English (United Kingdom)  Russian (CIS)

Bylye Gody – Russian Historical Journal

E-ISSN 2310-0028
Publication frequency – issued 4 times a year.

Issued from 2006.

Number 1. (in 1 part) June 18, 2014


1. Asiet Yu. Shadzhe, Ludmila R. Khut, Elena S. Kukva
Russian North Caucasus: Historical Memory vs Historical Policy
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2. Alexander P. Abramov
Cadet Education in the Imperial Russia: Genesis, Dialectics and the Role in Social Structure of the Society
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3. Sergej I. Belov
Wrongful Actions of the German Armed Forces Against the Civilian Population of Germany in the Final Stages of World War II
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4. Sergey I. Degtyarev
Violations of Law in the Bureaucrats Community and Their Perception by the Ukrainian and Russian People in the Late XVIII – First Half of XIX Centuries
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5. Pavel V. Fedorov
Murman Coast of the Barents Sea at the Second Half of the 19th and the Begining 20th Century. Russian or European Colonization?
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6. Natalia Ye. Goryushkina
‘Distillation is the East Indies of Our Nobility’: Organization of Distilling by the Nobility Before and After the Wine Reform of 1863
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7. Almaz M. Ismailova
Operation and Activity of Moneyed Corporations in Baku and Tiflis Provinces (Last Quarter of XIX – Late XX Centuries)
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8. Tatiana A. Kattсina, Lyudmila E. Marinenko
Structure and Resources of Professional Economic Education in Siberia of the Early 1920s
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9. Natalya V. Kartamysheva
The History of Personal Insurance in 1920s (Kursk Province Case Study)
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10. Gulzhaukhar K. Kokebayeva
Agitation and Propagandistic Work in Soviet POW Camps
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11. Larisa A. Koroleva, Oleg V. Melnichenko, Victor V. Zinchenko, Natalya V. Miku
The Russian Orthodox and Catholic Church in 1980 – the 1990th Years: to History of Relationship
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12. Larisa A. Koroleva, Alexey A. Korolev, Victor V. Zinchenko
Vladimir Mikhaylovich Bubekin and Penza Region
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13. Irina N. Markaryan
Historical Way of Sochi Development: From Resort to Olympic Games Host City
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14. Nicholas W. Mitiukov
Innovations of Spanish Shipbuilding of the Regency's period
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15. Sergey А. Nefedov
Measuring the Famine: Consumption Level in 1933
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16. Vladimir N. Shaidurov
Jews and Their Social Status in the Society of Siberia in XIX Century
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17. Vladimir N. Shiadurov
Siberian Polonius as a Result of National Policy of the First Half of the XIX Century
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18. Elena S. Shavlоkhova
Adats and Their Influence on the Social Structure and Legal Relations in the Community of Highland Peoples in Late XIX Century
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19. Alexander N. Sorokin
The Integration of Science, Higher Education and Economy as a Factor of Recovery and Modernization of Soviet National Economy During the First Post-WWII Decades (Case Study of the Activity of the Siberian Physical-Technical Institute (1945-1954))
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20. Nadezhda V. Tarasova, Elena A. Nikitina, Olga V. Chernishova, Tatiana V. Letapurs, Svetlana V. Dumina
Civil and Patriotic Education of Students by Means of Excursion Activities in Russia in the Second Half of XIX – Early XX Centuries
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21. Pavol Tisliar
Population Censuses in Slovakia between 1919–1940
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22. Irina V. Voloshinova
Foundation of the Colonization Institute in the USSR
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23. Taisija V. Yudina, Vladimir V. Bulatov, Ekaterina L. Furman
Japanese in the Russian Far East (1900s – early 1930s): Manpower problem on Kamchatka and Northern Sakhalin
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24. Vasiliy P. Zinovyev
Differentiation of Siberian Miners’ Salaries in Late XIX – Early XX Centuries
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full number
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26. Aleksandr A. Cherkasov, Michal Šmigeľ, Vladimir G. Ivantsov, Aleksandr A. Ryabtsev, Violetta S. Molchanova
Hillmen of the Black Sea Province (Early XIX Century): Geography, Demography, Antropology
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27. Oleg V. Semenov
Community Organization of Siberian Coachmen in Late XVI – XVII Centuries
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