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«Былые годы» (Bylye Gody) – российский исторический журнал

Периодичность – 4 раза в год.

Издается с 2006 года.

Number 1. (in 1 part) September 07, 2014

Part 1. Russia in Patriotic War (1914–1918)

Statement from the Head of the Russian Imperial House on the 100th Anniversary of the Beginning of the First World War
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2. Evgeny F. Krinko, Tatiana P. Khlynina
Milestones of Return of «Forgotten War»: Main Trends and Stages in the Development of Domestic Historiography of the First World
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3. Fedor A. Gavrikov, Oleg E. Chuikov
The Role of Public Organizations of Kursk Province in Provision of Assistance to the Front Line in the First World War
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4. Olga A. Kharus
Establishment of Provincial Unions of the Cities of Siberia: Experience of Regional Identity Construction in Wartime (1914–1916)
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5. Gulzhaukhar Kokebayeva, Erke Kartabayeva, Nurzipa Alpysbayeva
Russian War Prisoners of the First World War in German Camps
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6. Svetlana A. Khubulova
Correspondence between the Family Members as the Historical Source of the First World War
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7. Elena V. Alekseeva, Elena Yu. Kazakova-Apkarimova
Urals during the First World War: Social and Cultural aspects
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8. Vladimir P. Trut
Some Aspects of the Russian Cossacks’ Participation in the First World War
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9. Mikhail V. Gribivskiy, Alexander N. Sorokin
Teachers’ Corporation of the Russian Universities in the First World War: Features of Everyday Life and Interrelations
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10. Dmitry N. Shevelev
«We Felt the Bitter Satisfaction of Our Shared Victory”: the Theme and Images of the ‘Great War’ in the Official and Pro-government Periodical Press of the White Siberia (June 1918 – December 1919)
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11. Tatiana A. Kattсina, Olesia M. Dolidovich, Irina P. Pavlova, Valeriy A. Pomazan
The Experience of the Design of Thematic Network Resource, Concerning the History of the Public Assistance in the Extreme Conditions of Wars of the Early XX Century
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12. Olga N. Senyutkina, Aron Ronald Frederick Gebkhardt
The First World War: Historic Memory and Educational Space (on the materials of Russia and Netherlands)
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Part 2. General History

13. Aleksei S. Emelianov
The Privileges in Russia in XVIII–XIX Centuries
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14. Dmitry E. Martynov, Yulia A. Martynova
J. Gobineau, Wagner, China and the Emergence of the ‘Yellow Threat’
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15. Natalia Ye. Goryushkina
«Tax Collection from Taverns as the Primary Way to Replenish the National Treasury»: alcohol tax from Ivan III to Nikolai II
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16. Yuliya A. Lysenko
The Russian Orthodox Church in Religious Space of Kazakhstan: Stages and Peculiarities of Institutional Model (XVIII – Beginning of ХХ Centuries)
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17. Alejandro Anca Alamillo, Nicholas W. Mitiukov
The Gunboat ‘Delgado Pareho’: Creation and Battle Path
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18. Sergei L. Dudarev, Olga V. Ktitorova, Anastasiya A. Tsybulnikova
The Marriage Politics of the Russian Authorities in the North Caucuses as one of the Aspects of the Russian- Mountainous Interaction during the War Time Period (first half of XIX century)
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19. Nadezhda O. Bleikh
The Influence of Russian Innovator Teachers on the Development of Mountain Dwellers (XIX century)
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20. Svetlana I. Grahova, Almaz R. Gapsalamov
The Role of Merchants in the Life of the Russian Society: Oral Tradition Case Study
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21. Aleksandr A. Cherkasov, Vyacheslav I. Menkovsky, Vladimir G. Ivantsov, Aleksandr A. Ryabtsev, Violetta S. Molchanova, Olga V. Natolochnaya
The Caucasian War within the Covers of Voennyi Sbornik (Military Journal)
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22. Tatyana K. Ryabinina, Helen A. Grokhotova
The History of the World Justice Development in Russia as One of the Results of the Judicial Reform of 1864
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23. Dmitry V. Khaminov, Sergei A. Nekrylov, Sergey F. Fominykh
Institutionalization of the Historic Knowledge within Asian Russia in Pre-Soviet Period
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24. Tatyana G. Sudakova
Legal Regulations of Activities of Vladikavkaz High Court Division VTSIK during the Transition of Extreme-Decretive to Codified Law (1921–1923)
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25. Sergey S. Dukhanov
Financing of New Industrial Cities of Western Siberia in the First Five-year Plan
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26. Vladimir Korovin
Commissariat of Internal Affairs’ Bodies and Development of Guerilla Struggle on the Territory of Central Black Earth Region in 1941
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27. Luydmila V. Klimovich
The Political System of Russia in the Program of National Union of New Generation
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28. Sergey F. Fominykh, Alexander N. Sorokin, Sergei A. Nekrylov
The History of Social and Public Forms of Science Management in the USSR (Tomsk Interuniversity Scientific Council in 1963–1972)
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29. Osman A. Zhansitov
Problems of Modernization of the Industry of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic (1960–1980)
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Полный номер
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31. Georgiy D. Pilishvili
Contribution and the Meaning of Destructive Battalions of People’s Commissariat of Internal Affairs at the Final Stage of the World War 2. According to the archives of Kurskaya Oblast 1944–1945
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