English (United Kingdom)  Russian (CIS)

Bylye Gody – American Historical Journal

E-ISSN 2310-0028
Publication frequency – issued 4 times a year.

Issued from 2006.

1 March 06, 2017

Articles and Statements

1. Hadzhi-Murat A. Sabanchiev, Madina A. Tekueva, Zareta H. Soblirova, Anzhela A. Zhurtova
Conceptual Understanding of the Russian-Caucasian Relations in the XVI–XIX centuries in the Official Imperial Historiography
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2. Denis A. Lyapin, Nikolay A. Zhirov
The Peculiarities of Social Organization of the Serving Population of the South of Russia in the First third of the XVII centuries (on Materials Guarantee Records of Voronezh)
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3. Natalia V. Kabakova, Svetlana N. Korusenko
Office Administration and Cartography at the turn of the XVII–XVIII centuries: to the Problem of Studying the Population of the Middle Priirtyshje
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4. Lyalya T. Faizrakhmanova, Ekaterina V. Kovrikova
The Ethno-Confessional Relations in the Context of Culture and Education (Kazan province, XVIII – beginning of XX century)
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5. Tatyana E. Gvarliani, Larisa A. Koroleva, Natalia V. Svechnikova
The Formation of the Russian Medical Activities in the Caucasus in 1736–1799
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6. Yuri F. Katorin, Aleksej V. Shadymov, Aleksandra Yu. Glebanova
Participation of Aral Military Flotilla in the Accession of Central Asia to the Russian Empire
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7. Jeanne M. Aroutiounova, Elena V. Linkova, Rafael A. Arslanov
The Image of Russia in French Travel Literature of the XIXth century
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8. Tatyana G. Karchaeva, Denis N. Gergilev, Mikhail D. Severyanov
Who were the Clerks in Siberia? Professional Characteristics of Russian Empire Local Governmental Officials from the 19th to the early 20ies century
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9. Aidar A. Aitmuhambetov, Ruslan K. Bekmagambetov, Aigul A. Bimoldanova, Maisara G. Bekmagambetova
Formation of the Kazakh Employees in the Conditions of Russian Management Military-Administrative Model
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10. Maxim N. Krot, Sergey V. Chernicin, Oksana O. Zavyalova
The Patriotic Enthusiasm during the Crimean War (1853–1856) аs a Factor of Modernization Turn in Russia
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11. Alla G. Vazerova, Ramin A. Gurbanov, Natalya V. Mickу
The Crimean War (1855–1856): the Combat Operations in Rioni Region
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12. Larisa S. Perevozchikova, Bogdan A. Ershov, Igor A. Ashmarov, Ekaterina A. Volkova
Role of Russian Orthodox Church in Life of Peasants in Russia in XIX – the beginning of the XXth centuries
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13. Andrey A. Ivanov, Aleksandr E. Kotov, Denis G. Yanchenko, Dmitrii V. Ovsjannikov
Ukrainian Question in the Russian Conservative Thought. The end of XIXth – early XXth century
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14. Marek Syrný
The Slovak Politics and Society in Austria-Hungary before the First World War
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15. Nicholas W. Mitiukov, Dmitry Matveev, Natalia V. Svechnikova
Problems of Votkinsk’s Shipbuilding: to Analyze the Historical Sources
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16. Oksana V. Ustinova, Anna L. Skifskaya
The Siberian Students in Research, Cultural and Social Life of the Region in the Late XIX – Early XX centuries
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17. Vladimir N. Shaidurov
German Industrial Enterprises in Western Siberia in the second half of the 19th century
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18. Sergey G. Kashchenko, Maria A. Markova, Olga V. Rodionova
Russian Subjects on the Territory of the Grand Duchy of Finland (according to the Russian and Finnish Population Statistics of the late 19th century)
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19. Asen N. Kozhukharov, Igor N. Najmushin
Engineer Pavel Izotov in Service in the Russian Imperial Navy and the Bulgarian Fleet
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20. Alexandr V. Kobzev, Tatyana А. Kobzeva, Denis Е. Buzaev
Models of Mating Behavior of the Mordvа in Tumkino of Simbirsk Province in the 1885–1918 according to Parish Registers
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21. Alexander B. Khramtsov
District Police Officers in the Siberian Region: to the Social Portrait
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22. Lyubov G. Polyakova, Anna A. Ostrovskaya, Svetlana Yu. Murtuzalieva
The Agriculture and Industry of the Black Sea Province at the beginning of the 20th century
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23. Gennadiy G. Matishov, Oleg A. Grom
Ukrainian National Movement and State Power in Late Imperial Russia, 1905–1914
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24. Petr K. Dashkovskiy, Elena A. Shershneva
The Influence of State-Confessional Policy on the Situation of Muslim Organizations in Western Siberia in 1905 – the beginning of 1917 years
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25. Pavel A. Merkulov, Vadim V. Sokolov, Alexey V. Melnikov
The Interaction of Civil Society Institutions and the State in the Sphere of Youth Policy Implementation: the Russian Experience of the Beginning of XX Century
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26. Ulyana Kulyanina, Lidiya Kurakina, Andrey Ilushin
The Great War on the Pages of County Newspapers: the Formation of Public Opinion in Russian province (on materials of Samara, Simbirsk and Penza region)
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27. Irina N. Litvinova, Oksana A. Karagodina, Vyacheslav N. Gulyaikhin, Alexander V. Borovkov
Public Organizations of the Rear City during World War I (on Materials of Tsaritsyn)
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28. Vladimir B. Karataev, Aleksandr A. Chursin, Aleksandr S. Semenov
The Russian Aviation in the First World War: the Features of Artillery Fire Correction
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29. Olesya M. Dolidovich, Evgeniia N. Starovoitova
The Social Welfare of Soldiers' Families in Yenisei Province (1914–1917)
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30. Yuliya A. Lysenko, Evgeniya V. Demchik, Inna V. Anisimova, Irina B. Bochkareva
Modernization and Traditionalism through the Prism of the Events of the 1916 Rebellion in Central Asian Border Regions of Russia
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31. Stanislav N. Sinegubov, Sergei P. Shilov
Military-Political Events in the History of Russia in 1904–1905 in Interpretation of the German Naval Attaché P. Hinze
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32. Konstantin V. Taran, Alexey V. Dyuzhov, Ilya M. Rassolov
The Activities of the Armenian parties Dashnaktsutyun and Gnchak on the territory of the Black Sea Province at the beginning of the XX century
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33. Tatiana A. Kattsina, Lyudmila E. Marinenko, Natalya V. Pashina, Ekaterina A. Vakulina
Russian Societies of the Mutual Credit in the years of Economic Recovery (1909–1913)
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34. Pavel N. Dudin
I.Ya. Korostovetz, "the Creator of Mongolia" and Russian Diplomatic Mission in Urga in 1912
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full number
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36. Aleksandr A. Cherkasov, Vladimir G. Ivantsov, Michal Smigel, Violetta S. Molchanova
The Losses of the Russian Army during the Caucasian War (1801–1864): Historical and Statistical Research
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