphere of trade of the Russian Empire and the Spanish monarchy at the beginning of the XIX century. The authors' view is focused on the diplomacy of the two countries within the framework of the development of commercial activities of monarchies and on the international political conjuncture that developed during this period. The paper examines the contribution of a number of senior officials and private commercial associations of the two countries to the establishment of trade relations between Russia and Spain during the revolutionary upheavals in Europe. On the basis of archival data and other open sources, the mutual dependence of international trade relations and the global political situation during the Napoleonic Wars is understood. The authors highlight the most important milestones of international commerce in the Baltic and Black Seas. In addition, the article attempts to identify the reasons for the decline in the trade balance between Spain and the Russian Empire during this period. The research materials demonstrate certain results affecting the period under study in the field of trade relations between the two powers, which mainly relied on the public need for the development of trade relations between Spain and Russia in the plane of the prevalence of the initiative of non-state commercial structures against the background of indifferent and even negative attitude to the establishment of commercial relations on the part of the public authorities. The authors emphasize the high role of the Ottoman Empire in the trends of countering Spanish-Russian trade through South Russian ports, which significantly increased the cost of Spanish goods on the Russian market.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1701434057.pdf
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10. Aleksandr A. Cherkasov
Educational Districts of the Russian Empire, Their Demographic and Scientific Potential (late XIX – early XX centuries)

Bylye Gody. 2023. 18(4): 1683-1694.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2023.4.1683CrossRef

The article examines the demographic and scientific potential of the educational districts of the Russian Empire. The attention is paid to the composition of urban residents and gender balance among the population, the number of higher educational institutions and pedagogical periodicals published in the imperial period. The research source is based on specialized reference literature. Thus, to analyze the demographic situation in the Russian Empire, the author used the materials of the First General population census, namely, “The population of the Empire according to the census of January 28, 1897. By counties”. To analyze the pedagogical periodicals of the imperial period, the works of N.N. Ablov, L.N. Belyaeva and other reference works were used. In conclusion, the author states that in general, there was a gender balance between men and women on the territory of the Russian Empire (63253131 males and 63158605 females). However, when detailing by school districts, we see that in the regions of the European part of Russia the number of women slightly exceeded the number of men, and in the Caucasus and Asian regions there was a significant quantitative predominance of males over females. By the beginning of the XX century, almost all densely populated educational districts of the Russian Empire had their own higher educational institutions, the only exception here was the Orenburg Educational District. As for the pedagogical periodicals, almost half of the publications (114 titles) were published in St. Petersburg (first place), another 43 journals were published in Moscow at various times (second place), and Kiev was on the third place with 16 journals.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1701434586.pdf
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11. Georgy N. Shumkin, Andrey L. Ustinov
State-Owned Factories Rented from the Treasury: Zlatoust Mining District During the Period of “Commercial Law” 1811–1829

Bylye Gody. 2023. 18(4): 1695-1705.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2023.4.1695CrossRef

The article examines the development of the Zlatoust Mining District in 1811–1829, which, in comparison with the Zlatoust Arms Factory, is given significantly less attention in historiography. During this period, the Zlatoust district was in a specific status, on the so-called “commercial law”. In 1811, having terminated the lease agreement with A. Knauf, the state left the Zlatoust factories with the obligation to pay to the treasury all previous duties, i.e. taxes paid by private factories, as well as rent. The reviewed material showed that the government's attempt to turn factories into a source of profit did not bring results. Relations between the mining district and the treasury became more and more complicated, the arrears of the district were constantly growing, and it was not possible to recover it from the state district. At the same time, the Zlatoust district was successfully integrated into the state economy system during these years, it became the resource base of the Zlatoust Arms Factory, its factories began to fulfill military orders, and gold mining was resumed. With the introduction in 1829 the new States, which were based on the principle of minimizing production costs and strict regulation of all work, the period of “commercial law” has ended.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1701440131.pdf
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12. Yulia G. Kokorina, Vladislav A. Chernov, Makhach M. Vagabov, Narkiza A. Moroz
I.E. Zabelin as a Teacher of Russian Literature (Based on Archival Materials)

Bylye Gody. 2023. 18(4): 1706-1716.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2023.4.1706CrossRef

The authors consider the structure and concept of teaching Russian literature by the outstanding Russian historian I.E. Zabelin (1820–1908). The works of a scientist on history and archeology are known in historiography, while the historian's views on Russian literature and its teaching are being considered for the first time. For modern teachers, the appeal to the "Course of Russian Literature", which is stored in the archive of the scientist, allows them to understand the civic essence of teaching literature, the authors introduce archival materials into scientific circulation, uses the diary entries of the scientist and the memories of his students. The pedagogical activity of I.E. Zabelin falls on the years 1853–1869, when the concept of teaching literature was just being developed. The scientist worked at the Konstantinovsky Land Survey Institute and the School of Topographers in an era of heated discussions about the future of the Russian education system. Documents show that I.E. Zabelin stood outside the political forces of that time, but his pedagogical views were clearly progressive, echoed the ideas of the founder of Russian pedagogy K.D. Ushinsky (1823–1871). Zabelin taught to love and understand the ideas and aspirations of his people, and for him the concept of "nationality" permeates the entire course. The teacher aimed to educate students in love with the Russian word, instilled a culture of thinking and expressing their thoughts. The attention of the scientist to reading, the real anthem of which contains a course of literature, the awareness of the need for a sober assessment of the political situation sounds relevant today. I.E. Zabelin applied advanced scientific methods, used progressive textbooks and anthologies. He interpreted only recently discovered literary monuments, was aware of the latest achievements in literary studies. The depth and value of his course is given by scientists' understanding of the unity of historical and literary knowledge, attention to the theoretical foundations of both sciences, philosophy of knowledge in general. I.E. Zabelin developed the author's "Course of Russian Literature" based on literary sources, realized the need for a teacher's conversation with students, which would awaken thought, involve the whole class in work, form a civic position among students. Both historical disciplines and literature I.E. Zabelin taught in a fascinating and emotional way, his lectures were remembered by students for many years. The personality of I.E. Zabelin, who brilliantly combined the traits of both a scientist and a teacher, who saw the need not only to teach the subject, but also to educate the younger generation, is a worthy example for our contemporaries.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1701640042.pdf
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13. David I. Raskin
The Pension System in the Russian Empire in the 19th – early years of the XX centuries as a Complex of Legislation and Institutions

Bylye Gody. 2023. 18(4): 1717-1725.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2023.4.1717CrossRef

The article is devoted to a comprehensive description of the pension system in the Russian Empire in the 19th – early years of the XX centuries. The foundations of this system were laid by the Pension Statute of 1827. The general pension statute was supplemented by numerous provisions on pensions for “special branches of service”, more favorable for their recipients both in terms of the amount of payments and the length of service of the pension. Already by the middle of the nineteenth century it became clear that the pension provision for the bulk of officers and civil officials was insufficient, due to the lag of pensions (according to the categories of the Pension Statute, as well as the salaries of officers) from the growth of salaries received in the service. As a partial compensation for the inadequacy of pensions from the late 1850s emerital cash desks appeared, first in the Naval and Military Departments, and then in some civilian ones. Emerital pensions supplemented state pension provision. For some (relatively small) part of the military personnel, there were also pensions and benefits issued by state and semi-state charitable institutions and organizations (Alexandrovsky Committee on the Wounded, Skobelevsky Committee, etc.). There was also a Charity Committee for Honored Civil Officials. These institutions and organizations provided assistance only to retired officers and officials who had no means of subsistence. The practice of applying the Pension Statute also included the appointment of “reinforced pensions”. This practice was quite widespread in the civilian department, but was relatively rare in the military. Starting from the 2nd half of the 19th century the pension system began to extend to employees of zemstvo institutions and teachers of public schools. This provision was carried out at the expense of special emerital (pension) funds. The Orthodox parish clergy received state pensions, as well as pensions from diocesan emeritus funds. The main drawback of the pension system of the Russian Empire was the lack of necessary reforms.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1701640055.pdf
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14. Alexander G. Gryaznukhin, Tatyana V. Gryaznukhina, Ivan A. Pfanenshtil, Semen V. Kozhevnikov
The Impact of Political Exile in the 19th century on the Formation of the Social and Cultural Space of Siberia

Bylye Gody. 2023. 18(4): 1726-1735.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2023.4.1726CrossRef

The object of the research is the political exile to Siberia in the 19th century, which, in the context of studying this problem, is considered a social and political phenomenon that played a significant role in the formation of the social and cultural space of the region. The article provides a brief review of the history of political exile, analyzes its composition and number. The exile began to acquire a mass character after the defeat of the Decembrist revolt. With the beginning of the Narodnik movement, the share of nobles in the political exile decreased due to an increase in the number of commoners. Political exiles had a significant impact on the formation of the political beliefs of the ideologists of Siberian regionalism. The high educational level of the exiles and their possession of various professional skills made them in demand in various spheres of the economic and cultural life of Siberia. Educational, scientific, medical, and economic activities were the main activities of the exiles, which allowed them to solve material problems and meet their spiritual needs. The local administration had a mixed attitude toward the exiles. Due to the virtual absence of their own intellectuals, progressive-minded government officials allowed the exiles to engage in activities that were officially prohibited for them. Other government officials, conservative and jealously complying with all the instructions of the central government, on the contrary, subjected them to cruel punishments and persecution. Political exiles made a significant contribution to the establishment of local schools, libraries, and museums. The sources analyzed in the article convincingly show the great impact of political exiles on the worldview and consciousness of Siberians, which in turn led to a change in the social and cultural space of the region as a whole.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1701434849.pdf
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15. Kuanysh G. Akanov, Nikolay S. Lapin
The Chagataid Dynasty in the Works of Staff Rittmeister Chokan Valikhanov

Bylye Gody. 2023. 18(4): 1736-1747.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2023.4.1736CrossRef

The article studies the works of the prominent ethnographer, historian, Kazakh sultan and Russian officer of the middle of 19th century Chokan Valikhanov, where the valuable data of the descendants of Genghis Khan’s son Chagatai are considered. He is the second son of the Great Mongol Empire founder, whose descendants played an important role in the history of states in Kazakhstan and Central Asia, which later, already in new time entered the zone of geopolitical interests of the Russian Empire. The main source materials of the study are the articles, drafts and manuscripts written by Chokan Valikhanov published in the collections of the scientist's works, as well as documents related to the scientist's scientific activity, kept in archival institutions. The research methodology is based on the integrated use of the principles of historicism, objectivity and development, as well as comparative-historical and retrospective analysis methods. The discussion analyses the historiography, consisting of monographs and articles by the Kazakh and Russian researchers. In conclusion, authors draw a conclusion about the significance of the works of Chokan Valikhanov in the study of the history dynasty of Chagatai and the role of his descendants in the history of the steppe states of Central Asia.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1701640079.pdf
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16. Oleksandr P. Trygub, Sergey I. Degtyarev
Teaching Staff of Maritime Educational Institutions of the Kherson Province (1834–1917)

Bylye Gody. 2023. 18(4): 1748-1765.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2023.4.1748CrossRef

The work examines the system of maritime education on the territory of the Kherson province in the period 1834–1917 through the prism of the teaching staff of maritime educational institutions. The history of maritime education in the Kherson province of the Russian Empire indicates that the personnel composition of these vocational educational institutions has undergone significant changes. Its quantitative and qualitative composition depended on the following circumstances: the level of the educational institution, which established its funding from the state or local authorities; tasks that were set for the educational institution; the number of students, which determined the number of teaching hours, amounts of money received from students; additional sources (scholarships from patrons of the institution, public organizations that supported students and the institution, donations, etc.). Teachers of vocational and technical educational institutions of a nautical (maritime) profile were people with different levels of education, degrees of professionalism and experience in teaching. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the state set a goal to reform the maritime education system. This included increasing demands on teachers and combating staff turnover. It was planned to provide teachers with the rights and benefits of civil service, departmental housing, and increase salaries with increasing teaching experience.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1701435097.pdf
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17. Artyom Yu. Peretyatko
The Arrest of Khivan Subjects in the Russian Empire in 1836 and Russian Struggle Against Slave Trade in Middle Asia. Part I

Bylye Gody. 2023. 18(4): 1766-1779.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2023.4.1766CrossRef

The article is dedicated to a well-known yet not specifically studied event, the arrest of Khivan subjects in the Russian Empire in 1836. Different authors offer diametrically opposed interpretations of this event: thus, the Russian researcher R.Yu. Pochekaev views it as an act of self-defense caused by the Khiva-inspired attacks on the Russian subjects, but the British researcher A. Morrison considers it the first step towards the escalation of a conflict which ended with the Khivan campaign. We will consider this event from the point of view of microhistory rather than the history of states and regions, concentrating the attention on the individual strategies and fates of different people connected with the arrest of Kvivans, and in doing so we will rely on archive materials, predominantly the documentation of the Orenburg Border Commission. In the first part of the article, the author comes to four main conclusions. First, the practice of taking hostages in 1820–1830s was used by the Russian authorities as an acceptable method of fighting with Middle Asian slavery, and, moreover, sometimes the hostages were taken for ransom (which was used to compensate the victims of nomadic raids), and subjected to arrest could be the wealthy distant relatives of the criminals, personally guilty of nothing. Secondly, the initiator of the mass arrest of Khivans was, in 1831, the perfectly familiar with the practice of hostage-taking chairman of the Orenburg Border Commission G.F. Gens, who, moreover, from the beginning was positioning the crimes of Khivan slave traders as most grievous, and believed that most of Khivan denizens were involved in the slave trade, as a result calling the arrest of Khivans in Russia only a “seeming injustice”. Thirdly, in the first half of the 1830s other ways of fighting Khivan slave trade were also suggested by the Russian officials, and, what is more, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had initially chosen the ransoming of Russian slaves from Khiva through Bukhara as the main course of action, however the attempts of such ransoming proved unsuccessful. Fourth, the arrest of Khivans in 1836 was aimed not at defending Russia’s frontier or at aggression against Khiva, but at fighting the slave trade: the escalation of the conflict was indeed started by the Russian side, but the reason for this was the extremely harsh position on the matter by the Khivan side, who was refusing, even for ransoms, to return back captured Russian subjects.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1701640100.pdf
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18. Grigorii Yu. Afanasiev
Fuel Transition in the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries and Environmental Problems of the late Russian Empire

Bylye Gody. 2023. 18(4): 1780-1796.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2023.4.1780CrossRef

The industrial revolution, associated with the active construction of railways, the spread of steam-powered ships and vessels, the introduction of new propulsion systems in the factory and urban economy, the emergence and introduction of electric energy exponentially expanded the fuel needs of the emerging technological infrastructure of the Russian Empire. Unlike many developed countries of Western Europe and America, the historical center of Russia had significant reserves of boreal forests, traditionally used as fuel. However, the depletion of traditional logging sites in the European part of the country, which began in the 1840th, made it difficult to meet the growing demand for combustible materials. From 1860–1870th the public and representatives of the administration state the impossibility of the potential preservation of the country's forest resources without the transition of transport, industry, municipal urban needs for combustible materials to mineral fuel sources. The relevance of the study lies in the review of the process of transition to mineral fuel in the context of the development of the industry with a parallel study of the manifestations of environmental problems, the features of the scientific, public and administrative response to these problems until the moment of complete, but not final transition in the transport, factory sectors, as well as infrastructure of large cities of the empire on the eve of the First World War. Current dynamic and factor processes are considered in the context of the Anthropocene concept – the formation of an overwhelming impact on the environment of human activity.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1701435176.pdf
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19. Maral K. Khabdulina, Tatyana V. Koshman
Historical and Cultural Landscape of the Terisakkan-Ishim Region

Bylye Gody. 2023. 18(4): 1797-1808.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2023.4.1797CrossRef

The article presents an analysis of historical and ethnographic information about the Terisakkan-Esil region based on cartographic and pre-revolutionary sources of the 19th – early 20th centuries. This region was in the sphere of interest of Russian researchers, cartographers, officials, as a territory of trade and economic interest for the development of trade routes and the development of new mineral deposits. Terisakkan is the only left tributary of the Ishim River along its entire length, and in different historical periods there was an active development of the territory. Cartographic materials are a unique source of information that makes it possible to trace the region's involvement in political, trade and economic ties. Maps of the pre-revolutionary period are a unique means of transmitting spatial information about the development and settlement of the territory, the location of trade routes, Cossack outposts, and postal routes. Confirmation of the received preliminary information on the development of the territory is contained in a number of published works of officials and researchers of the region. The information complements and clarifies the involvement of the Terisakkan-Ishim region in the sphere of economic interests, both imperial policy and the interests of Asian merchant circles. The path from the Central Asian possessions to the north passed through this territory, which was repeatedly mentioned in the works of travelers and officials.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1701435290.pdf
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20. Natalia А. Koblova, Olga V. Kolpakova, Olga A. Sukhova
Practices of Spiritual and Moral Asceticism in the Russian Province in the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries: Using the Example of the Activities of M.M. Kiseleva

Bylye Gody. 2023. 18(4): 1809-1817.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2023.4.1809CrossRef

The article analyzes the phenomenon of spiritual and moral asceticism in the Russian province in the second half of the XIX – early XX centuries by the example of an outstanding Penza philanthropist, state councilor Maria Mikhailovna Kiseleva. The general structure of the patterns of Orthodox ministry and its reflection in the perception and practices of the behavior of contemporaries are considered. The authors concluded that for the Penza community, Maria Mikhailovna Kiseleva's charitable work was a reference model that was ahead of its time and determined the general direction of the formation of new social standards. The purpose of such practices is interpreted broadly, covering the spheres of social assistance and partnership, as well as the formation of emotional culture and social responsibility, the general idea of spiritual and moral improvement, uniting the local, national and global levels of Orthodox identity. In the realities of the post-reform era, this manifested itself in the willingness to donate to the creation of social welfare institutions, educational organizations, temples and monasteries, to commemorate the dead and support the crippled soldiers, to preserve the historical memory and sacred design of Russian Palestine.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1701435331.pdf
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21. Natalya A. Shevchenko, Yulia V. Kapitanets, Galina M. Zinchuk, Konstantin A. Ishekov
To the Issue of Primary Education in the Amur Region in 1859–1917

Bylye Gody. 2023. 18(4): 1818-1823.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2023.4.1818CrossRef

The article considers primary education in the Amur region in the period 1859–1917. There were used as sources the documents of the Russian State Historical Archive (St. Petersburg, Russian Federation) as well as various statistical information from official materials related to the Amur Region. Among the archival materials of the Russian State Historical Archive, the diagram of the number of school-age children (8-11 years old) and the number of students as of January 1, 1915, which is stored in the fund 733 (Ministry of Public Education), is of great importance. The work relies on the basic historical principles of consistency, objectivity and historicism with the use of a social approach aimed at a comprehensive study of the problem. In conclusion, the authors state that the example of the Amur region of the Russian Empire is almost a unique case, when by 1916 more than 90 % of school-age children were at a desk in the region. The reasons for this were the sparsely populated region (in 1909 there were only 275 settlements in the region) and harsh climatic conditions (sub-zero temperature values were typical for almost the entire school year from September to May, which excluded children from attending schools outside their locality), and the joint work of the Ministry of Public Education and the Holy Synod in the development of the primary education network (the ministry opened its own schools in villages with a large population, and the church – in sparsely populated). All this in aggregate has yielded results and primary education has become almost ubiquitous in the Amur region.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1701643275.pdf
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22. Ildar R. Hamzin, Rustam T. Ganiev, Anton V. Kochnev
Russian Tea Business in Hankou in the second half of the 19th century: Baikhovi Tea Purchase Transactions

Bylye Gody. 2023. 18(4): 1824-1834.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2023.4.1824CrossRef

The article studies the activities of Russian entrepreneurs in the Chinese port of Hankou as part of the purchase of tea for the Russian market. Baikhovi tea was a product under which Russian pre-revolutionary literature, source base and statistics understood the most expensive varieties of Chinese tea, grown and processed on Chinese plantations and factories and sent for sale to foreigners in the port of Hankou. This aspect is a particular issue of Russian-Chinese trade in the second half of the 19th century, but it seems important for a more in-depth study of this topic and expanding scientific knowledge about Russian-Chinese relations in general. The article discusses the features of the production and transportation of baikhovi tea to the Hankou market, issues of tea pricing, the buying and selling process, factors influencing the trade of baikhovi tea in Hankou, aspects of competition between the tea trade of Hankou and Shanghai and the competition of foreign trading houses for the purchase of this product and shipment it to the Russian market. The conclusions of the work summarize the main results of the study and show the significance of the participation of Russian entrepreneurs in the tea trade for Russian-Chinese relations at the time under review.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1701435617.pdf
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23. Assylbek T. Maden, Guldana A. Mambetova
Approval and Formation of a New Kazakh Bureaucracy in the Post-Reform Period (Based on Materials from Western Kazakhstan)

Bylye Gody. 2023. 18(4): 1835-1843.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2023.4.1835CrossRef

The focus of the article is the examination of the historical process of consolidation and emergence of new Kazakh officials following the implementation of reforms in the 1860s–1890s based on materials from Western Kazakhstan. The roles of village foreman, volost manager, people's court, junior assistant of county chief were created held by Kazakhs accordingly to “Temporary Regulation” of 1868. Among them, the position of junior assistant of county head fell under category of public service, while remaining positions were associated with public administration. Junior assistant of county chief was introduced during the transitional period before the formal foundation of a new management structure, as the authors mention. The regional government relied on the volost managers and village elders, who were introduced as bodies of “self-government” of Kazakhs in achieving their political goals at the local level. The authors examine the statutory authority granted to various public leadership roles. They conclude that security responsibilities are allocated to village elders and volost administrators more than administrative and financial ones. Since the end of the XIX century, requirements for Kazakhs applying for the volost manager have increased. From now on, applicants had to speak Russian. The appointment of peasant chiefs in 1902 increased authority over the operations of village elders, volost administrators and people's courts. Peasant chiefs toured the volosts, monitored activities of Kazakh officials. Nevertheless, Kazakh officials served the interests of people of their county and village. Over time, these positions were accepted by Kazakh society and the famous Kazakhs who held them became the local elite as officials.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1701640116.pdf
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24. Ivan S. Denisov, Raul' S. Dzhindzholiya, Kairat K. Atabekov, Ivan N. Kuksin
Stolypin Agrarian Reform: Prerequisites, Key Steps and Assessment of the Significance

Bylye Gody. 2023. 18(4): 1844-1851.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2023.4.1844CrossRef

This article is devoted to the study of the significance of the agricultural course proposed by P.A. Stolypin. The authors of the article conducted a comprehensive analysis of land reform, examining its causes, key stages, historical significance and results. As reasons for pursuing a new agrarian course, the author examined the main shortcomings of the peasant community, as well as the significance of the first revolution of 1905. The author also studied the career path of Pyotr Arkadyevich Stolypin, who eventually took the post of Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Russian Empire. In the course of this work, the author studied a number of legal acts, including those regulating peasant-land legal relations, as well as their key innovations, such as: the Highest Manifesto of October 17, 1905 “On the Improvement of State Order”, the Personal Highest Decree “ On supplementing certain regulations of the current law relating to peasant land ownership and land use”, as well as the Law of December 14, 1893 “On certain measures to prevent the alienation of peasant allotment lands”. The author formulated the key stages of P. A. Stolypin’s agrarian reform: preparatory, rule-making, accompanying and resettlement. As part of the consideration of the resettlement stage, its key stages were also analyzed. This work also presents statistical data that clearly characterizes the impact of Stolypin’s new agrarian course on the economic development of the state. Particular attention in this study is paid to assessing the significance of the land reform of 1906 by identifying its key strengths and weaknesses.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1701435737.pdf
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25. Lyazzat K. Shotbakova, Bakhytgul T. Tuleuova, Gulnara M. Smagulova, Nursakhan A. Beysenbekova
To the Question of the Opening of Educational Institutions of Karkaralinsk of the Semipalatinsk region in the Western Siberian School District in the late 19th – early 20th centuries

Bylye Gody. 2023. 18(4): 1852-1868.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2023.4.1852CrossRef

The article deals with the development of public education in the city of Karkaralinsk in the late XIX – early XX centuries. The geographical, social, and cultural features of the city of Karkaralinsk, which in the studied period was part of the Semipalatinsk region, which belonged to the West Siberian Educational District, are revealed. Noting the absence of special works and scientific articles on this topic in modern historiography, a fairly extensive review of sources, primarily of an archival nature, is proposed. The main research methods used in the article are historical-system, historical-biographical, historical-statistical methods, as well as the method of system analysis and content analysis. The use of these methods made it possible to create a holistic picture of the process of formation and features of the educational environment of the city of Karkaralinsk in the late XIX - early XX centuries as part of the West Siberian Educational District. One of the central conclusions proposed in the article is the provision that the history of the development of public education in Karkaraly county in the second half of the XIX century - at the beginning of the twentieth century, it was closely connected with the educational policy of the Russian Empire on the outskirts, which was characterized by the creation of a single educational space and the introduction of a foreign, in this case, Kazakh population to the achievements of Russian culture, the training of future lower-level officials from representatives of the local population, the formation of a generation of new Russian citizens in the face of foreigners loyal to the official course. The analysis of the role of Tatar-Muslim schools in the Kazakh steppe during the studied period led to the conclusion that the Russian colonial administration sought to limit their influence. In detail, on the basis of statistical materials and various documents, the gradual development of public education in the form of schools of various levels, real and parish schools is traced. The role of the intelligentsia in the development of educational institutions in Karkaralinsk is revealed.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1701435792.pdf
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26. Alexander S. Kovalev, Nikolai R. Novosel'tsev, Dmitry V. Rakhinsky, Nikita N. Ravochkin
Public Charity at Own Expense: «Svoekoshtnye» Boarders in an Almshouse the end of XIX – the beginning of XX century (the Example of Krasnoyarsk)

Bylye Gody. 2023. 18(4): 1869-1880.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2023.4.1869CrossRef

The public charity of the disabled population in the almshouse in the second half of the XIX – first decades of the XX centuries was designed to help those who could not continue to work, who had no relatives and did not have sufficient funds of subsistence. However, at the same time, the practice of taking care of a charitable institution at their own expense was widespread, including those disabled and elderly people who had relatives who were ready to contribute the required amount. The analysis of historiography shows that earlier this aspect of the formation of social assistance in the imperial period of Russian history was not the subject of special research, so scientists became interested in the issues of the self-status of individual representatives of society not so long ago. On the basis of previously unpublished archival materials that reflect individual life stories, the presented research examines: the rules for the admission of self-interested people; various options under which this was possible; subjects of assistance who were willing to take over the maintenance of an incapacitated person in an almshouse; reasons why petitioners, their relatives or benefactors who had sufficient funds could be denied charity at their own expense. The analysis showed how normal it was for the practice of public charity to support the disabled and elderly at their own expense, whether such charity was a special form of social assistance.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1701435843.pdf
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27. Irina Yu. Cherkasova, Anvar M. Mamadaliev, Valentina S. Nikitina, Natalia V. Svechnikova
To the Issue of Pedagogical Periodicals of the Orenburg Educational District (1875–1917)

Bylye Gody. 2023. 18(4): 1881-1888.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2023.4.1881CrossRef

The article deals with pedagogical periodicals of the Orenburg educational district in the period 1875–1917. The authors used as materials various reviews and reference publications devoted to the issues of the periodical press of the imperial period. The methodology of the study is presented by the method of content analysis, thanks to which a sample of journals published at different times on the territory of the Orenburg educational district was made. The retrospective method was also of great importance, which made it possible to present the periodical press of the school district in its chronological sequence. In conclusion, the authors state that at various times from the last quarter of the XIX century to 1917, 8 pedagogical journals were published on the territory of the Orenburg educational district. These journals were distributed in four in cities such as Ufa and Orenburg, while the oldest journal (founded in 1875) was the official body of the educational district – the Ufa “Tsirkulyar po Orenburgskomu uchebnomu okrugu”. All other journals appeared already at the beginning of the XX century. It is important to note that all four journals published in Orenburg originated in 1907–1908. As in other regions of the Russian Empire, the most permanent were journals funded by state bodies (for example, the directorate of the Orenburg educational district, the Ufa provincial Zemstvo council, etc.), in turn, journals of educational institutions and pedagogical societies, having no permanent own funds, had short periods of their existence.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1701435932.pdf
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28. Natalya N. Pimenova, Julia S. Zamaraeva, Natalya N. Seredkina, Nаtalya P. Koptseva
The Journal “Drevnyaya i Novaya Rossiya” (1875) as a Source on the History of Siberia at the end of the 19th century

Bylye Gody. 2023. 18(4): 1889-1899.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2023.4.1889CrossRef

The materials for this study are the journal “Drevnyaya i Novaya Rossiya” (“Ancient and New Russia”), published from 1875 to 1881. Namely, the issues of this magazine for 1875 and the “Essays on Eastern Siberia” published in them, written by Pavel Apollonovich Rovinsky, a Russian historian, ethnographer and folklorist, publicist. These essays are the result of a long expedition by P.A. Rovinsky with the support of the St. Petersburg Department of the Geographical Society. The essays record significant features of the history and specific development of the Siberian territory. They outline the details of the improvement of district and provincial cities, the specifics of the influence of geographical and climatic conditions on the life, way of life and relationships of residents of villages and uluses. The article systematizes the specifics of the development and settlement of the Siberian Plain, the features of the mutual influence of cultural traditions of ethnocultural groups living in these territories and the preservation of the originality of traditions. The population of Siberia is one of the key subjects of scientific interest of the author of the essays, who pays special attention to the processes of acculturation and assimilation of ethnic groups – both Russian Siberians and indigenous peoples. Analysis of the essays allows us to highlight the features of the image of each of the peoples, the features of people’s lives in Eastern Siberia.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1701441426.pdf
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29. Tikhon K. Ermakov, Anastasia V. Kistova, Natalya А. Sergeeva, Anna A. Omelik
“Vestnik Izyashchnykh Iskusstv” of 1880s as a Source on Art History (Art Critic Model)

Bylye Gody. 2023. 18(4): 1909-1924.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2023.4.1909CrossRef

This study was carried out based on materials from the printed publication “Vestnik Izyashchnykh Iskusstv”, which was published in the period from 1883 to 1890 in the Russian Empire. During the research, articles by Alexander Ivanovich Somov, editor-in-chief of the “Vestnik Izyashchnykh Iskusstv”, historian and museum figure, and articles by Vladimir Vasilyevich Stasov, Russian art and music critic, art historian and public figure, were studied. Contribution of A.I. Somov and V.V. Stasov's work in art history is not limited to the time frame of the 19th century but continues to be relevant at the present time. During the existence of the magazine, articles by these two creative figures were devoted to the history of Russian and foreign art, aesthetics, art criticism and coverage of modern artistic technologies and trends. Using the articles of these authors, as well as biographical information, a model of a professional art critic was identified, which manifested itself in the activities of Somov and Stasov. In addition, their contribution to art history from a historical point of view is noted. The conceptual framework of this study was the theory of art of Vladimir Ilyich Zhukovsky – philosopher, art critic, artist, Doctor of Philosophy, and Natalya Petrovna Koptseva – Doctor of Philosophy, professor, head of the department of cultural studies and art history of the Siberian Federal University. This theory is formed on the basis of philosophical research in the field of visual thinking, theory of culture and theory of religion. In the context of this study, the model of a professional art critic presented in theory as a synthesis of three key manifestations is taken as a basis: an art critic-connoisseur, an art critic-researcher and an art critic-maieutic.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1701436120.pdf
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30. Timur A. Magsumov, Teymur E. Zulfugarzade, Mikhail B. Kolotkov, Sergei B. Zinkovskii
Annual Publications of the Arkhangelsk Provincial Statistical Committee as a Source on the Socio-Economic Development of the Arkhangelsk Province in the Period 1876–1900

Bylye Gody. 2023. 18(4): 1900-1908.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2023.4.1900CrossRef

The article considers a group of annual publications of the Arkhangelsk Provincial Statistical Committee of the period 1876–1900. The source base of the study consists of time-based publications of the Arkhangelsk Provincial Statistical Committee of the period 1876–1900. Most of these publications are presented by the annual reports of the Arkhangelsk Provincial Statistical Committee. Besides this, the “Reference Book of the Arkhangelsk Province” and “Proceedings of the Arkhangelsk Provincial Statistical Committee” were published once, as well as the “Commemorative Books of the Arkhangelsk Province” and “Address Calendars of the Arkhangelsk Province” were occasionally published. In conclusion, the authors state that the 25th anniversary from 1876 to 1900 was marked by a significant reduction in the research work of the Arkhangelsk Statistical Committee. So, if in 1850–1875 about 90 scientific research papers were published, then in 1876–1900 their number decreased by 4 times (excluding individual publications), that is, to 22. This reduction was due to the fact that alternative and more mass-produced periodicals (for example, newspapers) began to appear in the province, which began to allocate a significant number of their strips for research works on the Arkhangelsk province. It is also important to note that in the period 1876–1900 there was a reduction in the publications published by the committee. Thus, the Arkhangelsk Collection ceases to be published, and only once in 25 years have the Reference Book of the Arkhangelsk Province and the Proceedings of the Arkhangelsk Provincial Statistical Committee been published.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1701436074.pdf
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31. Alexey A. Fatyanov, Nikolay A. Mashkin, Anna V. Filippova
The Main National Idea of the Russian Empire of the XIX century and Its Reflection in the Legislation of the XIX – early XX centuries

Bylye Gody. 2023. 18(4): 1925-1935.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2023.4.1925CrossRef

The article examines the content of the three components of the ideologeme “Orthodoxy. Autocracy. Nationality” as a national idea of the Russian Empire, formulated by Count S.S. Uvarov. The authors focused on identifying the degree of legal certainty of each of the components of the well-known triad, as well as on identifying their political and legal assessment by jurists, historians and philosophers of the late XIX – early XX centuries. The research is based on a systematic and formal legal analysis of a number of legislative acts of the Russian Empire – the Supreme Manifestos of 1881, 1905 and 1906, as well as the Main state Laws of April 23, 1906. As a result of the conducted research, the authors found that all three elements of the ideologeme, on the basis of which S.S. Uvarov proposed to build a system of public education and public service to strengthen the unshakable foundations of Russian statehood, are no longer fully reflected in the legislative norms of these acts. Deviations from the completeness of the original content were observed to varying degrees in relation to each of the components of the national idea. The authors substantiate that the component “autocracy” retained its legislative appearance with the least interference, while “nationality”, being previously the most uncertain from a legal point of view, was completely lost in the norms of the Basic state Laws, despite some attempt to introduce popular representation in the exercise of legislative power. Russian Russian Orthodoxy, as the first of the triad of the Russian national idea of the XIX century, was significantly narrowed and reduced only to the participation of the Russian Orthodox clergy (and no other) in the formation of representative power. Thus, by the time the Main state Laws of the Russian Empire were adopted in 1906, the slogan “Orthodoxy. Autocracy. Nationality” did not have its own legal foundation.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1701436185.pdf
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32. Aleksandr A. Cherkasov
Cherkasovs (Keretskys): Pavel Ivanovich Cherkasov (1883–1931)

Bylye Gody. 2023. 18(4): 1936-1947.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2023.4.1936CrossRef

The work is based on the archival materials, introduced into scientific circulation for the first time, examines the main milestones in the life of a Russian official, a native of a peasant family Pavel Ivanovich Cherkasov (1883–1931). The main sources of the work were archival documents, namely a temporary form list of service (undated) and a form list of service for 1910 of Pavel Ivanovich Cherkasov from the State Archive of the Arkhangelsk region (Arkhangelsk, Russian Federation). The materials from the National Archive of the Republic of Karelia (Petrozavodsk, Russian Federation) were also involved. In conclusion, the author states that in the history of the Russian Empire, a representative of any class of pre-revolutionary society had the right to move to a more prestigious class. Such an example for the Cherkasov family from Keret was Pavel Ivanovich Cherkasov, who at the age of 17, left without a father, went to work as a watchman in the Keret postal and telegraph office, and upon reaching the age of 21 in 1906, despite the lack of education, made his way as a postman of the Kandalaksha postal and telegraph office and became an official of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. During the First World War, he was transferred as an official of the 5th category to the Keret post and telegraph office, and in 1917 he reached the maximum in his career and became an official of the 6th category – the head of the Olang post office. In 1919, after the closure of the post office in the village of Olanga, he was transferred back to Keret and in December of this year entered the National Militia of the Northern Region, which was part of the Northern White Guard Army of General Miller. The service in the militia was short-lived, since in February 1920 the entire territory of the Northern Region was captured by the Bolsheviks. Since 1920, Pavel Ivanovich began to have health problems, nevertheless, he continued to serve in Kereti until his death in 1931. Thus, despite the lack of education (Pavel Ivanovich Cherkasov did not even complete the full course of the parish school), with his hard work, dedication and dedication, Pavel Ivanovich managed to get out of the peasant class into the state, becoming a full member of the Russian bureaucracy.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1701788465.pdf
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33. Alexei A. Aleinikov
The Traditional Use of Siberian Pine in Northern Pre-Urals in the late 19th – early 20th centuries based on the Archival Data

Bylye Gody. 2023. 18(4): 1948-1959.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2023.4.1948CrossRef

Traditional land use has a significant impact on the transformation of forest ecosystems in the pre-industrial period. Understanding the structural elements of ecosystems that have been altered by previous anthropogenic activities is crucial. The archival data is an important and indispensable source of information about the peculiarities of the interaction of peasants with the surrounding forests. Siberian stone pine is one of the longest-lived tree species in boreal forests. Siberian stone pines start seeding at a later age of 150-200 and consequently recover slowly after forest fires and cuttings. Pine nuts were a valuable food source and a crucial subject of trade for peasants. However, despite the value and limitation of this resource, the peasants of Northern Pre-Urals throughout the 19th century actively exterminated it for nuts and wood, which were used for interior decoration and household furniture, repairs and construction. The article presents an analysis of new archival data that clarifies the features of the use of Siberian stone pine by the local population. Peasants cut large trees from 36 to 62 cm in diameter for wood and nuts. These were adult generative trees that produced maximum seeds. Systematic cuttings of such trees had gradually reduced Siberian stone pines in the forests around the villages. The archive data significantly expanded our understanding of the extent of the territories where peasants cut down stone pines. Peasants cut stone pines not only in the farmer forests around the villages but also around the huts, which were located along winter roads and hunting trails. The stone pines were also cut down around fishing areas to make wood barrels for salting fish. Therefore, the archival data about all past hunting huts, hayfields and fishing areas are extremely important for further ecological researches.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1701788506.pdf
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34. Evgenii A. Avdeev, Aleksey M. Erokhin, Sergej M. Vorobev
The Russian Empire and the Muslim Population of the North Caucasus in the 2nd half of the 19th century: Problems and Successes of Integration

Bylye Gody. 2023. 18(4): 1960-1969.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2023.4.1960CrossRef

In the second half of the 19th century, the process of formation of Russian state institutions continued in the North Caucasus, state control over Muslims was strengthened and the quality of governance was improving. The article discusses the features of government administration of the mountainous Muslim peoples of the Caucasus. The main approaches to Islam that had developed by the mid-19th century in the imperial authorities, government policies and specific management decisions of the Caucasian administration are analyzed. The authors draw on a wide range of research and archival materials. Despite the lack of a unified approach to confessional policy and the refusal to form a separate religious organization of North Caucasian Muslims, a relatively effective system of public administration is emerging in the region. The administration’s actions are based primarily on the principle of religious tolerance and the incorporation of Muslim clergy into the Russian elite; measures are being taken to ensure and respect the religious rights of Muslims and counteract destabilizing foreign influence. Among the mountain elites, the desire for integration and loyalty to the empire is increasing, which is manifested in increased interest in Russian education, culture, military and civil service.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1701436319.pdf
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35. Vera I. Fedorova
Rural Doctor of the Siberian Hinterland of the XIX – early XX centuries in the Mirror of Socio-Professional Analysis

Bylye Gody. 2023. 18(4): 1970-1981.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2023.4.1970CrossRef

The article analyzes the social, ethnic, age, gender composition, length of professional experience, service mobility as factors that influenced professional motivation, career strategies and values that determined the socio-professional identity of rural doctors of the Yenisei province. The analysis of the personal data of rural doctors shows that the core of this socio-professional group consisted of people who started their professional career with a low social start. It was this part that had the longest (more than 10 years) work experience as a rural doctor, but was only 6.3 %. The vast majority of the rural medical corps were specialists with very active service mobility. However, despite the high turnover in the cadre of rural doctors, we can talk about the formation of a common understanding of professional tasks arising from the peculiarities of the socio-professional status of doctors in the Siberian region. It consisted in the fact that, on the one hand, rural doctors were part of the service bureaucracy, on the other – the emerging intelligentsia. This dualism hindered its design as a new social stratum.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1701436359.pdf
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36. Sergey V. Ryazantsev, Alexey V. Smirnov, Nikita S. Ryazantsev
The Demographic, Social, and Economic Aftermath of the Cholera Epidemic in Astrakhan in 1892

Bylye Gody. 2023. 18(4): 1982-1997.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2023.4.1982CrossRef

Astrakhan, due to its location, was always considered to be a gateway of cholera to the Russian Empire. The aim of the following study is to assess demographic, social, and economic aftermath of the cholera epidemic, occured in Astrakhan in 1892, maintaining historical and demographic methods of press analysis as a source, with an assessment of the demographic aftermath provided by the eyewitnesses of that accident. The sources for the study were materials from pre-revolutionary sources. Contact analysis of the press to reveal the demographic estimations of eyewitnesses of the incident, i.e. experts of that time (medical workers, town governors, civil servants, military officers) in relation to the peculiarities of the epidemic development, as well as their subjective estimation of the demographic, social, and economic aftermath of the cholera epidemic were used. The 5th cholera epidemic in Russia lasted within 1892-1894. The 1st wave was the deadliest. In 1892, mainly from May to November, more than 620 thsd people were infected and 300 thsd of them died. In 1893, there were infected 103 thsd people and 43 thsd people died. In 1894, the epidemic occured on a smaller scale. By 1892, cholera caused 13 epidemics in Astrakhan. In 1892, cholera, causing an outbreak of morbidity in the Transcaspian region, ended up in Baku. The deterioration of the epidemiological situation in Astrakhan was facilitated by the mass departure of Baku residents on overcrowded ships, despite the denial by the authorities of the city of Baku of the presence of cholera. After the introduction of quarantine measures in Astrakhan, rumors arose among the population that in cholera hospitals, living people are put in coffins, sprinkled with lime, and buried. During the riots, medical personnel were killed, a cholera hospital was burned, and the infected were sent home. After the riots, there was a sharp increase in morbidity. From the 14th of June to the 20th of September, 1892, in Astrakhan, more than 3 per cent of the city's population died from cholera, and for 10 thsd residents there were 480 cases and 316 deaths. This was the demographic maximum for the cholera epidemic of 1892. The assessment of excess mortality showed an increase in mortality by 278 per cent in June and by 555 per cent in July compared to these months in 1888–1894. Of all those admitted to the hospital in Astrakhan, about 73 per cent were laborers who were living in hostels (shelters); about 5 per cent were workers on ships, steamships, and barges; 12 per cent are artisans. The social composition by estates was the following: 1983 peasants, 316 soldiers, 262 burghers, 12 Cossacks (kazaks), 8 nobles, and 5 church servants. Natives of Astrakhan and the province accounted for about 11 per cent of cases, 89 per cent were seasonal migrants. Due to supermortality, many children were orphaned. The budget expenditures of Astrakhan to combat the epidemic amounted to 142 thsd rubles, including 33 thsd rubles went to the maintenance of troops who arrived to suppress the cholera riot. The cholera epidemic had a positive sanitary condition of cities, formed new habits of the population in terms of personal hygiene.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1702064970.pdf
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37. Leonid L. Balanyuk, Svetlana A. Grimalskaya, Igor A. Gordeev, Mikhail G. Smirnov
To the Issue of the Development and Operation of Secondary Schools of the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Empire in the late XIX – early XX centuries

Bylye Gody. 2023. 18(4): 1998-2003.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2023.4.1998CrossRef

The article examines the creation and operation in the pre-revolutionary period of general railway schools of the Ministry of Railways. The attention is paid to the distribution of these educational institutions by type, and the composition of students by age, nationality and religion. There was used as materials a set of historical sources, including regulations, accounting documentation and collections of information. In a methodological sense, the work is based on the method of content analysis, since the study involved sampling statistical and other information from an array of regulatory, reporting and other documents. At the same time, the principles of objectivity and historicism were applied. In conclusion, the authors state that the idea of creating educational institutions for the departments of the Russian Empire was not new. One of the earliest examples was the cantonist schools, which were later reorganized into conductor schools for the Ministry of Railways. However, since the last third of the XIX century in the Russian Empire, the process of creating an extensive network of general railway educational institutions began, which were located along the railways and aimed at educating children of railway employees to prepare them for admission to specialized railway schools. By the beginning of the First World War, the Ministry of Railways had 636 general educational institutions, most of which were 2-grade and 1-grade elementary schools. In 1914, more than 122 thousand students studied in these schools, which formed a significant contingent of people focused on admission to specialized railway schools.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1701640182.pdf
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38. Evgenii V. Bogomolov, Yulia A. Mamaeva
The Historical and Economic Phenomenon of “Hodachestvo” (Scouting) in the Russian Empire at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries

Bylye Gody. 2023. 18(4): 2004-2013.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2023.4.2004CrossRef

Based on the synthesis of historical and institutional approaches, the article examines the role of “hodachestvo” (scouting) in the Russian Empire. Hodachestvo became a consequence of the processes of resettlement and colonization of sparsely populated territories of Siberia and the Far East, and from an economic point of view was a tool to reduce transaction cost or cost incurred by economic entities due to insufficient information. The stages of the formation of hodachestvo are considered, starting from the middle of the XIX century and ending in 1914, when hodachestvo ceased due to the First World War. It is determined that the formalization of the institution of hodachestvo takes place in 1896 and in the future there is a process of legislative improvement of this phenomenon. Hodachestvo reaches its greatest activity during the period of P.A. Stolypin's agrarian reform, starting in 1904, when the obligation to send scouts (walkers) was established. The phenomenon of hodachestvo is one of the examples of principal-agent relations with their characteristic opportunistic behavior of agents, which were scouts (walkers). The experience of hodachestvo at the turn of the XIX – XX centuries can be used in modern Russia, as far as the problem of migration and development of Siberia and the Far East is still relevant.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1701436507.pdf
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39. Tatyana V. Izluchenko, Daria N. Nesterenko, Anna P. Dvoretskaya, Evgeniy A. Akhtamov
Countering Religious Sectarianism in the Russian Empire at the turn of the XIX–XX centuries (on the example of the Yenisei Province)

Bylye Gody. 2023. 18(4): 2014-2024.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2023.4.2014CrossRef

Religious sectarianism was the most important problem for the internal policy of the Russian state at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, which in the modern world can be understood as a problem of religious extremism. The pre-revolutionary anti-sectarian works are analyzed. The state has engaged the Church to demarcate religious associations on the basis of loyalty to the current government. Close attention to fanatical and anti-government sectarians. The legislation was regularly relaxed. However, the prevention and detection of sectarianism continued to be the most important task. The state assigned it to Orthodox clergy. This article highlights the basic principles (observation, accounting, exhortation) and subjects (the state, the Orthodox Church, pro-Orthodox public associations) of conducting anti-sectarian work. Missionary activity is characterized in the aspect of actions to combat sectarians. Sectarians were his direct target audience. It was recommended to persuade them to Orthodoxy through theological disputes, exhortations and demonstrations of the inconsistency of their beliefs. Promising areas of work were: motivation of social activity of parishioners; identification of hiding sectarians; strengthening of Orthodox in tradition; suppression of the spread of sectarian sentiments and a return to paganism. The article is based on materials from State Archive of Krasnoyarsk Krai, containing data on the activities of sectarians in the Yenisei province, collected by the diocesan administration and state authorities. The authors conclude that there is no unified system of state and church policy in the issue of countering sectarianism. This did not allow the formation of an integrated approach and reduced the effectiveness of the few measures taken.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1701437935.pdf
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40. Ekaterina A. Sertakova, Natalia M. Leshchinskaia, Maria A. Kolesnik, Aleksandra A. Sitnikova
The Journal “Mir Iskusstva” (1899–1904) as a Source on the History of Russian Art at the end of the 19th – beginning of the 20th centuries

Bylye Gody. 2023. 18(4): 2025-2035.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2023.4.2025CrossRef

The relevance of this study is associated with the eternal return of Russian art to the question of its national identity – trending either towards the development of Western styles, artistic techniques and trends, or towards the revival of ancient Russian types of art, subjects and patterns, artists are constantly in search of a middle way. At the beginning of the 21st century, we are again witnessing the search for characteristic Russian national imagery in art – a similar path was followed by artists at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries, which is documented in detail on the pages of the journal “Mir iskusstva”, which united the work of such outstanding philosophers, artists, critics as S. Diaghilev, A. Benois, D. Filosofov, I. Grabar, V. Rozanov and others, therefore, turning to the study of the concepts of national Russian art on the pages of this journal allows us to borrow the experience of the past in understanding the present. The research method was qualitative content analysis. Since the journal “World of Art” sought to synthesize different types of arts, its pages equally examine the processes occurring in all types of creative activity. In accordance with this, the results of the study are presented by type of art: painting, graphics, sculpture, architecture, decorative and applied arts. In conclusion, conclusions are drawn about the specifics of presenting the history of Russian national art on the pages of the journal “Mir iskusstva”.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1701437988.pdf
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41. Alexander B. Khramtsov
Electoral Activity of Voters and the Practice of Forming Representative Assemblies in the cities of Siberia (1900s)

Bylye Gody. 2023. 18(4): 2036-2044.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2023.4.2036CrossRef

In the work with the involvement of archival documents, the electoral activity of voters in the elections of representative assemblies in the cities of Siberia in the 1900s was studied for the first time (based on the materials of the Tobolsk province). It is established that the process of formation of city dumas and meetings of commissioners depended on the ratio of various factors, such as the number of persons who had the right to vote, their electoral activity, the class structure and the degree of education of the local society, the level of commercial and industrial development of the city, its administrative status. The practice of elections has shown that less than 5 % of their residents were granted the right to vote in Siberian cities, and small owners and tenants were excluded from participating in solving urban problems. The election results were affected by the imperfect mechanism of electoral production, absenteeism of voters, their indifferent attitude to public service. The analysis of the voter lists by property qualification allowed us to divide the cities of the region into 3 groups: large, actively developing (Kurgan, Tobolsk, Tyumen), "medium" (Tara, Ishim, Yalutorovsk, Tyukalinsk) and small settlements "frozen" in their development (Berezov, Surgut, Turinsk). It is estimated that the average turnout for the elections was 25 %. Most of the legitimate voters did not take part in local elections, in the formation of representative government. It has been established that most of the vowels of the city dumas of Tyumen, Kurgan and Ishim at the beginning of the XX century were retained by representatives of the merchant class, in the provincial center there was an approximately equal ratio between merchants, burghers and officials, and in small towns petty-bourgeois artisans prevailed. It can be concluded that city meetings were characterized by blockiness of interests, closeness from the broad masses of citizens, ossification (non-renewability of compositions) and an entrepreneurial management style.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1701438031.pdf
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42. Natalia P. Koptseva, Anna A. Shpak, Yulia N. Menzhurenko, Kseniya A. Degtyarenko
“Zhurnal Dlya Vsekh” (1901) as a Source on the Political History of the Russian Empire at the beginning of the XX century

Bylye Gody. 2023. 18(4): 2045-2056.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2023.4.2045CrossRef

“Zhurnal dlya vsekh” (“Journal for Everyone”) is an illustrated popular science, literary and artistic publication that operated in St. Petersburg from 1895 to 1906 monthly. The periodical “Mir Bozhii” (“World of God”) was chosen as data for a comparative analysis of the main internal political events in Russia and current topics of the Russian public of that time. The journal “Mir Bozhii” was published monthly in St. Petersburg in 1892–1906 and was a popular science and literary publication whose primary task was to promote self-education through the popularization of science and history. The choice of the journal is based on similar parameters, publication period, content and the presence of sections devoted to the study of socio-political, socio-economic processes of the Russian Empire. The purpose of the article is to study political history in periodicals, highlighting the principles of covering the main events of the early 20th century. The headings “Internal Review” of the “Zhurnal dlya vsekh” and “Miscellaneous Differences” of the journal “Mir Bozhii” are analyzed. The content of the periodicals includes 12 issues and topics from different spheres of people's lives, which helps to interpret events in the context of forming the image of the Russian Empire at the beginning of the 20th century and understanding the main directions of development of the Russian state. The attention is focused on the reconstruction of the internal political picture of the world of this period. Materials from a comparative study of the journals “Zhurnal dlya vsekh” and “Mir Bozhii” will allow us to develop and supplement the provisions of historical science about the Russian Empire of the early 20th century. In addition, the results of the analysis make it possible to comprehend the socio-political experience of the country in modern realities, determine the historical patterns of domestic politics and predict the further development of the socio-political life of Russia.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1701438080.pdf
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43. Alexey V. Antoshin
Russian Liberal-Conservative Organizations in Pre-Revolutionary Ukraine: the Poltava Party of Legal Order

Bylye Gody. 2023. 18(4): 2057-2065.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2023.4.2057CrossRef

The article is devoted to the emergence of Russian liberal-conservative political organizations in the Little Russian provinces under the conditions of the revolution of 1905–1907. The focus is on the history of the Poltava organization of the Party of Legal Order, which was a significant political structure of the center-right. The source base for this study was documents stored in the funds of the State Archives of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russian Federation) and the Russian State Historical Archives (St. Petersburg, Russian Federation). In addition, materials from the periodical press – “Poltavskaya zemskaya gazeta”, as well as the central press were used. The methodological basis of the study is the theoretical developments of specialists in the field of studying the phenomenon of political parties. Using these conceptual constructions, the author comes to the conclusion that the organizers of the Party of Legal Order in Poltava were moderately reformist figures of local zemstvo and city governments. They believed that a progressive movement of Russia was necessary on the basis of the principles proclaimed in the Manifesto of October 17, 1905. Russian nationalism and the negative attitude of law enforcement officers to the idea of equal rights for Jews in Russia were also consolidating factors for many local PPP organizations. The leaders of the Poltava organization of the PPP sought to use administrative resources to carry out a political mobilization of the population based on the principles of the party program. However, the author comes to the conclusion that the project of the Poltava PPP organization cannot be called completely successful. In the context of the political crisis in the country, associated with the defeat in the Russo-Japanese war and unrest in society, the public was not inclined to compromise with the authorities, which was advocated by the law enforcement officers. As a result, the organizers of this party in the Poltava province themselves eventually decided to reorient themselves to other political projects, in particular, to the Union of October 17th.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1701438130.pdf
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44. Vladimir P. Trut, Sergey G. Voskoboynikov
To the Issue of the Participation of the Don Cossack Units in the Russian-Japanese War

Bylye Gody. 2023. 18(4): 2066-2074.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2023.4.2066CrossRef

The article characterizes the participation of the Don Cossack units-the 4th Don Cossack Division and the 3rd Don Cossack Artillery Division in the Russian-Japanese war. The features of the composition and formation of this non-combatant priority, but preferential (reserve) Cossack division and its dispatch to the front are revealed. The participation of the Don units in the battles and battles of this war is shown, especially in raids into the enemy rear. The successful and unsuccessful military actions of the latter during the war are analyzed, as well as the reasons for the unsatisfactory use of the Cossack cavalry by the command of the Russian army during military operations. When describing the shortcomings of the actions of the Don Cossack units, both objective and particularly subjective reasons for this circumstance are comprehensively revealed. The article draws attention to the consideration of controversial issues present in historiography regarding the general assessment and particular examples of the actions of the Don Cossack units and subunits in various episodes of their combat participation. The conclusions about the combat contribution of the Don Cossacks to the general military actions of the Russian army during this war, the heroism, courage and military valor shown by the Cossacks, the level of their military training, the causes, content and consequences of the shortcomings, mistakes and miscalculations of the command of the army and tactical levels, directly Cossack officers are substantiated. Data on losses and the number of awarded Cossacks of these units during the war are given.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1701438180.pdf
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45. Nursan A. Alimbay, Anar M. Fazylzhanova, Bolat Q. Smagulov, Kyzdarhan K. Rysbergen
Strengthening the Peasant Colonization of the Kazakh Krai in the Period of the Stolypin Agrarian Reform (1906–1917)

Bylye Gody. 2023. 18(4): 2075-2095.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2023.4.2075CrossRef

The article is investigated the scale and direction of peasant colonization in Kazakhstan, that considered by the authors as the main direction of Stolypin’s agrarian policy in the Kazakh region. According to sources, the more organized nature and previously unprecedented scale of peasant colonization of the region at the time under consideration is explained by powerful state support, actively initiated by P.A. Stolypin himself and personally controlled by him at the government level. Even the premature death of P.A. Stolypin, which occurred in 1911, essentially did not prevent the implementation of his plans for the “peasantization” of the ancestral territories of Kazakh cattle breeders until the October events of 1917. It's true, the pace and geography of this process in the post-Stolypin era decreased slightly. Nevertheless, the goal set by the imperial authorities of the mass settlement of peasant families from various regions of the empire on the territory of the Steppe land was practically achieved. The total area of land confiscated from the Kazakhs by 1917 amounted to more than 45 million dessiatines. The authors consider this period of time as the final stage of land colonization of the region.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1701640209.pdf
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46. Olesya M. Dolidovich, Ivan Y. Makarchuk, Oleg G. Alekseev, Mikhail A. Petrov
Prisoners of War of the First World War in the cities of Eastern Siberia (on the Materials of Kansk from Yenisei Province)

Bylye Gody. 2023. 18(4): 2096-2106.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2023.4.2096CrossRef

The authors investigated the activities of city authorities on the accommodation, maintenance and use of prisoners of war labor during the First World War (on the materials of the city of Kansk from Yenisei province). The process of interaction of the city government with the military and civil administration, local population in solving various problems of material and domestic support of prisoners, conditions and efficiency of their labor are analyzed. The arrival of prisoners of war put the authorities and the local population in a difficult situation due to the extremely backward state of the urban economy and infrastructure (lack of free housing, lack of water supply and sewerage, baths and laundries, etc.). Prisoner of war labor was used mainly in such areas as public works and road repair, but on a limited scale due to the shortage of city finances (prisoners had to be transported to the place of work, fed and provided with clothes and shoes in season, tools, guards, returned unsuitable for work, etc.). In general, labor was unproductive and did not contribute to the solution of any important economic or defense tasks due to the lack of large-scale industrial production in the city.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1701438285.pdf
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47. Roman V. Parma
Public Consolidation of Subjects of the Russian Empire during the First World War

Bylye Gody. 2023. 18(4): 2107-2117.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2023.4.2107CrossRef

The article examines the forms of consolidation of Russian society during the First World War based on the material of large industrial cities, where the interaction between society and government was most intense. The author concludes that despite all the efforts of the enlightened public, including the bureaucrats, the bourgeoisie and the intelligentsia, it failed to achieve a high degree of unity with the lower strata of urban society. Moreover, the very powerful consolidation impulse of the first months of the war, based on emotional upsurge and inflated expectations, began to evaporate quite quickly. The consolidation of the “enlightened” layers of Russian society, although preserved, in 1915–1916, took largely inertial forms. A clear mental distance was visible and even increased between the political elites, the intelligentsia and the bulk of the population of the Russian Empire. The cultural and psychological split between the “tops” and “bottoms” of Russian society most clearly manifested itself during the anti-alcohol campaign, which, instead of “sobering up society,” led to the accumulation of negative energy in it. It should be recognized that in 1915–1916. A very effective and popular form of behavioral (rather than declarative) consolidation of various segments of the population were public collections for various military needs, but their organization fell entirely on the shoulders of the intelligentsia and bureaucrats, while the workers in this case acted exclusively as the object of influence. Taking over some of the functions of the state, the public gradually accumulated political energy, while the government gradually lost its former authority in its eyes due to managerial inefficiency and the inability to both achieve decisive successes at the front and formulate an acceptable domestic political agenda that would meet the interests of the broad masses.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1701438327.pdf
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48. Goran Rajović, Sergei N. Bratanovskii, Alexander Y. Epifanov, Milena S. Bratanovskaya
Coverage of the Brusilov's Breakthrough in the Russian Army Newspaper “Soldatskii Vestnik” (May 22 – June 22, 1916). Part 1

Bylye Gody. 2023. 18(4): 2118-2127.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2023.4.2118CrossRef

The paper considers the coverage of the Brusilov's breakthrough of the Russian troops of the Southwestern Front on the pages of the newspaper “Soldatskii vestnik”. The attention is paid to the coverage of the first month of this offensive operation, namely, May 22 – June 22, 1916. In conclusion, the authors state that the offensive operation of the Russian troops of the Southwestern Front (Commander General A.A. Brusilov) began on May 22, 1916. Already on the first day of the offensive, Russian troops managed to break through the enemy's defenses and capture about 13 thousand prisoners. In total, during the first month (May 22 – June 22, 1916) of the offensive of the Russian troops, about 250 thousand enemy soldiers and officers were captured, or 8.3 thousand people per day. The first week was especially effective, when about 115 thousand people were captured from May 22 to May 30. In the subsequent period, the intensity of the enemy's resistance increased. Despite the fact that the enemy often launched counterattacks and used asphyxiating gases, the Russian troops, overcoming this resistance, still continued their offensive, albeit at a slower pace. As for the coverage of the Brusilov's breakthrough on the pages of the army newspaper “Soldatskii vestnik”, at the time considered by the authors, the main source of information was the reports of the headquarters of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief. When there was not enough information from the reports, the newspaper published materials of newspaper employees telling about the successes of the South-Western Front, as well as speeches by officials.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1701438382.pdf
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49. Dina V. Alontseva, Olga N. Grishaeva, Vladimir P. Litvinov, Roman V. Tikhonov
Local Cathedral: Historical and Legal Significance

Bylye Gody. 2023. 18(4): 2128-2135.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2023.4.2128CrossRef

This article examines the activities of the Local Council, and assesses its work for both the history of Russia and Russian Orthodox Christianity. The work of the Council in 1917–1918 was at the same time a religious and political event, the starting point for the establishment of a new government of the church. The influence of the Local Council on the political situation in the country, on the one hand, had a positive impact on the development of society by expanding civil and political rights, on the other hand, this period opened the way for violent clashes between various political and religious movements, which led to the destruction of spiritual traditions and mass social unrest. Russian Orthodox Church Local Council, held in 1917–1918, became the first council of the highest hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church since 1689. The issues discussed during the work of the Council and the projects adopted determined the state-church relations. The historical significance of the activity of the decisions taken by the council consisted in the restructuring of the hierarchical structure and internal structure of the church, building an “ideal” model of the relationship between church and state, attitudes to family and spiritual and moral values. One of the key issues of the Council's activity was the decision on the restoration of the patriarchate and the election of the patriarch. The difficult political situation contributed to the immediate election and enthronement of Metropolitan Tikhon as Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia. The participants of the Council also developed a draft Definition “On the relationship of the Church to the state”, aimed at defining the basic principles of state-church interaction.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1701438426.pdf
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50. Viktor N. Razgon, Dmitry N. Belyanin, Anton V. Razgon
Lease of Land by Old Timers and Migrants in the Altai Okrug: Comparative Analysis (Based on the Results of the 1917 All-Russian Agricultural Census)

Bylye Gody. 2023. 18(4): 2136-2144.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2023.4.2136CrossRef

Analysis of the information contained in the database, formed on the basis of information extracted from the household questionnaires of 1917 All-Russian agricultural census, showed that in both compared settlement groups of the Altai peasantry, consumer leases of land prevailed over entrepreneurial leases, however, it became more widespread among the migrants due to the lower quality of allotment lands allocated to them and the presence a significant number of unauthorized migrants, who had no legal grounds for obtaining land plots. The wider spread among old-timers of the lease of land for animal husbandry, and among migrants – arable land is explained by the specialization of their farms, the level of adaptation to the natural and social environment, the degree of involvement in market relations. Both in the village of old-timers and in the village of settlers, internal land lease prevailed. The external lease, represented by the lease of land from the tsar's Cabinet, became more widespread among old-timers, since it included the lease of plots from their land use transferred to the Cabinet's land fund during the demarcation of peasant and Cabinet lands carried out in 1899–1915. In the absence of landowners in the Altai okrug, unlike many regions of the European part of the country, in-kind payment of land rent has not received any wide distribution. With the general predominance of short-term leases characteristic of old-timers and immigrants, the lease of land on a long-term basis, which included rent for business purposes, became more widespread among old-timers, which was determined by their greater integration into the structures of regional and аll-Russian markets.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1701438466.pdf
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51. Makhabbat M. Kozybayeva, Aizhamal I. Kudaibergenova, Kuralay K. Sarsembina
Socio-Demographic Consequences of the Famine of the early 1920s in Kazakhstan

Bylye Gody. 2023. 18(4): 2145-2151.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2023.4.2145CrossRef

In the article, the authors attempted a comprehensive study of the socio-demographic consequences of the famine of the early 1920s in Kazakhstan, establishing the number of famine victims in the republic, highlighting the problems of high mortality, the spread of epidemic diseases and forced migrations and refugees, child homelessness and others. In the article, the authors note that the civil war, shortage of bread and herbs in 1920, and the death of livestock from jute in 1920 and 1921 brought the republic’s agriculture into complete decline. The emergence of famine found the republic in an environment of complete economic exhaustion. The authors note that famine in Kazakhstan affected five provinces and one district, with more than 2.6 million people starving. The authors made an attempt to establish the demographic losses of the population during the famine, as well as other socio-demographic consequences of the famine in Kazakhstan, such as high mortality, epidemiological diseases, forced migrations of the population. At the same time, there was no reliable data on the number of starving people, and one of the problems in counting the number of starving people was the different sources of statistical information. The situation was complicated by the lack of medicine, food, fuel and money, which greatly complicated the fight against developing epidemic and other diseases, both due to hunger and general infection from the density of the hungry and the population itself due to the cold and lack of fuel in the cities.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1701438527.pdf
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52. Daniil S. Zaozerskiy, Oleg V. Minchuk
Norwegian Hunting Concessions on Novaya Zemlya at the beginning of the 20th century: From an Early Idea to the Practical Implementation

Bylye Gody. 2023. 18(4): 2152-2160.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2023.4.2152CrossRef

In this article one of the earliest propositions of conceding the right of mammal hunting to the Norwegians at the territory of the Novaya Zemlya archipelago is reviewed. This proposition was formulated in “The navigating officers Corpus staff captain Tyagin’s report to the Arkhangelsk Governor” (the 4th of November, 1879). It was offered long before the beginning of the RSFSR-USSR concession policy. Authors of this article study the reasons why this proposition was not supported. The Tyagin’s proposition is deeply connected with the following activities of the Arkhangelsk governors and the USSR concession policy. Such connections were examined by the authors of the article respectively. Thus, the Arkhangelsk governors’ activities were directed to gain a foothold on the Novaya Zemlya. And in 1923 the waters of the Novaya Zemlya archipelago were provided for two Norwegian concession firms due to the USSR concession policy. It’s worth noting that such Norwegian concessions were anticipated by E.A. Tyagin. The sources for the publication are legislative acts, materials of the regional periodical press, office documents, business correspondence, travel notes and reports of the Arkhangelsk province officials.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1701788378.pdf
Number of views: 128      Download in PDF

53. Evgeny A. Akhtamov, Anna P. Dvoreckaya, Denis N. Gergilev, Alexander G. Gryaznukhin
The History of the Design and Construction of the Ob-Yenisei Canal

Bylye Gody. 2023. 18(4): 2161-2169.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2023.4.2161CrossRef

The issue of developing shipping communications in the Yenisei region constantly attracts the attention of the researchers. A new wave of interest in the problem of the Ob-Yenisei Canal arose in the 1980–1990s, which was associated with research of the canal by employees of the Novosibirsk Institute of Water Transport. In this article, based on the analysis of materials from the chronicle of A.I. Kytmanov, the progress of survey and construction work was reconstructed, significant events in public life that accompanied the construction of the canal were considered, and the persons who directly influenced the work were shown. The object of study of this article is the history of the survey and construction work of the Ob-Yenisei Canal. The authors focus on the evolution of views on possible ways to connect the two rivers, the role of the government and public of the Yenisei province in this process. The authors note that the discussion of the projects was lengthy, which is explained by the complexity of the conditions of the proposed construction and its high cost. It is worth noting the significant role of representatives of the local community, primarily merchants, in the preparation and financing of reconnaissance expeditions. The authors note that despite a long study of possible junctions of the Ob and Yenisei, as well as expensive construction, local merchants and industrialists were never able to take full advantage of the canal. During operation, limitations for large-scale shipping became obvious: insufficient water levels in the Ket and Kas rivers, terrain features that limited the ability to create a large supply of water, and significant water consumption in the lock system.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1701438633.pdf
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