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«Былые годы» (Bylye Gody) – российский исторический журнал

Периодичность – 4 раза в год.

Издается с 2006 года.

2 June 02, 2017

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3. Boris N. Mironov
The Social and Psychological Profile of the Russian Proletariat and Its Role in the Revolutionary Movement
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4. Yuriy D. Korobkov, Elena M. Buryak, Il'ya O. Koldomasov
Press as a Destabilizing Factor in Russian Society in Autumn of 1917
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5. Vera N. Cherepanova, Julia V. Putilina, Irina V. Pivovarova
The Role of Communities in Solving Social and Economic Problems of Students in Siberia (on Materials of the Tomsk Student Press of the early twentieth century)
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6. Elena Yu. Leontyeva, Alexander N. Leontyev, Irina N. Bogdanova
The Russian Provincial Press at the Beginning of the First World Waras the Most Important Means of Forming and Maintaining Patriotic Feelings
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7. Nicholas W. Mitiukov, Dmitry Matveev, Alexander S. Semyonov
Votkinsk’s Shipbuilding During the First World War. Reconstruction and Analysis of the Structure of Military Orders
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8. Rezida I. Kantimirova, Oksana S. Pavlova, Irina I. Yavnova
Measures to Combat Hunger and Crop Failure of 1911–1912 in the Ufa Province
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9. Tatiana V. Gryaznukhina, Anna A. Sejtkanova, Alexander G. Gryaznukhin, Denis N. Gergilev, Larisa F. Malutina
Intelligentsia and the Folk between Russian Revolutions (1905–1917)
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10. Yuliya A. Lysenko
The Representatives of the Steppe Region and Turkestan in the Russian Parliament: the Experience of Fractional Interaction in Solving Regional Ethno-Social Problems
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11. Vera N. Rodina, Irina A. Filippova, Gulnur A. Sulkarnaeva
The Financial Situation of Students at the Beginning of the Twentieth century: in Light of the Siberian Press
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12. Rauan Zh. Baidaly, Ziyabek E. Kabuldinov, Aidar A. Aitmuhambetov, Elmira K. Nauryzbaeva
Civil and Legal Activities of the Lawyer А. Turlybayev in Siberia at the beginning of the 20th century
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13. Yuriy M. Konev, Lubov M. Pilipenko
The Influence of Labor Market on the Formation of Socio-economic Structure of the Province of Tobolsk in the late XIX century
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14. Аnna P. Dvoretskaya, Natalya V. Gonina, Sergei T. Gaydin
The Place and Role of the Cathedral in the Socio-cultural life of the Provincial town of the late XIX – early XX centuries (on the example of Yeniseisk)
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15. T.A. Apendiyev, S.S. Zhandybaeva, T.A. Tulebaev, K.E. Abykenova
The Migration of Germans to Kazakhstan in the end of XIX –beginning XX century
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16. Svetlana V. Tolmacheva, Oksana V. Ustinova, Julia V. Zubareva
Sports and Patriotic Education of Students of the Middle and Lower Schools of Siberia in the late XIX – early XX centuries
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17. Petr K. Dashkovskiy, Elena A. Shershneva
The role of Muslims in Migration Processes in the Russian Empire in the second half of XIX – early XX century
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18. Vladimir D. Kamynin, Alexander B. Khramtsov
Governors and Cities of Siberia: to Assessment of a Conflictness of Interaction (1870–1917)
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19. Tatiana A. Kattsina
Societies of Agricultural Colonies and Craft Shelters in Siberia (the end of XIX – the beginning of the ХХth century): Realization of Social Expectations
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20. Sergey L. Dudarev
On the Question of the Terms «Muhajirun» and «Muhajirism»
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21. Pavel A. Merkulov, Elena N. Malik, Vladimir I. Filonov
Formation of the System of Public Administration of Youth Policy in the Sphere of University Education in Russia at the turn of the XIX–XX centuries
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22. Petr A. Kuz'minov, Anzhela A. Zhurtova, Murat V. Dyshekov, Muslim S. Tamazov
Administrative and Legal Transformation of the 1850–1870s among the Peoples of the North Caucasus in the Assessment of Representatives of Liberal Historiography
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23. Julia V. Korneeva
Major State Fairs in the Middle Volga in the Second Half of the XIX Century
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24. Peter P. Rumyantsev
The Efficiency of Gendarme Supervision of a Private Gold Mining in Western Siberia in the Middle of the 19th Century (on the Example of Relationship with Local Executive Power)
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25. Olga P. Tsys’
Visits of Tobolsk Diocesan Bishops to the North of Western Siberia in XVIII – early XX centuries
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26. Yerbol A. Galimov, Galina N. Ksenzhik, Nurlan A. Atygayev, Ulzhan Z. Tuleshova
Sultan-rulers as Officials of Russian Empire (1824–1868)
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27. Gulzhan K. Yermenbayeva, Gaukhar Z. Balgabayeva, Otegen I. Isenov, Elmira K. Nauryzbayeva
Transformation of the Traditional Power of Kazakhs in the Russian Empire (on the example of the Kazakhs of the Orenburg Department)
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28. Ekaterina A. Teryukova
The Officials of the Department for the Spiritual Affairs of Foreign Confessions as Researchers of the State-Church Relationships in Russia
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29. Pavel A. Byshkov, Liudmila Y. Novitskaya, Svetlana F. Artemova
The Evolution of Social Organization in Abkhazia and Samurzakano in 1810–1870
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30. Natalya A. Diesperova, Teimur E. Zulfugarzade, Ivan A. Kucherkov
The Features of Raiding Tactics of Circassians in the period of the Caucasian War (1801–1864)
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31. Ivan A. Ermachkov, Larisa A. Koroleva, Natalia V. Svechnikova
The Sanitary-epidemiological State of the Russian Troops in the Caucasus in 1797–1801
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32. Bella A. Bulgarova, Alla G. Vazerova, Osor R. Ochirov
Religious Culture in the Caucasus: Pagan Temples and Traditions
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33. Farman M. Kuliev
Confessional Policy of Russia in Relation to Christian non-Orthodox Denominations in the North Caucasus in the late ХVIII – early XX centuries
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34. Ji-bae Park
Russian Exports to the Great Britain in 1760–1825: Who Benefited More?
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35. Taisiia M. Demicheva, Vladimir N. Baryshnikov, Viktor N. Borisenko
The Right and the Theory of the Empire in the Thought of European Enlightenment of the Second Half Of The XVIII Century
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36. Berta V. Tuaeva, Zalina V. Kanukova, Yuliya V. Usova, Zalina T. Plieva
Artisans in the Social-Class Structure of the Cities of the North Caucasus
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37. Semen I. Adinyaev, Elena K. Mineeva, Rashad A. Kurbanov
The Aristocratic Societies in the Caucasus in the XVIII–XIX centuries and Serfdom (on the Materials of the Collection of Laws of the Georgian King Vakhtang VI)
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38. Leonid V. Sidorenko
Events of 1688–1689 in England: Revolution, Coup d'etat or Conquest?
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39. Leonid A. Bobrov, Alexey V. Salnikov
Rivetednarrowly-Plate helmet from the Collection of the Central State Museum of Kazakhstan
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40. Alexander L. Korzinin, Nikolay V. Shtykov
The Structure of the Boyarskaya Duma and the Court Administration in Vasily III's Reigning
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