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«Былые годы» (Bylye Gody) – российский исторический журнал

Периодичность – 4 раза в год.

Издается с 2006 года.

1 March 01, 2018

Articles and Statements

1. L.A. Bobrov, A.V. Salnikov
"Circassian" Helmets with Plated Mailaventails of the Late Middle Ages and Early Modern Times
Number of views: 1242      Download in PDF

2. G.S. Sametova, M.A. Alpysbes
To the Issue of the Urban Culture of the Steppe Region in the XVIII–XIX centuries
Number of views: 1170      Download in PDF

3. S.V. Bereznitsky, I.I. Halechko, P.V. Primak
Guardsman of Anna Ioannovna – Artist of Elizabeth Petrovna – Researcher of Catherine II: the Life and Scientific Legacy of Friedrich Plenisner
Number of views: 888      Download in PDF

4. N. Ter-Oganov
Concerning the Iranian Influence on the Georgian Military Organization (According to the example of «Morighe Lashkari» or «Morighe» – second half of XVIII c.)
Number of views: 844      Download in PDF

5. P.A. Merkulov, E.A. Turin, E.N. Savinova, N.G. Akatova
The Highland’s Socio-Cultural Heritage in the Context of Scientific Comprehension of the Historical Imperatives of the Scottish Society’s Political Development. Part 1
Number of views: 815      Download in PDF

6. M. Hetényi, P. Ivanič
The Role of Cyrillo-Methodian Cult in the Slovak National Revival in the Context of Contacts with the Eastern Slavs
Number of views: 937      Download in PDF

7. S.G. Malkin, S.O. Buranok, D.A. Nesterov
Asymmetric Conflicts of Global Powers and Formation of the National Identity in Comparative View of Postcolonial Studies
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8. A.A. Cherkasov, M. Smigel, S. Bratanovskii, A. Valleau
The Circassian Aristocracy in the late XVIII – the first half of XIX centuries: the Social Structure of Society
Number of views: 857      Download in PDF

9. A.A. Nepomnyzshchy, A.S. Kravchuk
On the Emperor’s Service: the Supreme Administration of Taurida Governorate in the first half of the XIX century
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10. V.A. Livcov, V.I. Filonov, A.S. Pozhidaev, K.S. Nilaeva
The Evolution of Mechanisms of Interaction Between State and Society in the Sphere of Preservation of Historical-Cultural Heritage in the Russian Empire
Number of views: 825      Download in PDF

11. I.A. Ermachkov, L.A. Koroleva, N.V. Svechnikova, J. Gut
The Plague in the Caucasus in 1801–1815 years: Part I
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12. R.A. Arslanov, E.V. Linkova, V.M. Kozmenko
The Influence of the French Conservatives to the Reception of the Image of Napoleon I in Russia (on the Example of the Study of the Epistolary Heritage of Joseph de Maistre)
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13. S.G. Kashchenko, I.S. Ivanova, E.S. Kashchenko
Excerpts on the History of Swiss Migration to the Northern Black Sea Region at the beginning of the 19th Century: (Documents about the Group of Settlers of Major Caspar Escher in the Russian Historical Archives)
Number of views: 884      Download in PDF

14. G. Rajović, D.O. Ezhevski, A.G. Vazerova, M. Trailovic
The Exchange of Prisoners as a New Form of the Russian-Circassian Dialogue at the beginning of the 19th Century: Part II
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15. D.E. Zhumekenova, T.S. Sadikov
The Maps of the XIX century as a Source of Historical Toponymy of Kazakhstan
Number of views: 1396      Download in PDF

16. T.M. Khazretali, M. Girtilioglu, Y.K. Omarbayev, A.S. Adilbayeva
The Kazakh Nobility in the Formation of the State Institutions of the Russian Empire in Semirechye
Number of views: 875      Download in PDF

17. A. Geifman
Dostoevsky’s Seminal Trauma as a Blueprint for National Mythology
Number of views: 918      Download in PDF

18. Y.Y. Grankin
The Northern Caucasus in 1844–1881 years: Economic Aspects of Russian Politics in the Region
Number of views: 861      Download in PDF

19. V.P. Zinovyev, V.I. Zinovyeva, S.S. Fominykh
Charitable Associations of Tomsk Province in 1844–1917
Number of views: 798      Download in PDF

20. V.N. Cherepanova, I.A. Filippova
The Role of Children and Youth Academic Literature in Shaping the Image of Siberia in the Minds of the Population of the XIX century
Number of views: 780      Download in PDF

21. O.V. Natolochnaya, B.A. Bulgarova, M.A. Bragina
The Struggle for Literacy in the Russian Troops in the late 1850s – early 1860s
Number of views: 802      Download in PDF

22. P.K. Dashkovskiy, E.A. Shershneva
The Ethno-Religious Aspect of the Educational Policy of the Russian Empire in the second half of XIX – early XX century (on the Example of the Muslim Education System of Western Siberia)
Number of views: 785      Download in PDF

23. O.A. Malygina, R.A. Evtehov
Projects for the Administrative Transformation of Military Governors in the Trans-Baikal Transboundеr Area (second half of the XIX century)
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24. E.V. Belyaev, A.A. Linchenko
Sub Specie Aeternitatis? The Transformation of the Religious Historical Memory of the Peasantry of the Central Black Earth Region in the Post-Reform Period
Number of views: 812      Download in PDF

25. T.A. Tulebaev, M.S. Nogaibaeva, B. Sailan, K.E. Abykenova
The Manufacturing Industry of Turkestan in the Pre-Revolutionary period: the Historiographical Aspect
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26. I.V. Anisimova, E.M. Gostyusheva
The Imperial Judicial and Legal System in the Steppe Region in the second half of the XIX century: Features of Formation and Functioning
Number of views: 805      Download in PDF

27. A.A. Volvenko
Interim Committee on Revision of the Cossack Statutes: Organization, Structure, Activity (1865–1872)
Number of views: 879      Download in PDF

28. S.J. Suschiy, A.M. Mamadaliev, S.F. Artemova
Muhajirun – the Reasons and Scales of Resettlement of Mountaineers of the Northwest Caucasus
Number of views: 824      Download in PDF

29. I.V. Pivovarova, Y.V. Putilina, J.V. Zubarev
Problems and Ways of Development of the Siberian Region in Light of the Liberal-Westernizing Media (on the example of Analysis of Materials of the Journal «Herald of Europe»: 1866–1918)
Number of views: 797      Download in PDF

30. A.A. Bimoldanova, T.T. Dalayeva, M.G. Bekmagambetova
Socio-Historical Portrait of the Kazakh Volost Rulers of the Steppe Region, the Russian Empire (second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries)
Number of views: 968      Download in PDF

31. N.A. Dushkova, V.A. Grigorova, A.V. Perepelitsyn
Historical Experience of Government Management of the Business Industry of Central Black Earth (the second half of the XIX – beginning of the XX centuries)
Number of views: 742      Download in PDF

32. S.K. Cherepanov, D.N. Gergilev, A.G. Gryaznukhin
Anonymous Sources of the Conflict in the East Siberian Provincial Administration in the 1870s
Number of views: 818      Download in PDF

33. D.G. Kovalevsky, E.D. Tverdyukova
Reorganization of the Private Baltic Foundry, Mechanical and Construction Plant into a State-Owned Enterprise in the late 19th century
Number of views: 808      Download in PDF

34. A.B. Khramtsov
Development of National Education in the Cities of Western Siberia: From Initial to General Education (1880–1917)
Number of views: 764      Download in PDF

35. M.N. Krot, N.V. Dmitrieva
Russification – Pro et Contra: Polemic in the Russian Conservative Thought in the late XIX century
Number of views: 954      Download in PDF

36. O.V. Ustinova, S.F. Farakhutdinov
Structure and Dynamics of Employment of Young People of the Working Class in the Province of Tobolsk in the late XIX century
Number of views: 808      Download in PDF

37. A. Ivanov, A. Danchevskaya
The Revolution of 1905 in Irkutsk and Criminality
Number of views: 771      Download in PDF

38. I.V. Maslova
The Historical Image of a Russian Tourist in the French Resort of Biarritz at the beginning of the 20th century
Number of views: 810      Download in PDF

39. N.B. Akoyeva, N.G. Denisov, L.A. Karapetyan
Pages of History of Imperial Russian Military and Historical Society
Number of views: 825      Download in PDF

40. V.L. Agapov, T.V. Prudkoglyad, D.A. Butyrin
Unknown N. Matveev – From the History of Vladivostok “Yellow Press” in the beginning of XX century
Number of views: 790      Download in PDF

41. Y.G. Blagoder
The Role of the Journal «Izvestia of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs» (1912–1917) in Forming the Ideas of the Russian Society about China
Number of views: 707      Download in PDF

42. G.K. Kokebayeva, R.S. Myrzabekova, M.S. Myrzabekov
Russian Prisoners of the First World War in the Camps of the Austro-Hungarian Empire
Number of views: 979      Download in PDF

Number of views: 724      Download in PDF

44. Y.A. Lysenko
Slave Trade and Slavery in the Central Asian Outskirts of the Russian Empire (XVIII–XIX centuries)
Number of views: 929      Download in PDF

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Number of views: 3929      Download in PDF

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