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«Былые годы» (Bylye Gody) – российский исторический журнал

Периодичность – 4 раза в год.

Издается с 2006 года.

2 June 04, 2016


1. Vyacheslav V. Shevtsov
The Formation of Historical Metrology as Scientific Discipline at the XVI – the beginning of the XX century
Number of views: 1170      Download in PDF

2. Nadezhda V. Dulina, Igor' N. Naumov
The Genesis of the Urban Culture of the Steppe of the Volga Region and Sociocultural Development of the Region
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3. Gennady G. Matishov, Piotr A. Avakov, Evgeny F. Krinko
Battle of Konotop (1659) in the Нistoriography and the Historical Memory
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4. Leonid A. Bobrov, Alexey V. Salnikov
North Caucasian helmets from the Crimean Tatar Nobility from the Museum of Topkapi Palace (Istanbul, Turkey). Design Features, Design and Combat Use
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5. Evgeny V. Vodyasov
Kondoma Tatars and the Bloomery Process (source: the Great Northern Expedition)
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6. Yulia A. Bortnikova, Olga N. Naumenko, Evgeny A. Naumenko .
Regulation of Islamic art in confessional policy of Catherine II (on materials of the Tyumen region)
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7. Natalya A. Shevchenko, Evgeniya V. Vidishcheva, Olga V. Emelyanova
The Establishment of the System of Public Education in the Caucasus (1802–1917 years): the Characteristic Features
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8. Vladimir B. Lobanov, Dmitry V. Ovsjannikov, Timur M. Karmov
To the Issue of the Influence of Islam in Chechen Uprising in 1825 year
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9. Aleksandr A. Cherkasov, Vladimir G. Ivantsov, Michal Smigel, Violetta S. Molchanova
The Demographic Characteristics of the Tribes of the Black Sea Region in the first half of the XIX century
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10. Vladimir B. Karataev, Igor А. Gordeev, Lyudmila G. Zimovets
Azov Cossack Host on the Territory of the Black Sea Coastline
Number of views: 1126      Download in PDF

11. Alexey A. Volvenko
D.A. Milyutin and Cossacks
Number of views: 1089      Download in PDF

12. Yulia I. Kuznetsova, Vladimir N. Baryshnikov, Viktor N. Borisenko, Nina E. Adamova, Valery E. Vozgrin
Russian Observations of European Experience in Agricultural Development in 1840s (based on the printed output of the Imperial Agricultural Societies of Russia)
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13. Larisa A. Koroleva
Theater Life of Provincial Russia in the 1840–1870 (on the Example of the Penza Province)
Number of views: 999      Download in PDF

14. Aleksandr B. Kosolapov, Irina V. Barashok, Nonna V. Guremina
The History of Research and Development Islands Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan
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15. Irina O. Tuman-Nikiforova, Valery I. Fedorchenko, Natalia V. Pashina, Igor I. Krylov
Age-Sex Marriage and the Family Structure of the Guild Merchants Yenisei Province 1860 – early XX centuries
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16. Artyom Y. Peretyatko
Dispute about the Mius district in 1874: Inviolable Part of the Don Host Oblast or Historical Little Russia?
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17. Bakhytgul T. Tuleuova, Lyzzat K. Shotbakova, Gylnara M. Smagulova, Nazym A. Kassymzhanova
About Introduction of New Methods of Managing in the Economy of the Traditional Kazakh Society of the Central Part of Kazakhstan in the Second Half of XIX – Early XX Centuries
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18. Nicholas W. Mitiukov
Maritime and River Registers as a Historical Source
Number of views: 1042      Download in PDF

19. Andrey G. Danilov
Finishing Touches to the Portrait of Kuban Intelligentsia at the Turn of the XIX–XX centuries
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20. Ariadna A. Petrova, Anatoliy V. Smolin, Denis G. Yanchenko, Alexander V. Petrov, Ingeborg Pardon
The Spanish King Alfonso XIII on pages of Russian Press in 1902–1917
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21. Gulnar K. Mukanova
The Russian Parliamentarism XХ Century: Socio-Cultural Mission and Media Resources of the State Duma, in Emigration
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22. Sergei A. Nefedov
Student Movement in St. Petersburg Shortly before the Revolution of 1905 year
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23. Konstantin V. Taran, Andrei P. Mikhailov, Susanna D. Bagdasaryan
The Outskirts during the First Russian Revolution (1905–1907 years): the Separatist Moods among the Population of the Black Sea Province
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24. Elena Yu. Leontyeva, Alexander N. Leontyev
The Аctivities of the Local Self-Government Tsaritsyn County in the first months of the Great War
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25. Victor S. Brachev, Matvey F. Polynov
Book Review on: Igor Y. Froyanov. Lectures on Russian History. Kievan Rus. St. Petersburg, Russkaya Kollektsiya. 2015. 1048 p.
Number of views: 1089      Download in PDF

26. Asen N. Kozhukharov
A Book on Bulgarian High Schools History
Number of views: 1020      Download in PDF

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28. Liliya G. Stepanova
Natural Environment of Valdai on the Materials of General Land Survey
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