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«Былые годы» (Bylye Gody) – российский исторический журнал

Периодичность – 4 раза в год.

Издается с 2006 года.

3 September 01, 2016


1. Rajović G., Bulatović J.
The Russian Historical Journal "Bylye Gody" (2006–2016 years): the Results of the First Decade
Number of views: 1135      Download in PDF

2. Cherkasov A.A., Ivantsov V.G., Smigel M., Molchanova V.S.
The Evolution of Christianity in the Caucasus in the IV–XVIII Centuries
Number of views: 1125      Download in PDF

3. Kudryavtsev A.A.
Muscovy and the Crimea in the Historical Destinies of the Peoples of the North Caucasus in the second half of the XVI century
Number of views: 1088      Download in PDF

4. Lyapin D.A.
The Social Composition of the Service Class and Urban Population of the South of Russia in 1640–1650-ies
Number of views: 1065      Download in PDF

5. Naumenko O.N., Naumenko E.A., Bortnikova Yu.A.
Multiculturalism of Tatar-Christians in Western Siberia as a result of confessional policy in the Russian Empire
Number of views: 1024      Download in PDF

6. Bugrov K.D.
The Absolutist Reformism: Projects of Political Reforms in Russia (2nd half of 18th century – 1st quarter of 19th century)
Number of views: 1011      Download in PDF

7. Shevchenko N.A., Ermachkov I.A., Sinyaeva M.I.
The Influence of Historical and Climate-Geographical Factors on the Development of Eastern Black Sea Region
Number of views: 981      Download in PDF

8. Akhmetova A.V.
Cultural Transformation of the Aboriginal Population of the North and the Far Eastern Policy of the Russian Autocracy in XIX – Early XX Centuries
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9. Zaikov K.S., Tamitskiy A.M.
Finnish Factor in the History of the Northern Frontier of the Russian Empire 1809–1855
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10. Ushakov V.A., Evsevjev M.Yu., Petrova A.A., Vakhromeeva O.B., Sokhor T.E.
European and Asian Countries through the Eyes of Foreigners (in 19th — beginning of 20th century)
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11. Karataev V.B., Ostrovskaya A.A., Kokuytseva T.V., Semenov A.S.
The Personnel of the Russian Army in the Caucasus in 1830–1840-ies
Number of views: 982      Download in PDF

12. Lidgieva I.V.
Guardianship in Activity Local Governments in the Kalmyks of the XIX – early XX centuries
Number of views: 972      Download in PDF

13. Shaidurov V.N.
Ethnic Entrepreneurship in the Russian Empire in the Era of Economic Modernization in the Second Half of the 19th – Early 20th Century (as Illustrated in the Example of Siberia)
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14. Chuikov O.E., Gordeev I.А., Batyrov V.V.
The Discoveries and Achievements of Modern Historiography of the Don Cossacks in the Second Half of the XIX Century
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15. Magsumov T.A., Nizamova M.S.
The Zemstvo’s Activities to Guide the Primary School Teacher Resources Formation and Support
Number of views: 981      Download in PDF

16. Tuman-Nikiforova I.O., Fedorchenko V.I., Pashina N.V., Krylov I.I.
Social Activities of the Merchants Guild the Yenisei Province in the second half of XIX – early XX centuries
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17. Katorin Yu.F., Nyrkov A.P.
First Battleships of the Coast Defense of Russian Emperor Fleet. Part 2
Number of views: 3268      Download in PDF

18. Korneeva Ju.V.
Urban industry of the Samara province in the second half of the nineteenth century
Number of views: 975      Download in PDF

19. Linchenko A.A., Belyaev E.V.
The transformation of everyday historical memory of the peasants of Central Black Earth region in the post-reform period
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20. Goryushkina N.Ye., Rusakov I.B.
Public control of alcohol trade in Russia (1863–1894)
Number of views: 957      Download in PDF

21. Peretyatko A.Y.
The reform of the military administration of the Don Cossacks in 1866–1874: realization of the project, which was never approved
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22. Tulebaev T., Kurmanalina N., Seksenbayeva G., Baygunakov D.
Kazakh-Dzhungarian relations in the works of the pre-revolutionary Russian scientists
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23. Poznyak T.Z.
City streets, gardens and dachas as a leisure space on the Russian Far East in the late XIX – early XX century
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24. Valitov A.А., Dementieva E.Sh., Dianov S.A.
The System’s Evolution of Church and Parish Schools Western Siberia at the Boundary of the XIX–XX Centuries
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25. Suhova A.S., Kazanova N.V., Selezneva I.G.
Specificity of Female Deviancy in Tsaritsyn at the end of the XIX century – early XX century
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26. Nefedov S.A.
Student Tumult in St. Petersburg Shortly Before the Revolution of 1905
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27. Vasilyev A.V., Kim E.A., Burkun A.O.
Maps of the Resettlement Administration and colonization process in Tomsk-Chulym taiga (1905–1918)
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28. Gryaznukhina T.V., Gryaznukhin A.G., Severyanov M.D., Pfanenshtil I.A.
Creative Intelligentsia in Socio-Political Processes of the Epoch of the First Russian Revolution
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29. Sungurov P.A., Khramtsov A.B.
Reforms of police department and the practician of their realization in Western Siberia (1905–1917)
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30. Abramov A.P.
Allowance officers Russian and Austro-Hungarian armies on the eve of the First World War
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31. Rynkov V.M.
Channels of Social Mobility of Russian Society: World War I influence
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32. Manasieva I.
A Book on Bulgarian Naval Officers Training in the Russian Empire and Western Europe
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full number
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35. Tataurov S.F.
State Institutes of the Siberian Khanate and their Reflection in Archaeological Materials
Number of views: 983      Download in PDF

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