English (United Kingdom)  Russian (CIS)

Bylye Gody – American Historical Journal

E-ISSN 2310-0028
Publication frequency – issued 4 times a year.

Issued from 2006.

Information for Authors

Subject Matter




Esteemed authors!


The Editorial Staff accepts for publishing authors’ manuscripts, have not been published previously.


The journal allows the author(s) to hold the copyright and retain publishing rights without restrictions. When using the materials in non-commercial purposes the link to the organization is required. The commercial use is prohibited.


The cost of publication is 850 USD (per one article).


1. Manuscript Submission

1.1. According to the requirements listed below, the author(s) should submit the manuscript accompanied by cover documents.

1.2. A manuscript and cover documents should be submitted in electronic format.

1.3. Cover documents accompanying the manuscript submission should include all authors' names and affiliations.  


2. Preparation of manuscripts

2.1. Authors submit manuscripts to editorial office in accordance with manuscript format requirements, listed in Annex 1.

2.2. Manuscripts should conform to the structure, outlined in Annex 2 (Authors' full names, place of employment, positions, academic degree, academic rank, title, abstract and keywords in Russian and English, e-mail address).

2.3. Bibliographic list should appear at the end of a manuscript in accordance with State Standard Р 7.05-2008 in a format, set by Russian Scientific Citation Index. Examples of bibliographical references are given in Annex 3.

2.4. Submitted manuscripts undergo review.

2.5. After getting the positive review, the Editorial Board informs authors their manuscript is accepted for publication and what changes or supplements should be made according to reviewers’ and editors’ comments. If a manuscript is not accepted for publication, the Editorial Board sends the author the motivated refuse.

2.6. Authors are responsible for the reliability of facts, quotations, statistical and sociological data, proper and geographical names and other statements made in their work. The Editorial Board reserves the right to edit all manuscripts. The Editorial Board can publish manuscripts without sharing author's point of view (further discussed).

2.7. Maximum two articles by one author can be published in one issue.

2.8. Free on-line issues of journal, abstracts, keywords, authors' names and details in Russian and English are available on-line on journal’s official site and Scientific Electronic Library   eLIBRARY.RU.  


3. Submitting Manuscripts to the Journal: Electronic version of a manuscript and scanned cover documents (jpeg format) are submitted by e-mail . Dear authors, in order to save your time, please observe manuscript format requirements.  


Annex 1

Manuscript Format Guidelines. Manuscripts should be submitted by e-mail and should have the following format: · Manuscript length limit is 10 - 24 A4-size pages. · Page margins: all margins set to 2cm. · All submitted material must be in a Microsoft Word format. · A manuscript must be typewritten with 1.5 line spacing using Times New Roman and 14 pt font size · Avoid adding bold or italics in your manuscript. · Indent the first line of each paragraph 1 cm. · If you need to insert any complicated formulas then it is best to use Microsoft Equation 3.0 included in Microsoft Word · Center formulas in column without indentation, use parenthesis for their serial numbers and place them in the column (on the page) using right page alignment. Single formula is not numbered. No extra space is put between formulas and text. · References to formulas in the body of the text should be placed in parentheses (1), references to literary sources should be placed in square brackets [1]. · Bibliographic list (14pt) should be placed at the end of a manuscript in the order the literary sources are first mentioned in the text. · A manuscript should include title, authors' full names, academic or professional affiliation, position, the name of the organization, abstract (0,5 page) and keywords (10 words in both Russian and English), e-mal address.  Guidelines for Graphics: · Vector pictures should be in Corel Draw 11.0 or in MS Office 97, 98, 2000, 2007. · Place graphs, pictures and photos into the body text after their first mention in the most suitable way. · Legends (14pt, body type) should be placed:     - below the pictures, at the center of the page after the word pic. with a serial number (14pt, body type);    - above the table using right page alignment, after the word Table with a serial number (14pt, body type). Single picture or table is not numbered. 


 Annex 2

Manuscript Structure: Classification of Occupation and its code (in English and Russian), Universal Decimal Classification http://teacode.com/online/udc/,  TITLE (in English), author’s full name (in English language), author’s details: organization, city, country, place of study/  employment, year of study/position, academic degree, academic rank, business/home address (in English), e-mail address, abstract in 0,5 page (in English), keywords – up to 10 words (in English). Manuscript (in English or Russian). Footnotes (in English or Russian).


We welcome manuscripts from PhD or Doctoral degree seekers. Manuscripts from students are published only with academic advisor as co-author


The list of works cited appears at the end of the article, under the heading ‘Literature’. The list is alphabetized. It must contain only works cited directly in the paper. Literature must be cited using not numeric but parenthetical citations – by listing the author’s last name and the work’s publication date in parentheses and separating these from the page number with a colon (Petrov 2014: 12). When citing a collection of articles, list, in lieu of the author’s last name, either the last name of the collection’s executive editor (or compiler) or one or two words from its title. Likewise, when citing a work whose author or compiler is unknown (e.g., a newspaper item), list one or two words from the beginning of the work’s title (Letters and Telegrams 2009). Abbreviate a name that conveniently lends itself to abbreviation as an acronym. For instance, substituting ACAC for ‘Acts of the Caucasian Archeographic Commission’ will result in ACAC 1881: 55–56. When citing articles or books by two authors, list both authors (Shalimov, Petrov 2012: 61). When citing articles or books by three or more authors, list the first author’s last name followed by ‘et al.’ (Ivanov et al. 2009 or Smith et al. 2001). To differentiate between two or more works by the same author in the same year, add the Latin letters a, b, c, etc., to the publication year (Petrov 2006a), (Petrov 2006b).

Citing dissertation abstracts and dissertations is not recommended.

Citation examples:

Monographs: Petrov 2010 – Petrov V.M. A historical portrait of P.A. Stolypin. Surgut, 2010. p. 186.

Articles: Shalimov, Petrov 2012 – Shalimov V.N., Petrov V.M, (if there are more than three authors, use ‘et el.’ after the first three last names) P.A. Stolypin in Russian historiography. Golos Minuvshego. 2012. No. 1 (16). pp. 63–76.

Archival sources (with the file title and the year): NAG – National Archive of Georgia (NAG). F. 2. Op. 1. D. 7661. L. 61. 

Transliteration.  Automating the transliteration process involves the use of a resource available at https://antropophob.ru/translit-bsi Once done with automatic transliteration, manually check the resulting text for errors and make any necessary corrections. Transliterated citations must only contain elements that are significant to analytical processing (the authors’ full names, the title of the primary source, and the colophon). In the list of works cited, the titles of works written in languages that do not use Latinized alphabets must be translated into English and enclosed in square brackets; the titles of sources must be transliterated and the source language must be listed in square brackets in the end. When citing a book, the name of the publishing house (if that is the name of an institution) must be translated into English; in all other cases, it must be transliterated and the place of publication must be translated.



Transliteration example:

Суляк 2012 – Суляк С.Г. Этнодемографические процессы в Бессарабии в XIX – начале XX в. // Русин. Международный исторический журнал. 2012. № 1 (27). С. 6-26.


Sulyak 2012 – Sulyak S.G. (2012). Etnodemograficheskie protsessy v Bessarabii v XIX – nachale XX v. [Ethno-demographic processes in Bessarabia in the 19th and early 20th centuries]. Rusin. No. 1 (27), pp. 6–26 [in Russian].

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