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Bylye Gody – Russian Historical Journal

E-ISSN 2310-0028
Publication frequency – issued 4 times a year.

Issued from 2006.

3 September 01, 2017

1. Gorovoy V.V., Tuleuova B.T., Smagulova G.M., Ibragimova G.Ye.
The Process of Adaptation of Traditional Society and Empire (on the examples of the Roman and Russian Empires, Kazakhs and Gallo-Germans)
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2. Bobrov L.A., Salnikov A.V.
«Circassian Armor» in the System of Defensive Weapons of the Peoples of the Muslim East XV – mid XIX centuries
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3. Kozulin V.N., Kurnykin O.Y., Malysheva N.S., Chernyshov Y.G.
Tsar Alexis Mikhailovich through the Eyes of Western Contemporaries: a Personal Image in the Light of Potestar Stereotypes
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4. Merkulov P.A., Turin E.A., Savinova E.N.
Cultural and Historical Determinants of the Formation of the Identity of the Scots: the Question of the National Self-Determination of Scotland
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5. Zhurtova A.A., Kuz'minov P.A., Konovalov A.A., Muratova E.G.
The Problem of Russian-Caucasian Historical Interaction in the National Liberal Historiography of the late XVIII–XIX centuries
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6. Spichak A.V.
The Causes of the Flow and Evolution of the Petitions in the Composition of the Cases on Personnel Movements Clerics in the XVIII – beginning of XX centuries (on the example of the Churches of Tobolsk Diocese)
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7. Brachev V.S., Polynov M.F.
The Origins of Russian Archaeography of the XVIII century: Nikolai Ivanovich Novikov
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8. Gryaznukhina T.V., Gryaznukhin A.G., Gaydin S.T., Reut G.A.
The Siberia of the 19th century through the Russian Intelligentsia’ eyes
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9. Krinko E.F., Suschiy S.J., Mamadaliev A.M.
Demographic Consequences of the Caucasian War: on the Issue of Battle Losses of the Highlanders
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10. Ermachkov I.A., Koroleva L.A., Svechnikova N.V., Gut J.
The Traditional Medicine in the Caucasus and the Activities of the Georgian Medical Board (1801–1804 years)
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11. Bebeshko E.V., Kryzhko E.V., Pashkovsky P.I., Shchevelev S.S.
The Problem of the Genesis of the «Great Game» in Turkestan at the beginning of the XIX century
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12. Bulgarova B.A., Bragina M.A., Zolotykh E.A.
Letters from Captivity as a Unique Source of the Caucasian War Period
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13. Lidgieva I.V.
Health Activities of Local Governments in the Kalmyks of the XIX – early XX centuries
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14. Dushkova N.A., Grigorova V.A.
From the History of the Development of Artisanal Industrial Enterprises in the Central Chernozem Region since the second half of the XIX – the beginning of the XX centuries
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15. Sadykova R.O., Baigondin R.T.
The Concept of S.M. Solovyev on the Interaction of Society and Nature and its Further Development in Historiography
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16. Zaikov K.S., Tamitskiy A.M.
Lapp Crafts in the History of the Russian-Norwegian Borderland in 1855–1900
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17. Darchieva S.V., Darchiev A.V.
The Unrealized Project of Railway Construction: the Caucasian Saddle Road
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18. Peretyatko A. Y.
"Before Giving to the Nation or Tribe A New Order, One Must First Ask the People of this Nation whether they Need this Order": the Local Prerequisites for the Reforms of 1860–1870 On the Don. Part I
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19. Tuman-Nikiforova I.O., Fedorchenko V.I., Pashina N.V., Krylov I.I.
Factors of the Evolution of the Guild of Merchants of the Yenisei Province (in the post-reform period)
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20. Miku N.V., Galushkin A.A., Ekimov A.I.
The Serfdom in Russia: the Historiographic Aspect
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21. Šprocha B., Tišliar P.
The Fertility of Women in Subcarpathian Russia in the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century and the First Half of the Twentieth Century
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22. Kokebayeva G.K., Chatybekova K.K., Abisheva M.M.
Russia and the Establishment of the Hague System of International Legal Protection of the Prisoners of War
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23. Bezgin V.B.
Group Rapes in Russian Villages in the beginning of the 20th Century
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24. Kattsina T.A., Vysotskaya N.V., Cherkashina E.Y., Potapova E.V.
Educational Correctional Institutions for Minors in Provinces of Eastern Siberia of the end of XIX – the beginnings of the ХХth centuries: plan and result
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25. Ustinova O.V.
Infanticide and Abortion as a Social Phenomenon of the late 19th – early 20th century
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26. Dmitriev V.V., Lyubichankovskiy S.V.
The Southern Periphery of the Russian Empire and a Problem of Colonialism (on materials of National Policy of Russia in Relation to the Crimean Tatars at the end of XVIII – the beginning of the 20th century)
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27. Ratushnyak V.N., Ratushnyak T.V.
Value-grain Potential of the North Caucasus in the late XIX – the early XX century
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28. Suvorov V.V.
Views of S.Yu. Witte on the Cultural and Historical Tasks of Russia in the East
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29. Vereshchagin I.F., Zadorin M.Y.
Ethnopolitical Landscape of Arkhangelsk Governorate at the turn of the century: the end of XIX – the beginning of XX centuries (based on the materials of the diocesan press)
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30. Zinovyev V.P., Falileev D.A., Sulyak S.G.
Consumption of Wine in Russia and Siberia in the beginning of the XX century
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31. Danilets J.V.
Documents of the Archives of the Budim Orthodox diocese about the Orthodox Movement in Transcarpathia at the beginning of the ХХ century
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32. Zubritskaya N.V., Katorin Y.F., Makarov Y.N., Ageeva V.A.
Gnosiological Bases of the Philosophy of War N.L. Klado
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33. Pivovarova I.V., Zubareva J.V.
The Role of Students in Secondary and Elementary Schools of Siberia in Volunteer and Charitable Activities during the First World
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34. Kamynin V.D., Khramtsov A.B.
Fight against High Cost and Providing the Population with Essentials in the cities of Western Siberia in the years of First World War
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35. Cherepanova V.N., Putilina Y.V., Savitskaya Y.P.
Literary Works in the Student Press of the early twentieth century as Historical Source that Reflect the Characteristics of the Worldview and Lifestyle of Siberian Students in the beginning of the XX century
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36. Korobkov Y.D., Dorozhkin A.G., Starodubova O.Y.
Sоcio-psychological Bases of the Views of Workers' Ideas of Mining Ural on Socialism in 1917
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38. Rajović G., Ezhevski D.O., Vazerova A.G., Trailovic M.
Circassia in the Russian-Turkish Relations at the end of the XVIII – the beginning of the XIX centuries
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39. Karataev V.B., Belyalova A.M., Artemova S.F., Yakushev A.N.
The Combatant of the Caucasian Army (1801–1864 years): Uniform, Equipment, Traditions
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40. Ivantsov V.G., Cherkasov A.A., Smigel M., Valleau A.
The Policy of the Caucasian Authorities Regarding the Mountaineers of Circassia who fled to the Russian Side (1815–1861)
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41. Blagoder Y.G.
The Problems of Forming the Image of a Foreign State in the Periodicals of the Russian Empire (1905–1917)
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42. Ushakov V.A., Sokhor T.E., Il’in E.V., Goncharova T.N., Petrova A.A.
Russians in Captivity: The Art of Surviving and Winning
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