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«Былые годы» (Bylye Gody) – российский исторический журнал

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4 December 01, 2021


1. Yulia A. Chupryna
The Polish-Lithuanian Power and Orthodox Rus as Portrayed in the Works of Polemicists at the end of the 16th – first third of the 17th centuries

Bylye Gody. 2021. 16(4): 1583-1593.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2021.4.1583CrossRef

This paper concerns the construction of the image of Polish-Lithuanian power in the context of religious polemics at the turn of the 16th – 17th centuries. Debates between Orthodox and Uniate Christians in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth generated polemical texts which were created in the context of Orthodoxy’s struggle for rights and freedoms. In the 19th and 20th centuries, polemical literature as an historical source was viewed through the prism of a national project or through a preexisting national narrative. When researching the relationship between Ukraine and Russia, historians found evidence in the polemical writing of the 17th century to justify oppression, explain distinctive culture, and account for national struggle. Contemporary historiography, however, offers new angles through which to view these texts, through the lens of intellectual history and memory studies. In this vein the historical worldview of a 17th century person becomes especially interesting. At the center of our study are the views of Orthodox polemicists, who represent the “Ruthenian” populace in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, concerning the history of the rule of Lithuanian princes and Polish kings. The acceptance of the Union of Brest caused greater interest and reflection in this population to “one’s own” past, legal situation, loyalty to the king; as a result, the image of Polish and Lithuanian rulers became more complicated. Aiming to legalize Orthodoxy, church leaders actualized historical images of princes and kings, presenting them as givers and guarantors of the rights and freedoms of Rus. Fighters for Orthodoxy were not repulsed by the fact that the king was Catholic; rather, they agitated for equality between the Greek and Roman faiths. We find justification for this equality given through an appeal to a glorious past, to the history of the annexation of Rus’ lands to Lithuania, the Union of Lublin, and the granting of privileges by the Polish king.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1639130371.pdf
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2. Olga A. Plotskaya, Lyudmila V. Sokolskaya, Elena N. Kaliakperova, Diana G. Alekseeva
Regulatory Potential of the Positive and Customary Law of the Zyryans and Samoyeds in the Field of Environmental Management in the XVII – XVIII centuries

Bylye Gody. 2021. 16(4): 1594-1601.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2021.4.1594CrossRef

Today, the interest of researchers in regional history has increased all over the world, especially to the history of the peoples of the Arctic zone of Russia. The purpose of this work is to study the regulatory potential of the positive and customary law of the Zyryans and Samoyeds in the use of land, water and forest resources in the XVII–XVIII centuries. The authors formulate the conclusion that the Arctic peoples under consideration have not lost their own identity, traditions and managed to preserve the regulatory force of customary law. In the XVII–XVIII centuries positive and customary law functioned in parallel on the territory of settlement of these peoples. The regulation of the sphere of nature management was aimed at preserving not only natural objects, but also the traditional system of life of ethno-local societies, as well as the established model of nature management. This trend appeared in the XV century. Since the XVII century, the legislator began to impose restrictions on the use of natural resources, legislatively allocating a list of protected, sovereign and other territories where the principle of freedom of use did not apply. By the end of the XVIII century, there is a tendency of mutual influence of the norms of positive and customary law in the field of environmental management. At that time, the customary law of the Arctic peoples supplemented the norms of positive law. The authors studied various historical documents, national folklore, mythological prose. An important source is archival documents, systematized in collections. Publications in the periodical press and pre-revolutionary normative legal acts of the Russian Empire systematized in the «Complete Collection of Laws of the Russian Empire» (PSZ), are attracted.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1638357809.pdf
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3. Anna A. Krikh
Descriptions of the City of Tara in Archival Documents of the late 17th – early 18th centuries

Bylye Gody. 2021. 16(4): 1602-1614.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2021.4.1602CrossRef

The modern city of Tara, located in the northern part of the Omsk region, is one of the early Russian settlements in Siberia. As a Southern Siberian frontier fortress with a specific military organization of life, Tara is well-known in Russian historical urban studies. However, there still exist many unclear details and contradictory data in its history. In the context of an archaeological study of Tara that began in 2007, it is important to consult and use archival materials to identify fortification buildings of the fortress proper and the settlement, which constituted the Tara fortress. Many records and documents from the 17th – beginning of the 18th centuries begin with their description: inventory books, city records, the inventory book of the Tara settlement and fortress. Blueprint drawings from the same time, provided by Semyon Remizov in Chorographic Drawing Book of Siberia and A Drawing Book of Siberia, which correlate with the inventory book of 1688, play an important role in the visualization of the image of Tara. Source criticism analysis that is performed in the present study shows the heuristic potential of the sources and a possibility of juxtaposing inventory documentation with early blueprints of Tara, which makes it possible to reconstruct blueprints of military fortifications for different periods of Tara fortress’s existence, street layout of the end of the 1680s, and also to trace the changes of the toponymy of urban environment.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1639674887.pdf
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4. Natalia A. Dushkova, Larisa I. Maslikhova
Shipbuilding in the Voronezh Region during a Petrovsky Epoch and Its Influence on Growth of Enterprise Activity

Bylye Gody. 2021. 16(4): 1615-1623.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2021.4.1615CrossRef

The article is devoted to the problem of the growth of entrepreneurial activity in Voronezh region as the result of shipbuilding. It manifested itself primarily in the construction of private metallurgical plants, cloth factories. The authors disclose state measures to support private owners, characterize the advantages of private enterprises over the state. Some attention is paid to the identification of the reasons for the conservation and further development of a wide range of fisheries along with manufacturing. A large place in the article is devoted to the process of expanding the entrepreneurial layer in trade. The social composition of Voronezh merchants was investigated, the fact of the increased specialization of the trading layer in the Petrine period was noted. The authors emphasize the special importance of agriculture during shipbuilding in Voronezh, which becomes the main branch of the economy of the Voronezh Territory. They identify three categories of the population that have shown entrepreneurial activity in this area and have significantly succeeded in their work. The work shows positive results from entrepreneurial activity, indicates the advantages gained by different categories of the population from this activity, shows the economic effect.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1638351022.pdf
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5. Olga I. Artemenko, Svetlana P. Anzorova, Svetlana A. Moskvicheva, Daria V. Petrukhina
On the Issue of Reforming Public Education in the Russian Empire

Bylye Gody. 2021. 16(4): 1624-1637.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2021.4.1624CrossRef

The work shows the objective nature of the pre-revolutionary reform of school education, dictated by the need to educate the population of Russia as an indispensable condition for the democratic restructuring of society and its economic development. The main historical reason that caused the emergence of the general school as a new institution of socialization, in addition to the existing ones – the family and the church, was modernization. The school of the church parish was focused on teaching children literacy in order to independently read the Bible translated into their native languages, for religious and moral education of students, ensuring the unity of faith. And this meant the universal, extraterrestrial nature of such a school. In the future, as the most important socio-cultural institution of society, as the institution of state policy, the school receives its main tasks from the state in order to modernize society, providing universal compulsory primary education. At the end of the XIX century (1906), political parties and socio-pedagogical organizations of Russia proposed the introduction of universal primary education. However, in pre-revolutionary Russia, such a bill was never adopted. Soviet power inherited 73 % of the population (over 9 years old) elementary illiteracy.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1643382743.pdf
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6. Bulat A. Aznabaev, Aleksey I. Kortunov
Liquidation of Bashkir's Contractual Lending in 1725−1733

Bylye Gody. 2021. 16(4): 1638-1649.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2021.4.1638CrossRef

In the literature, there are conflicting interpretations of the Russian citizenship of the Bashkirs of the XVI-XVIII centuries caused by the assertion that the Bashkirs did not have a political structure, which was understood exclusively as a form of chiefdom or state. At the same time, a number of researchers at the end of the XX century noted that the political unity of the people is not always achieved through the formation of rigid forms that alienate the sovereignty of the communities. Bashkir society of the middle of the XVI – first third of the XVIII century is an example of the creation of a military polity without the power vertical that is customary for nomads. In the middle of the XVI century the tribal formations of the Bashkirs united into a horizontal structure, which in Russian official documents of the XVIII century received the name “Bashkir Horde”. The absence of an institutional elite in Bashkir society, represented by the Chingizids, who have the right to state power, determined the democratic character of the Bashkir polity. All decisions related to political existence (declaring war or concluding peace) were made at the yiyyn – “worldly gatherings” of Bashkir clans. The unification of the Bashkir clans into a single military structure was the result of an agreement with the Russian state, which obliged the Bashkirs to guard the southern border of their lands. In the south, the Bashkirs were opposed by nomadic chiefdoms and states (Kalmyks, Nogai, Kazakhs, Karakalpaks), then the Bashkirs were forced to create a single military structure, taking into account their specific social structure. The protection of its southern border is becoming a common concern of the entire Bashkir people, therefore, the most economically valuable territories located in the border zone have become the property of all Bashkir clans. The main test of the military polity of the Bashkirs passed during the massive invasion of the Kalmyks in the 1920s and 1930s of the XVII century. If the former rulers of Bashkiria, the Nogai and Siberian Sheibanids, were forced to recognize the power of the Kalmyks, then the Bashkirs, even having lost the steppe estates behind the Yaik, not only managed to repel the onslaught of a numerically superior enemy, but went on the offensive. In the early 60s of the XVII century Kalmyk leaders conditioned the acceptance of Russian citizenship by the cessation of the raids of the Bashkirs and the return of prisoners. However, in the 20s of the XVIII century, the military organization of the Bashkirs faced the threat of disintegration for the first time. The southern clans, who lost their estates beyond Yaik as a result of the advance of the Kazakhs to the north, supported Russia's intention to build a city on the border of the Ufa province. However, the majority of the Bashkirs saw the intentions of I.K. Kirilov's desire of the state to take control of the southern border. The Bashkirs took this step by the authorities as an intention to terminate the citizenship agreement of the middle of the XVI century, which guaranteed the Bashkirs unprecedented privileges in the Russian state.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1638479107.pdf
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7. Sergey I. Degtyarev, Alla I. Ziakun, Jasmin Gut, Lyubov G. Polyakova
Ukrainian Cossack and Noble Family Kostenetsky: the Historiographic and Source Analysis

Bylye Gody. 2021. 16(4): 1650-1660.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2021.4.1650CrossRef

The article is devoted to the study of the possibilities for researching the history of the family of the ancient Ukrainian cossack and noble family of the Kostenetsky. Thus, the work has both a historiographical and a source study character. The authors analyzed the developments of scientists of the XIX – early XXI centuries on the specified topic. They are all largely fragmentary. There are no comprehensive studies about the Kostenetsky clan or about its individual representatives. At the same time, there is a large array of published and unpublished historical sources. The most informative of them are archival documents. They are also the least studied by scientists. The overwhelming majority of these documents are kept in the state archives of the Sumy and Chernigov regions, the Institute of Manuscripts of the National Library of Ukraine named after V.I. Vernadsky (Ukraine) and the Russian State Historical Archives (Russia). These documents contain information about personal/family life, education, career of members of the Kostenetsky family. When working with sources on this topic, the need to use a critical method was emphasized. This will make it possible to obtain the most reliable historical data about the representatives of the Kostenetsky family.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1638351262.pdf
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8. Yerke T. Kartabayeva, Gulzhan S. Bedelova, Aitolkyn A. Toktagan, Nurgul N. Akpanbet
Political and Public Activity of the Institute of Batyrs of Western Siberia as Part of the Russian Empire (XVIII-XIX centuries)

Bylye Gody. 2021. 16(4): 1661-1670.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2021.4.1661CrossRef

The proposed scientific article, based on the data of Kazakh and Russian archives, examines the political and social activities of the institute of batyrs who served in Western Siberia as part of the Russian Empire in the XVIII-XIX centuries. After joining the Russian Empire, there were a number of changes in the structure and direction of development of the institute of batyrs of Kazakh society. First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to increasing the political and diplomatic missions of the batyrs. The tsarist government intensified the political activity of the Kazakh batyrs of the West Siberian Steppe, involving them in various state and border issues. It must be recognized that at the previous stage, the activities of the Batyr Institute were limited exclusively to military purposes. In the XVIII-XIX centuries, Russian researchers who were in the Kazakh steppe for various reasons characterized the comprehensive development of the role of batyrs in society. During the analysis of the Russian archival data, we were convinced that the position of the Batyr institute in the system of power has changed. They successfully carried out a connecting activity between the common people and the ruling khan-sultans. Representatives of the Batyr Institute were able to effectively interact with the tsarist administration to resolve conflicts that occurred in the districts of the fortress lines. Also, state initiatives to resolve intertribal conflicts in Kazakh society and their elimination were significantly influenced by the authority of the batyrs in the public environment. Such batyrs as Bogenbai, Kabanbai, became advisers to the khan-sultans. One of the changes that took place in the institute of batyrs during this period can be called their ascent to the rank of the ruling elite of society. Having gained the trust of the tsarist government, the batyrs achieved the position of foreman, tarkhan.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1638532275.pdf
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9. Aleksandr А. Cherkasov
Cherkasovs (Keretskys): Historical and Genealogical Research (based on the Materials from the second half of the XVIII – first half of the XX centuries)

Bylye Gody. 2021. 16(4): 1671-1682.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2021.4.1671CrossRef

The work examines the history of the Cherkasov family from Keret. The attention is paid to the founder of the surname, nine generations, as well as ancestral ties and other genealogical materials. The author used the following documents as materials: the Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts (Moscow, Russian Federation), in which the documents of the 3rd revision of 1763 for the village of Keret were postponed; the State Archive of the Arkhangelsk region (Arkhangelsk, Russian Federation), in which the materials from the 4th to the 10th revision (1782-1858) were postponed; the National Archive of the Republic of Karelia (Petrozavodsk, Russian Federation), in which the metric books for the village of Keret were postponed; The Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (Podolsk, Russian Federation), thanks to which the fate of several representatives of the genus who took part in World War II was established. In conclusion, the author states that the ancestor of the Cherkasovs was a certain Prokofy (Prokopy), born around 1685. Prokofy, in all probability, belonged to the Cherkasy – Cossack ethnic group on the territory of modern Ukraine. Prokofy's son Cherkas Isak, who arrived in Keret in the late 1720s, was recorded as Isak Cherkasov and assigned to the peasant class. From the late 1720s to the mid-1950s (until the closure of the village of Keret during the Soviet era) Cherkasov and the village of Keret will be inextricably linked. During this time, 7 generations of Cherkasovs were born in Keret (it should be recalled that the first two generations were newcomers – Prokofy and his son Isak). The Cherkasovs' main occupation in Keret was fishing. During the years of their life in the village Cherkasov performed state duties (recruited into the Russian army as recruits, took part in the First and Second World Wars), paid taxes. Among the Cherkasovs were industrialists before the revolution, engineers, officials, teachers, inventors, entrepreneurs in the Soviet and modern Russian periods. Among them were victims of political repression in the USSR and Soviet laureates of the state prize…

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1638479162.pdf
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10. Yulia G. Kokorina, Maсhach M. Vagabov, Vasily A. Rogozhkin
The Policy of the House of Romanov and the Russian Government on the Development of Scythian Archaeology

Bylye Gody. 2021. 16(4): 1683-1691.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2021.4.1683CrossRef

In this article, based on the consideration of a diverse set of literature, a systematic description of the policy of the House of Romanov and the Russian government in the XVIII – early XX centuries on the development of Scythian archaeology is given. The entire range of literature and sources used in this article is divided into three groups, which include works on the history of archaeological knowledge, works on state policy in the field of archaeology and directly works on Scythian archaeology. A review of the literature shows that despite the increased interest in the history of archaeological knowledge, the policy of the House of Romanov and the Russian government on the development of Scythian archaeology has not been specifically investigated. Under the "Scythian archeology" in this work, the study of the European Forest-Steppe, Steppe, Crimea and the Kuban is considered, although if we interpret this concept in the perspective of "Scythian-Siberian unity", it is necessary to expand the scope of the study and analyze the expeditions of Russian scientists to Siberia and the fate of the Siberian collection of Peter I. The attention of the Romanov House to Scythian archaeology was expressed in the personnel policy, which dictated the principles of choosing the leaders of the excavations of the richest Scythian mounds. They were initially military, and later – major scientists who occupied a high social position. The main role in the study of the Scythian mounds was played by the Archaeological Commission, called the Imperial Commission. The Russian government and the Imperial House personally spared no expense to research the Scythian mounds, archaeologists received government awards and ranks. An ambiguous situation developed with attempts to suppress predatory excavations of Scythian mounds by landowners, peasants and impostor archaeologists. In general, the experience of the development of Scythian archaeology on the part of the reigning dynasty and the Russian government seems useful today, when "black archeology" is flourishing on the territory of modern Russia and Ukraine.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1638351665.pdf
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11. Liudmila P. Ermolenko, Marina E. Kolesnikova
The History of the Study and Preservation of the Historical and Cultural Heritage of the Caucasus at the end of the 18th – first third of the 20th сenturies: Source Study and Historiographic Review

Bylye Gody. 2021. 16(4): 1692-1700.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2021.4.1692CrossRef

The history of the study and preservation of the historical and cultural heritage of the Caucasus in the history of Russian Caucasian studies is a constituent component. The subject of the research is the source study and historiographic concepts of Russian historians who consider the key problems of the history of the study and preservation of the historical and cultural heritage in the late 18th – early 20th centuries. This article analyzes a significant amount of sources of various species, stored in archival, museum and library funds, characterizing the process of formation and development of Russian Caucasian studies. The historical-descriptive tradition of interdisciplinary Caucasian studies is viewed as an evolutionary model that integrates various research practices addressing local lore discourse, theoretical and applied regional studies, intellectual historical reflection and biographical reconstructions. Particular attention is paid to the so-called "new stories": economic, social, political, cultural, gender, intellectual, local, economic. National Caucasian studies are the result of the collective work of professional scientists (archaeologists, anthropologists, ethnographers, historians, philologists) and amateur local historians. They made a huge contribution to the study of the North Caucasus and to the preservation of various sources. Local historians-amateurs, military, travelers stood at the origins of the formation of historical knowledge about the region, the organization of historical research in the region. Professional scientists have recreated the history of academic Caucasian studies, the history of scientific institutions and societies, reconstructed the biographies of researchers and analyzed their creative heritage. The article shows the process of development of Caucasian studies and historical local history. The organic synthesis of differentiated cognitive developments made it possible to form a comprehensive picture of regional development, which in the sectoral dimension is an objective result of the practical development of modern Caucasian studies.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1638351734.pdf
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12. Olga Y. Zhukovets, Elena K. Sklyarova, Yulia A. Sidorenko, Elena N. Butova
Socio-Political Aspects of the Evolution of Scientific Medical Societies of Great Britain and Russia

Bylye Gody. 2021. 16(4): 1701-1709.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2021.4.1701CrossRef

The article considers socio-political aspects of the evolution of scientific medical societies of Great Britain and Russia in the XIX – XX centuries. The authors investigate different socio-political processes and effects of the formation of scientific medical societies of Great Britain and Russia in the XIX – XX centuries using the comparative and historical-genetic methods of scientific research. The rise of the most scientific medical societies in Great Britain happened during the period of the epidemics, urbanization and the reign of Queen Victory. The founders of the most of societies were the members of parliament, the representatives of medical profession of the United Kingdom. In the XX century, scientific medical societies of Great Britain united in The Royal Society of Medicine, and then got royal confession and support. Their progressive socio-medical ideas during the period of urbanization and epidemics were developed in Russian Empire, where progressive Russian doctors created the “Pirogov`s Society”. However, socio-political events of the period of Russian Revolution 1917 brought to the liquidation of Russian monarchy and this scientific medical society. Only after the disintegration of the USSR and communist system the “Pirogov`s Society” was reestablished in Russia.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1638351832.pdf
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13. Timur A. Magsumov, Teymur E. Zulfugarzade, Mikhail B. Kolotkov, Sergei B. Zinkovskii
To the Question of the Spread of Plague in Circassia in the first half of the 19th century

Bylye Gody. 2021. 16(4): 1710-1715.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2021.4.1710CrossRef

The work considers the sanitary and epidemiological state of Circassia in the first half of the XIX century. The attention is paid to the causes of plague outbreaks in the region, as well as the factors that ensure its spread. There were used as sources the documents of the regional archive – the State Archive of the Krasnodar Krai (Krasnodar, Russian Federation), which were introduced into scientific circulation for the first time. The documents of 5 funds were used in the work: Fund 249 “Office of the command (military) ataman of the Kuban Cossack army, Yekaterinodar, Kuban region, 1787–1917”; Fund 250 “Military Office of the Black Sea Cossack army, Yekaterinodar, 1794–1842”; Fund 324 “Yekaterinodar private quarantine, Yekaterinodar, 1801–1861”; Fund 329 “Yekaterinodar exchange yard of the Black Sea Cossack army, Yekaterinodar, 1830–1846”; Fund 687 “Ust-Labinsk barter yard of the chief trustee of Caucasian barter relations with the Highlanders”. The principle of historicism is of great importance in the work, thanks to which the outbreaks of plague on the territory of Circassia were considered in the context of the current historical situation throughout the Caucasus. In the course of the work, general scientific methods were also used: logical, classification, factor analysis, etc., as well as such special research methods as comparative, statistical and typological. During the work, the general scientific methods were also used: logical, classific, factor analysis, etc., as well as such special research methods as comparative, statistical and typological. In conclusion, the authors state that outbreaks of plague on the territory of Circassia were not uncommon, they were recorded in 1796, 1801−1802, 1820, 1822−1823, 1830, and 1835−1836. Both in Georgia and in Circassia, the population's protective reaction to the outbreak of the plague was flight from the epidemic area, which contributed to the spread of the plague to new areas not yet covered by it. It was possible to minimize the risk of infection with the plague of the region in Circassia only by quarantine measures on the Black Sea coast for all visitors. However, it was impossible to do it at that stage of development of Circassian society due to its decentralization, as well as a high degree of dependence on trade with the Ottoman Empire.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1638351892.pdf
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14. Аndrii E. Lebid, Natal'ya A. Shevchenko
Ukrainian «Enlightened Bureaucracy» in the System of Higher Education of the Russian Empire in the ХІХ century

Bylye Gody. 2021. 16(4): 1716-1727.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2021.4.1716CrossRef

The article reveals the influence of representatives of Ukrainian «enlightened bureaucracy» on the processes of formation and development of higher education system of the Russian Empire in the XIX century, in particular, legal education on the example of the Moscow and St. Petersburg Imperial Universities. To this end, an attempt was made to systematically examine the life and career of P.G. Redkin, a native of Romny (Sumy Region), who was one of the representatives of Ukrainian «enlightened bureaucracy». Redkin's contribution to the development of higher education system, as well as his influence on the intellectual life of the Russian Empire is considered in this manuscript in several aspects. Firstly, it is educational activity of P.G. Redkin as an Extraordinary and Ordinary Professor, Head of the Chair of Encyclopedia or General Review of Law System of the Moscow Imperial University (1835-1848); Chair of Encyclopedia and History of Law Philosophy of the Saint Petersburg Imperial University (1863-1873), Rector of the Saint Petersburg Imperial University (1873-1876); Honorary Member of this University (1878). Secondly, it is public and state activity of P.G. Redkin as a founder and publisher of the first law journal in the Russian Empire, founder of educational community, popularizer of universal literacy and professional education of teachers, etc. Thirdly, it is the scientific activity of P.G. Redkin, the author of fundamental works on the history and philosophy of law, an honorary member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences. It is shown that scientific, social, state and pedagogical activity of Redkin, Varadinov and other representatives of Ukrainian «enlightened bureaucracy» significantly affected not only the sphere of higher education and science in the Russian Empire, but also the system of state and public relations.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1638351979.pdf
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15. Ivan S. Denisov
Economic and Political Development of the Grand Duchy of Finland (1809−1917)

Bylye Gody. 2021. 16(4): 1728-1736.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2021.4.1728CrossRef

This article is devoted to the economic and political development of the Grand Duchy of Finland from 1809 to 1917. The authors consider the political and economic situation of the region throughout the entire period of the existence of the Grand Duchy of Finland as part of the Russian Empire, as well as the prerequisites for Finland's accession to the empire. The article describes the political structure, as well as the procedure for the formation and implementation of governance in the Grand Duchy. The powers of the legislative, executive and judicial authorities, including and the forms of their actual performance of their functions, are also examined in detail. The article formulates the main four stages of the economic policy of the Grand Duchy of Finland: the first stage – from 1809 to the 1830s, the second stage – from the 1830s to the end of the 1850s, the third stage – from the late 1850s to the mid-1880s and the fourth stage – from the mid-1880s to the end of the First World War. The study includes a detailed analysis of each of these stages, as well as consideration of key reforms and historical events that have had a significant impact on the economic and political development of the region. Special attention is paid to the reforms of Alexander II, known as the reformer emperor, who made a significant contribution to the successful development of the region. Conclusions are formulated regarding the high importance of the so-called "Russian period" in the history of Finland. The empirical study of the article was conducted in accordance with the method of comparative historical research based on secondary sources, including pre-revolutionary literature.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1638352078.pdf
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16. Valerii L. Muzykant, Galina N. Trofimova, Valerii D. Takazov, Almas Kalimoldaev
Civilization Mission of the Russian Empire in Central Asia in the 19th century (Based on Materials from the State Archive of the Orenburg Region)

Bylye Gody. 2021. 16(4): 1737-1750.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2021.4.1737CrossRef

The work examines the civilizational mission of the Russian Empire in Central Asia in the XIX century on the basis of archival sources. The attention is paid to the main types of crimes, such as kidnapping, murder, robbery of merchant caravans, sea robbery, barymta, as well as the system of punishment for these crimes. The inventory No. 10 (1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th parts) of the State Archive of the Orenburg Region (Orenburg, Russian Federation) of the Fund No. 6 was used as materials, which presents the cases of the border department of the office of the Orenburg Governor-General. In conclusion, the authors state that in the first half of the XIX century, the Russian Empire in Central Asia faced a whole range of serious criminal acts, namely kidnapping and slave trade, murders, robbery of trade caravans and fishing vessels, nomad raids and barymta (abduction of horses and cattle). Only in the state archive of the Orenburg region about 2 thousand archival files were devoted to these issues. The illegal acts involved, especially at the initial stage, not only the nomads of the Kyrgyz steppe, but also the Kyrgyz who are part of Russia (the Inner Horde). Since 1820, Russia has been working tirelessly to spread literacy in the steppe, provide medical and humanitarian assistance, attract local people to service (first as postmen, then as guards for sultans and caravans, and then until entering the civil service after graduating from Russian educational institutions). Thanks to this, the steppe began to change, this process was long and complicated, but in general, by the 1870s, the number of criminal offenses in the region was minimized, and Central Asia was able to adopt many initiatives proposed by the Russian administration.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1638352166.pdf
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17. Elena N. Malyuga, Barry Tomalin
“Zhurnal Ministerstva Narodnogo Prosveshcheniya” as a Source on the History of Public Education in the Caucasus

Bylye Gody. 2021. 16(4): 1751-1761.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2021.4.1751CrossRef

The work, based on the materials of the issue “Zhurnal ministerstva narodnogo prosveshcheniya”, examines the history of the public education system on the territory of the Caucasian Educational District. The attention is paid to the genres of publication used in the journal to disclose this topic. There were used as materials the publications on the history of public education in the Caucasus published in the “Zhurnal ministerstva narodnogo prosveshcheniya” for the period of its existence. Methodologically, the work is constructed using the system method and the method of content analysis. Thanks to the use of these methods, the authors managed to conduct a qualitative and quantitative analysis of materials from the issue “Zhurnal ministerstva narodnogo prosveshcheniya”, on the stated topic and draw attention to the evolutionary process that took place in the journal when reflecting the system of public education in the Caucasus in the period from 1853 to 1914. In conclusion, the authors state that “Zhurnal ministerstva narodnogo prosveshcheniya” has repeatedly become a platform for publishing materials about the public education system in the Caucasus. We recorded such publications in the period from 1853 to 1914, and their total number was 79. At the specified time, the following genres of publication were used in the journal: notes on the state of educational institutions, publication of official documents such as regulations, charters and other regulatory documents, reports on the state of the Caucasian Educational District and author's articles on various problems of public education in the Caucasus. The evolution of these genres clearly demonstrated that along with the quality of published materials, the quality of public education in the Caucasus also increased.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1638352246.pdf
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18. Aleksandr А. Cherkasov, Sergei N. Bratanovskii, Ludmila G. Zimovets
The Long-Livers of the Russian Empire (1836–1914): Historical and Statistical Research. Part 4

Bylye Gody. 2021. 16(4): 1762-1778.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2021.4.1762CrossRef

An attempt has been made to conduct a comprehensive historical and statistical study of the long-livers of the Russian Empire in the period of 1836−1914. In this part of the work, the period of 1900−1914 is analyzed, at this time, the male and female population of the Orthodox faith was recorded. As materials, we used the reports of the Chief Prosecutor of the Holy Synod on the spiritual department of the Orthodox faith for 1836−1914. The work is based on the basic principles of historicism, consistency and objectivity. The statistical method is of great importance in the work, which allowed us to analyze as fully as possible the available statistical data on mortality in the territory of the Russian Empire in the period of 1836−1914, as well as to reveal the important characteristic features. In conclusion, the authors state that the analysis of the statistical data for the dioceses made it possible to identify the territories where the maximum number of the long-livers was recorded for every thousand people among the dead. Thus, the most favorable territories were: the territory of the Caucasus (the Georgian exarchate, including the Vladikavkaz diocese, as well as the Astrakhan diocese); the territory of the Ukrainian dioceses (Tauride, Kherson) and the territory of the Asian part of Russia (the Far Eastern territories – the Blagoveshchensk diocese, in addition to the Omsk, Yenisei and Turkestan dioceses). Some other dioceses, for example, Tobolsk, Ufa and Samara, also had high rates. In general, we can say that these territories had a positive (climatic and geographic) effect on human life expectancy. Besides this, thanks to statistical data for the period from 1836 to 1914, the authors revealed that the maximum value of the long-livers among men was recorded in 1836 – 808 people (the earliest of the analyzed reports), subsequently, the number of male centenarians steadily decreased and by 1874 reached its minimum – 135 people. The minimum values for male long-livers were characteristic until 1881, after which a gradual increase began, which continued until the First World War (the maximum value among men in 1911 was 612 centenarians). The situation was similar for women in the period from 1850 to 1914. Thus, the trend of a decrease in the life expectancy of people in the world, in the Russian Empire, was not confirmed.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1638352324.pdf
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19. Ivan A. Ermachkov, Andrey A. Baibarin, Elena K. Mineeva, Leonid L. Balanyuk
To the Issue of the Cost of Slaves on the Territory of the Khiva Khanate (the first half of the XIX century)

Bylye Gody. 2021. 16(4): 1779-1788.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2021.4.1779CrossRef

The article considers the capture of 80 Russian prisoners as a phenomenon in the first half of the XIX century, using the example of the case of the return of 80 Russian prisoners from the Khiva Khanate. There are used as sources the archival documents of the State Archive of the Orenburg Region (Orenburg, Russian Federation), namely case No. 4993 “The case of 80 Russian prisoners taken out of Khiva in 1839”. It contains 80 questionnaires about the circumstances of the capture of Russian people, their sale, as well as their stay in captivity. The documents are being introduced into scientific circulation for the first time. In conclusion, the authors state that, as in the Caucasus, the most expensive living goods were children (boys and girls under 15 years old). The maximum price among them, according to available data, reached 130 gold Khiva coins on the Khiva slave market. It is also important to understand that there were at least two prices for slaves: one when buying at the place of production division (usually in a coastal village), such a price could be 50 % lower than the market price and the price at slave markets in cities. That is why the nomads in the villages on the coast of the Caspian Sea always had a lot of slave traders. Throughout the entire period, with the exception of 1839, the prices for prisoners were quite high. That is why the slaveholders several times thought that it would be more profitable from a financial point of view to quickly sell live goods to slavers at a bargain price and go on a new raid or take a break from raiding activities and go to Khiva themselves to sell the goods. Quite often, the predators chose the second option. In 1839, raids on Russian fishermen became widespread, besides this, the predators captured many prisoners on the Persian coast, all this brought down the prices of live goods and in the villages for 30-39-year-old Russian fishermen began to give from 11 to 16 gold Khiva coins, while previously the cost was from 30 to 50. In terms of a rigid vertical of power of the feudal lord, which was the Khan of Khiva, the permission for raids could be authorized only at the very top. The predators, in turn, were taxed in favor of the khan. If someone wanted to sell the prisoners in Khiva at the maximum price, but this person had to be ready to give the khan 20 % of the live goods first, and after selling the prisoners, give another 10 % of the proceeds to the khan's treasury. Despite such a double tax, the number of persons who want to traffick people did not decrease, and the slave market flourished both in Khiva and in other regions of Central Asia.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1638352394.pdf
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20. Olga V. Natоlochnaya, Ruslan M. Allalyev, Alexey V. Dyuzhov, Svetlana V. Petrova
To the Issue of the Public Education System on the Territory of the Caucasian Educational District in 1848−1917. Part 1

Bylye Gody. 2021. 16(4): 1789-1799.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2021.4.1789CrossRef

The authors attempt to consider the systems of public education on the territory of the Caucasian Educational District in the period from 1848 to 1917. In this part of the work, the attention is paid to the period from 1848 to 1900. There were used as materials the annual “Reports of the trustee of the Caucasian Educational District on the state of educational institutions of the Caucasian Educational District”, which were published from 1884 to 1914. These reports published data on the public education system subordinated both to the Ministry of Public Education and, especially at the initial stage, on schools of other departments, for example, the Holy Synod. Due to the specifics of the work, the statistical method was widely used in methodological terms. Thanks to its application, we managed to systematize a variety of statistical information on different types of educational institutions (primary, lower and secondary), as well as to identify changes in the number of students in the Caucasus and pay attention to their gender balance. The authors come to the conclusion that the system of public education on the territory of the Caucasian Educational District consisted of secondary, lower, primary and private education. Various parish schools (Orthodox, Armenian-Gregorian, Jewish, Muslim) were not subordinated to the Caucasian School District and data on them were not considered in this work. The Caucasian Educational District, created in 1848, was a territory with scattered centers of public education with the predominance of primary schools. By 1879 there have already been more than 800 educational institutions in the Caucasus, of which 25 are secondary and 32 are lower, together with private ones. By 1900, the number of secondary and lower schools reached 55 and 84, respectively, and the total number of schools reached 1902, with 168 thousand students. Despite the obvious successes in public education, the gender imbalance and the infringement of girls' rights to primary education continued to be a significant problem.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1638352472.pdf
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21. Anvar M. Mamadaliev, Varvara V. Bogdan, Natalia V. Svechnikova, Aleksandr N. Volkov
The System of Public Education in the Erivan Province in 1849–1917. Part 1

Bylye Gody. 2021. 16(4): 1800-1813.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2021.4.1800CrossRef

A series of three articles is devoted to the study of the education system in the Erivan province of the Russian Empire in the period from 1849 to 1917. This article is the first (and a kind of introductory) part, which analyzes the period from 1849 (the year of the formation of the province) to 1884, as well as the sources and historiography of the issue we are researching. The article examines the natural and climatic, social and economic features of the region, as well as the process of formation of the education system of the province and its integration into the all-Russian. The types of educational institutions (secondary, lower, primary), as well as the library fund of secondary educational institutions (as one of the important criteria for the development of this type of institution) are analyzed separately. The main source was the reports of the trustees of the Caucasian Educational District, which provide the detailed statistical material on the activities of each type of institution. Also, the Regulations “On the Caucasian Educational District and educational institutions” of October 29, 1853, Acts of the Caucasian Geographical Commission, the Collection of Laws of the Russian Empire, etc. were used as sources. The work also provides a brief bibliographic analysis of pre-revolutionary, soviet and modern works devoted to the development of the education system in the Erivan province as part of the Russian Empire. Based on the research results, it was concluded that before the adoption of the Regulation of 1853, the education system in the Erivan province was objectively extremely weak: only 4 lower-level educational institutions operated. By the end of 1884, there were 3 secondary, 3 lower and 14 primary educational institutions in the province. At the same time, in comparison with the coastal Black Sea provinces (Tiflis, Kutaisi, Black Sea), the number of educational institutions per capita was still small, and the education system, respectively, undeveloped. This can be explained by the prevalence of traditional crafts, which did not place additional demands on learning.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1638353065.pdf
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22. Yuliya A. Lysenko
Formation of a System of Excise Taxes in the Central Asian Outskirts of the Russian Empire (second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries)

Bylye Gody. 2021. 16(4): 1814-1825.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2021.4.1814CrossRef

The article analyzes the process of creating a system of excise taxes in the Central Asian outskirts of the Russian Empire on the basis of historical sources of diverse origins, which were introduced into scientific circulation at first. It is noted that the goal of the excise reform in the Steppe Territory and Turkestan was to modernize and integrate this ethnoregion into the Russian economy, to increase its profitability. In the Steppe Territory, an increase in excise receipts to the state treasury in the second half of the 19th century was associated with the development, first of all, of the distillery industry. A number of factors contributed to this situation: permission for the free production of alcohol, unlimited trade in alcoholic beverages, the development of the raw material base of this industry and an increase in demand for products due to a sharp influx of the peasant population into the region. After the introduction the state wine monopoly, the size of excise taxes in the regions of the Steppe region began to decline at the beginning of the twentieth century. In Turkestan, the introduction of the provisions of the excise reform began later – in the 70–80s of the XIX century. This was due to the later involvement of the region in the modernization processes, the lack of demand for wine and vodka products, the orientation of government circles to the development of cotton farms. Nevertheless, by the end of the 19th century, as a result of the development of the railway network, the distillery industry in Turkestan, oriented towards the Russian market, began to bring significant tax revenues. State wine monopoly did not affect the region at the beginning of the twentieth century.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1638353131.pdf
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23. Gulmira Zh. Sultangazy, Lepuda K. Mukatayeva, Zhaslan Ye. Nurbayev
The City and the Intellectual Class: Socio-Political Interconditionality in North Kazakhstani Region on the cusp of the XIX – XX c.

Bylye Gody. 2021. 16(4): 1826-1834.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2021.4.1826CrossRef

City and urban environment as a multifunctional space play an important role in creation of social processes. Since it’s formation the city has become the focal point for innovations and a place where ideas are generated that change not only the landscape, but also the worldview in general. Kazakhstani cities at the turn of XIX-XX centuries during a long time has played a role of administrative and trade units. Integration of marginal cities into the system of socio-economical relations of empire brought to a formation of conditions where citizens become active not only in economic, but also in social aspect. Political segment of the city developed in the context of all-Russian situation. Systematic crisis of the XIX-XX c. required new formats of fighting for their rights. National intellectual class became one of the main subjects of urban environment and develops their own style of struggle which was expressed through cultural enlightenment and political activity. Complex study of the city environment through the historical lens allows to gasp the nature of changes occurring with the society and the state and identify possible scenarios of their interaction and development perspectives. The article made an attempt to throw light interconditionality of cityscape and intellectual class in the context of local processes. These processes are related to the formation of political space in the colonial city and the influence of city on social activity of national intellectual class. The article uses the materials of Kazakhstani and Russian archives, document of regional archives, such as the archive of Kostanay city and North-Kazakhstan region. The methodological basis of the research are institutional and frontier approach, which allow to identify the degree of urban environment and city space influence on formation of national intellectual class. Also, it allows to study the evolution and development of political ideas and focus of Kazakh intellectual class in the end of XIX beginning XX c. in the conditions of building relationship system between the empire and national borders. Historical and genetical method is also applied in the present study, which allows to consider the challenges of the development and identify patterns.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1638479214.pdf
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24. Igor I. Verniaev
Professionalization, Democratization, and Nativization of the Justice of the Peace Corps in the South-Western Provinces in the Late Imperial Russia

Bylye Gody. 2021. 16(4): 1835-1848.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2021.4.1835CrossRef

The Justice of the Peace (hereinafter referred to as «JP») court existed in the provinces of the South-Western Land (Kiev, Volyn, and Podolsk) for 45 years from 1872 to the end of the empire. Multiethnicity was one of the main factors of functioning of the JP courts there. Staffing of JP courts became a challenge for the imperial judicial powers. JPs had to be professionals in the judicial sphere, to have knowledge of regional specifics, to remain loyal to the imperial center leading the mission of legal integration of the frontier. To what extent was it possible to comply with these criteria? To answer this question, the article turns to official documents and narrative materials, such as personal files of JPs, annual lists of judges, audit materials, memoirs, and periodicals. Their analysis indicates three interrelated processes that took place in the late 19th – early 20th century: 1) the JP's corps was becoming more and more democratic in its composition; more and more representatives of the urban and rural middle and lower classes were being appointed as JPs, while the share of nobles was decreasing sharply; 2) the professional level of the judicial corps was improving, the share of judges with higher legal education was rapidly increasing with regional universities, primarily the Kiev University of St. Vladimir, playing a great role in this process. 3) the share of JPs of Ukrainian origins started to increase in the 1890s; contrary, the share of Russians from inner provinces was on decline; so there was an intensive process of nativization of the judicial corps. Thus, the study demonstrates that at the beginning of the 20th century, a corps of professional judges had formed in the region. The majority of them were connected with the Ukrainian provinces in personal, educational, and career terms. The results of the changes are evaluated by the criterion of the dynamics of the demand for JP courts by the broad strata of the population in the region.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1638353342.pdf
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25. Tatyana G. Karchaeva, Alexander G. Gryaznukhin, Galina M. Lushchayeva, Oleg G. Alekseev
Text Analysis of the Yenisei Provincial Administrations and the Yenisei Provincial Court documents about officials ’abuse in Siberia in the second half of the 19th century

Bylye Gody. 2021. 16(4): 1849-1856.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2021.4.1849CrossRef

This article tested the facts of the abuse of office by local government officials in Siberia. The article talks about the officials of the Yenisei province, who committed malfeasance in the second half of the 19th century. The source base of the study is documents from 1860 to 1890s. These are documents of the Yenisei Provincial Court and the Yenisei General Provincial Administration. These historical sources are kept in funds No. 141 and No. 545 of the State Archives of the Krasnoyarsk Territory (Krasnoyarsk). Content analysis of the text of archival documents is the main research method. We obtained the results of the study by analyzing administrative and statistical documents, form lists (personal files of officials). These documents contain hidden and explicit information. Content analysis makes it possible to establish the facts of crimes of local officials of the Yenisei province. The most common crimes are the theft of papers, things from public places, violation of seals, abuse of power, illegal actions of officials in the storage and management of property entrusted to them in the service, forgery at work, injustice, bribes. Punishment for these crimes was carried out according to the norms from the fifth section "On crimes and misdemeanors in the service of the state and public" of the Code of Criminal and Correctional Punishments of 1866. Surveys of the Yenisei province and official statistics indicate a small number of malfeasance – only 1.4–2.5% among others in the province. The biographical data of specific officials cited in the article paint an average portrait of a local civil servant of the district and provincial levels of government brought to justice. However, on the example of one of the criminal cases of the 1860s it has been proven that not all officials were responsible. It was the murder of the treasurer of the Yenisei provincial government and the theft of a sum of 8,085 rubles. 88 ¼ kopeck High-ranking officials in Siberia could avoid punishment for malfeasance in the Russian Empire.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1638353407.pdf
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26. Lazzat S. Dinasheva, Murat M. Tastanbekov, Gulmira Y. Sabdenova, Tengesh S. Kalenova
Socio-Economic Significance Orenburg-Tashkent Railway in the Syrdarya Region of the Turkestan General Government

Bylye Gody. 2021. 16(4): 1857-1866.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2021.4.1857CrossRef

The article is devoted to the analysis of the significance of the Orenburg-Tashkent railway in the socio-economic life of the Syrdarya region of the Turkestan region. This railway line is considered as a mechanism that opened the way for the entry of the region into capitalist relations. Most of the railway line passed through the territory of the Syrdarya region. Among the regions included in the Turkestan Region, the Syrdarya region stands out for its geographical and socio-economic character. This is due to the fact that there were very few cities and industrial centers on the territory of the region. The vast majority of residents led a semi-nomadic lifestyle. It was difficult for the peasants to get their goods transported to other consumer environments. It can be argued that this development trend has changed dramatically with the construction of the railway. Based on archival materials, an assessment of the activities of new railway stations and industrial facilities formed on the territory of the Syrdarya region is given. In addition, much attention is paid to the phenomenon of diversification of the labor sphere caused by the functioning of the railway. In the course of the research work, an objective approach to the factors of the construction of the Orenburg-Tashkent railway is revealed. As one of them, it is concluded that the factor of highway construction was carried out not because of competition between empires (as noted in many studies), but in order to involve the socio-economic isolated part of the empire in integration processes. Due to the activity of the railway, the export-import potential of the region has increased. The Syrdarya region has received ample opportunities for the export of salt, santonin, wool, dried fruits. In general, the railway line had a significant impact on the transition of the region from the old feudal relations to a partial agrarian-industrial form.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1638353486.pdf
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27. Nurlan Y. Yessetov, Aleksey I. Kortunov
The Land Issue on the Territory of Modern Kazakhstan and Its Reflection in Legislative Documents (1870−1890s)

Bylye Gody. 2021. 16(4): 1867-1876.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2021.4.1867CrossRef

The article considers the land issue on the territory of modern Kazakhstan as the most important part of the national policy of Tsarism of the second half of the 19th century. The authors focused on the legislative and regulatory acts of 1870−1890s, which determined the approaches to the regulation of land relations during the indicated period. The reforms of 1867−1868, aimed at the effective management of the Kazakhs and their lands, became the critical stage in all spheres of the life of the Kazakh society. The large part of the region favored the lands distribution and the establishment of peasants-migrants there, which Russia especially needed after the abolition of serfdom in 1861. The interest of the Tsarist Government in such redistribution is also due to the fact that the significant part of these lands were subsequently entered into the state land fund. After analyzing a number of studies and materials, it can be concluded that the main purpose of the Tsarist Government’s adoption of the legislative documents on the land issue in the Kazakh region is the withdrawal of land from the Kazakh population for the resettlement of peasants-migrants. “The steppe regulations” strengthened this idea, recognizing all lands as state. At the same time, the Government's land policy was based on the distribution and resettlement of the Kazakhs with the determination of the nomadic places and the transition of nomadic Kazakhs to settled life. In addition, while implementing plans of the resettlement of peasants, the Government had strengthened the legal framework for land distribution, land use and land management of the native, Cossack and planned resettlement population. As a result, the regulatory legal acts adopted by the Tsarist monarchy had finally transferred the Kazakh lands to the ownership of the State. The introduction of new regulations and laws governing land relations and consequently, land management and use on the territory of Kazakh nomads and of peasants-migrants lands, had not only changed the previously existing system of governance of Kazakhs, but also forced them to obey the newly introduced laws. The main purpose of the analyzed regulatory documents was to prevent the land claims of the Kazakhs and secure the right to land use for the local Cossacks. Accordingly, the Government not only regulated the land use of the native population, but also managed it administratively, organizing the population into separate agricultural societies.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1638353548.pdf
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28. Oksana V. Klevtsova, Nikolay A. Zhirov
Folk Readings as one of the Forms of Organization of Rural Extracurricular Education in the Orel Province in the second half of the XIX – early XX centuries

Bylye Gody. 2021. 16(4): 1877-1885.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2021.4.1877CrossRef

The article is devoted to the analysis of the situation in the field of literacy among the rural, mainly peasant population through holding public readings. The authors made an attempt to study the legislative framework, to study the state policy and recommendations on the methodology for organizing mass public readings. The relevance of the study lies in the poor knowledge of the out-of-school form of education in the Russian Empire, including within the framework of the Oryol province, in the period under study. Particular attention was paid to holding readings on the territory of the Oryol province, analyzing the demand for this area of work among the peasant population. In the course of the research, the following methods were used: general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, the principle of historicism, comparative historical, mathematical and other methods. As a result of the study, the reasons for the popularity of folk readings among the villagers were established. At the same time, there is a noticeable lack of consistency in the conduct of this work, a plan for the organization and dissemination of religious and moral education of young people has not been formed. The reasons that hinder this process are identified: a lack of funds, a meager material and technical base of libraries, a lack of qualified teachers. The state has shifted the responsibility to the local authorities and the public. At the same time, throughout the entire period under study, there has been a steady increase in interest among the peasant population in folk readings and books.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1638353621.pdf
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29. Maria V. Bratolyubova
Sport Societies and Leisure Time in Rostov-on-Don at the turn of the 19th–20th centuries

Bylye Gody. 2021. 16(4): 1886-1897.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2021.4.1886CrossRef

The article is devoted to an important component of Rostov-on-Don city life – leisure time at the end of XIX – beginning of XX century. Within the framework of the article the sports aspect of the history of leisure in Rostov-on-Don is considered. It shows how at the end of the 19th century the middle-class citizens were inclined to spend their free time together and to choose reasonable and developing forms of leisure activities. In Rostov-on-Don, the development of forms of leisure associated with participation in physical education and sport was rapid. Physical training and sports were becoming popular, taking public forms: societies of skaters and cross-country skiers, cyclists and football players. The author concludes that since the last quarter of the 19th century sports in Rostov-on-Don became a fashionable and universal hobby, the first sports clubs were formed and the first competitions were organized. Some types of sport evolved into professional sports and by the turn of the 19th–20th centuries they turned into mass spectacles generating excitement among fans (running and horse-racing, wrestling). The article shows how sporting activities were also an opportunity for like-minded people to socialise. Leisure activities created opportunities for self-realisation of citizens and contributed to the development of civil society institutions. On the eve of the First World War, the fashionable sporting pastime of the townspeople began to take on the features of a sporting competition. However, this trend was interrupted by World War I and the revolutionary upheaval in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1638532302.pdf
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30. Andrey A. Avdashkin, Tatyana V. Raeva, Igor V. Sibiryakov
The Image of China and the Chinese in Late Imperial Russia (based on Materials from the “Niva” Journal)

Bylye Gody. 2021. 16(4): 1898-1909.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2021.4.1898CrossRef

The article examines the images of China and the Chinese in the Russian Empire in the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries on the example of “Niva” journal. This journal published news articles, reports from the scene, portrait sketches, literary works on the “Chinese theme”, biographical and ethnographic essays. Texts and numerous illustrations showed the history of China, the way of life and traditions of its population to a wide audience. The authors came to the conclusion that the publishers, editors, and authors of the journal, as well as, probably, the pre-revolutionary Russian public failed to form a complete image of the Chinese and state of China. In the aggregate of various, sometimes mutually exclusive, ideas about them, depending on the Russian and world socio-political context of the second half of the XIX – early XX centuries certain elements were updated. This explained the volatility of public opinion in Russia in relation to China, the problem of “yellow labor”, gave dynamics and flexibility to Russian policy in the Far East and its representation in public space. The images of the state of China and the Chinese were multifaceted and dynamic.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1639484370.pdf
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31. Aleksander E. Epifanov, Evgeniya M. Pavlenko
From the History of Ensuring the Rights of Prisoners in Prisons of the Russian Empire at the turn of the 19th – 20th centuries (based on materials from the Saratov Province)

Bylye Gody. 2021. 16(4): 1910-1921.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2021.4.1910CrossRef

The formation of a culture of human rights in the Russian Federation is faced with difficulties, which can be overcome only by relying on an in-depth analysis of the historical development of the concept of human rights in Russian society. An important stage in this development was the turn of the late 19th – early 20th centuries, however, due to the lack of a holistic concept of human rights during this period, changes in ideas about the dignity of an individual, his rights and freedoms were reflected primarily in normative legal acts focused on practical application in specific situations. The system for the execution of punishments, which requires the most detailed regulation of its activities, is an object on the example of which changes in ideas about the personality are especially noticeable. From a historical and legal standpoint, the article reveals the regulation and practice of ensuring the rights of prisoners in Russian penitentiary institutions at the turn of the 19th – 20th centuries on the example of the Saratov province, with an emphasis on human rights of the "second generation", which in the second half of the 19th century acquired special relevance in Russia. The article was prepared on the basis of extensive literature, as well as departmental regulations and archival materials, many of which were introduced into scientific circulation for the first time. The article uses general scientific (analysis, synthesis, dialectical method of scientific knowledge, systems approach) and specific scientific (historical) research methods. It is concluded that this period, despite the specific historical conditions of the socio-economic, managerial and value nature, is characterized by the deepening and development in Russian society of ideas about human rights and the responsibility of the state for their observance.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1638353814.pdf
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32. Sergey N. Kastornov, Yulia Y. Ponomareva, Alexandra P. Chervinskaya, Oksana V. Leonova
Publicists of the “Russkoe Bogatstvo” about the Experience of Parliamentarism in Western Countries (late 19th – early 20th centuries)

Bylye Gody. 2021. 16(4): 1922-1934.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2021.4.1922CrossRef

The authors, based on the publications of the journal “Russkoe bogatstvo”, consider the views and assessments of legal-populist authors on the problems of parliamentarism in the late 19th and early 20th centuries in Great Britain, France, Germany and Austria-Hungary. The study of the experience of Western parliamentarism by representatives of the socio-political thought of Russia is intensified at the beginning of the 20th century in connection with the formation of a multi-party system and a Duma monarchy in our country. The publicists of “Russkoe bogatstvo” considered it useful to use the experience of this experience in the process of forming a constitutional state in Russia that guarantees civil and political human rights. The legal-populist authors called for taking into account and adopting the positive experience of Western states, the political structure of which provided the working people within the framework of the existing system with real opportunities to defend their economic, political, ethnic interests and raise the standard of living. This was a typical point of view of the reformist populists, whose worldview contained both socialist and liberal elements. The experience of parliamentarism in Great Britain and France seemed to them more valuable in comparison with the experience of Austria-Hungary and Germany. The publicists of “Russkoe bogatstvo” were close to an objective assessment of the realities of the social and political life of Western countries in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and led their readers to the idea that the main direction of the state's development should be progressive, consist of socio-economic and political legal, not revolutionary transformations. The study shows that the study of the ideas of parliamentarism by legal populists still has its relevance from a practical and scientific point of view.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1638353881.pdf
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33. Tatiana A. Volodina, Konstantin A. Podrezov
The “Truth” and the “Falsehood” of the Suvorov Soldier: The Problem of Authorship of Ilya Popadichev's Memoirs

Bylye Gody. 2021. 16(4): 1935-1946.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2021.4.1935CrossRef

For the first time in history researches, the article analyzes the specifics of the "Memoirs of a Suvorov Soldier" as a historical source. These memoirs have been widely used in non-fiction history literature and researches since their appearance (1895). On the basis of archival documents for the first time introduced into research the authors study the circumstances of its appearance, writing and publication. The authors analyze the motives and the role of each person who did his part to creating the text: retired soldier Ilya Popadichev, General I. N. Nazansky and military historian D. F. Maslovsky. As a result, the source appears as a comprehensive complicated text, in which various layers with different origins are highlighted. Using the facts of the military biography of real Ilya Popadichev, the authors explain the varying degrees of content accuracy and information completeness inherent in the book. Analyzing the letters of General Nazansky to the historian Maslovsky, the authors reveal the influence of various factors in the general's work on the memoirs: ideological and conceptual reasons as well as pragmatic and commercial considerations. The article reveals the role and significance of the Military-Scientific Committee of the General Staff in the formation mass-market book products intended for circulation in the troops. As a result of the conducted research, the authors come to the conclusion that Popadichev's memoirs are not only a reflection of the military-historical realities of Suvorov time. To a large extent, they are evidence of the intentional efforts of the military department to indoctrinate the lower ranks, as well as the fact of the conceptual controversy in the field of military history researches of the late XIX century. The authors prove that was the reason for the serious role of D. F. Maslovsky in promoting Popadichev's memoirs. However, in this case, the positivist principles of science came into collision with the myth. The article reveals the depth of the moral dilemma faced by the military historian Maslovsky. Science demanded from him a critical analysis of the source, and his commitment to the "Russian school" values required the high merits of the memoirs to be claimed and recognized.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1638353941.pdf
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34. Tatiana A. Kattsina, Natalya V. Pashina, Ludmila E. Mezit, Natalya А. Goncharevich
Implementation of the Experience of the Elberfeld System in the Cities of Siberia in the 19th – early 20th centuries (on the Example of Tomsk)

Bylye Gody. 2021. 16(4): 1947-1954.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2021.4.1947CrossRef

The Elberfeld system, which originated in Germany's charitable community at the communal level in the middle of the 19th century, represented an innovative breakthrough in the organization of social assistance to the poor in the early industrial era. Thanks to a careful selection procedure for those in need, strict adherence to the principles of individualization and decentralization, it ensured the targeting of permanent and temporary assistance, a wide range of preventive and rehabilitation measures, including the formation of life skills, the ability to leave the care of society and independently support their existence. Elberfeld's experience in solving the problem of poverty was used not only in Germany, but also in the cities of Belgium, the Netherlands, France, Austria, and Switzerland. Many similarities with the German Elberfeld system can be traced in the organization of institutions for the care of the poor in the Russian Empire during the period of industrial modernization of the late 19th – early 20th centuries. In this article, on the basis of office materials, testimonies of contemporaries (lawyers, city public administration officials, charity functionaries), the application of general provisions on social support to those in need, developed by the practice of the Elberfeld system, is considered in Russian reality. The geography of the study covers Tomsk – the administrative, cultural and economic center of the south of Western Siberia.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1638354829.pdf
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35. Daria S. Pchelkina, Ksenia A. Degtyarenko
The Peoples of the Russian Empire’s North in the Regional Press of the late XIX century

Bylye Gody. 2021. 16(4): 1955-1963.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2021.4.1955CrossRef

The article aims to determine and analyze the regional image of the northern peoples of the Russian Empire at the end of the XIX century. The research materials are articles of the newspaper “Eastern Review”, which was considered one of the leading local print publications of its time. The main attention of the authors is focused on the publications of the ethnocultural topics of the newspaper, in particular, dedicated to the indigenous peoples of the North of the Russian Empire. The actual material of the study allows us to identify several main elements of the regional image of the peoples who inhabited the territory of Siberia at the end of the last century. These results were achieved during the qualitative content analysis of publications published in the “Eastern Review” issues in 1897. The authors consider the specifics of the functioning of the periodical press as a historical document of the epoch and its role in creating a regional identity. Unlike generally recognized documents, which are traditionally considered as historical sources – legislative and political documents, scientific works, etc., periodicals record trends and moods that are relevant to society. At the end of the XIX century, the Eastern Review was considered the "voice of truth" for a large number of the population of the Asian part of Russia, representing the local everyday life. The periodical press has always actively participated and is taking part in filling in the gaps in the regional history of culture, in this case, related to the life of the indigenous small-numbered peoples of the North of the Russian Empire at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. Articles, notes and mentions of the northern peoples allow us to analyze not only the events recorded on the pages of the newspaper, but also the context in which they occur, the attitude of the authors of the newspaper publication and readers, which significantly reveals the regional image of the indigenous inhabitants of the territory of Siberia during this period.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1638354924.pdf
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36. Valeriy V. Suvorov, Lyudmila V. Klimovich
Discussion of the Issue of Obtaining an Ice-Free Port in the Far East by the Leadership of the Russian Empire at the end of the 19th century

Bylye Gody. 2021. 16(4): 1964-1971.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2021.4.1964CrossRef

Far Eastern policy of the Russian Empire in the second half of the 19th century outlined for the Russian authorities the tasks of providing everything necessary for the Pacific squadron, among which the most important was the receipt of an ice-free port. Searches were undertaken back in the 1880s, but they had no practical result and this issue remained unresolved until the mid-1890s, when it was re-identified in connection with the Sino-Japanese War. The Russian leadership coincided in their views that the use of Japanese ports for the repair and parking of the Russian fleet after the Sino-Japanese war became inconvenient, since Japan could stop it at any time. Maintaining the combat readiness of the Pacific Fleet in the presence of a port and a repair dock only in Vladivostok was a difficult task. In this context, the study of the development of the views of statesmen and the naval command regarding obtaining an ice-free port in the context of their understanding of the military-strategic and cultural-historical tasks of Russia acquires particular importance. At the same time, if the event history is well known enough, then the evaluative side, views and judgments of persons directly related to the solution of the issue of a non-freezing port need further research. Despite the study of the terrain and active discussion of the issue of an ice-free port, neither the naval command, nor representatives of various ministries were able to come up with a solution to this issue. The refusal to take decisive action on this issue was due to fears of a negative reaction from the European powers or Japan, with which it did not seem advisable to enter into an open conflict. It is significant that none of the departments of the state apparatus of the Russian Empire was able to take responsibility and resolve the issue of occupying the ice-free port. The delay in resolving this issue in the context of the provocations of Germany in 1897 and her occupation of the Chinese port of Kia-Chao caught the Russian government by surprise, which resulted in the unplanned occupation of Port Arthur, which, on the scale of the Far Eastern policy, became a turning point that changed the main political vector of “peaceful penetration” to the East, promoted by S.Yu. Witte.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1638354990.pdf
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37. Natalia N. Seredkina, Natalia N. Pimenova, Anna А. Shpak
Popular Scientific Book for Children “Peoples of Russia” as a Historical Source

Bylye Gody. 2021. 16(4): 1972-1980.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2021.4.1972CrossRef

“Peoples of Russia” is a series of ethnographic stories for children. This article analyzes the first issue of the series entitled “Deserts of the North and their nomadic inhabitants” by N. A. Aleksandrov. The book was published in 1898 and was not reprinted during the Soviet and post-Soviet times. It was also not subjected to a scientific description, while the work contains valuable historical material on the ethnography of Russia. In a form that is generally accessible for perception, N. A. Aleksandrov systematizes the historical and ethnographic material about the peoples inhabiting the North of Russia in the XIX century. The purpose of the study is to consider the image of these peoples, to study their ethnic-forming markers, from the standpoint of which the peoples are presented in the source. The research was carried out on the basis of the analysis of six ethnographic stories and the contents of the “Interpreter” section. Source analysis has become the main research method. As a result of the study, ethno-forming markers of such historical peoples of the north of Russia as the Lapps, Samoyeds, Ostyaks, Yukagirs, Chukchi, and Koryaks were identified. Ethnographic markers are manifested through the description of the appearance of members of peoples, their way of life, beliefs, traditions, rituals, social structure, economic situation, interethnic relations, in particular with Russians. It demonstrates not only the territorial remoteness of peoples from civilization, but also the decisive role of the natural and climatic conditions of the North in the formation of the culture of peoples. The systematization of historical data based on the analysis of the first issue of the “Peoples of Russia” publication substantially supplements the available information regarding the processes that took place among the northern peoples of Russia in the XIX century.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1638355090.pdf
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38. Artyom Yu. Peretyatko
Unknown Project of the Reform of Governance of the Russian Cossack Hosts: Report by General N.A. Maslakovets to A.N. Kuropatkin in 1900

Bylye Gody. 2021. 16(4): 1981-1995.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2021.4.1981CrossRef

The article is devoted to the analysis of the document, which was not previously involved in scientific circulation, «Doklad sostoyashchego v rasporyazhenii voennogo ministra General'nogo shtaba general-leitenanta Maslakovtsa po voprosu o detsentralizatsii del Glavnogo Upravleniya Kazach'ikh voisk». Contrary to its name, this text proposed a complete restructuring of the administrative structure of the Russian Cossacks, with the granting of broad economic autonomy. It was prepared in 1900, when the War Ministry of the Russian Empire was concerned about the impoverishment of the Cossacks, especially in the Don Host. An authoritative government expert on Cossack issues, the former Orenburg ataman N.A. Maslakovets, said that the administrative structure of the Cossack troops should also contribute to the achievement of Cossack welfare. He proposed giving to the Host’s administrations broad economic autonomy and introducing elected delegates from the stanitsas to their composition, so that they defend the economic interests of the Cossacks. The most curious conclusion from the analysis of the text is that many ideas of N.A. Maslakovets coincided with the ideas of the Don opposition figures. The general, like them, believed that the well-being of the Cossacks with their complete submission to the imperial administration was impossible.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1638355146.pdf
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39. Dmitry S. Sknarev, Zulfira S. Zyukina, Ekaterina S. Kozlovskaya, Nadezhda M. Suzdalova
The Reflection of the Initial Period of the Russian-Japanese War in the Journal “Ogonek” (January – March 1904)

Bylye Gody. 2021. 16(4): 1996-2004.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2021.4.1996CrossRef

The article examines the initial period of the Russo-Japanese war (January-March 1904) based on the materials of the weekly Russian journal “Ogonek”. The authors used the files of the journal “Ogonek” as materials. At the specified time, the journal was a weekly issue which focused on the mass reader. In total, 14 issues of the journal were reviewed (from the 1st to the 14th for 1904), which covered the pre-war period and the initial military period (up to the presentation on the pages of the journal of the events of March 31, 1904 – the death of the armadillo “Petropavlovsk”). In conclusion, the authors state that the emphasis in the coverage of the events of the initial period of the Russian-Japanese war in the journal was on visualization. Using the photo series, a holistic picture of the events of the war was formed. At the same time, the editor and correspondents of the newspaper tried to present a photo series taking into account the regional specifics. There was a place not only for Russians, but also for Tungus, and Chinese, and Japanese. Trying not to repeat the publication of materials for the weekly journal “Niva”, the editor of “Ogonek” did not publish the official documents about the beginning of the war, but focused on presenting the process of reading the supreme manifesto by the residents of the capital. It was quite an interesting move, which demonstrated the interest of the residents of the capital to the message about the beginning of the war. Another constant theme that was visualized on the pages of “Ogonek” was the volunteer movement to the front, in which not only the lower ranks of the army, officers, officials and generals took part, but also representatives of the ruling dynasty. This theme formed the image of the unity of the Russian people in the fight against the aggressor. That was also very important in the context of the conflict.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1638355226.pdf
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40. Stanislav E. Prokofiev, Pavel S. Seleznev, Aleksey V. Fedyakin, Viktor V. Titov
Evolution of the Views of Russian Monarchists on Ensuring Political Stability in the period 1905–1917

Bylye Gody. 2021. 16(4): 2005-2013.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2021.4.2005CrossRef

This work is devoted to the topic of changing the views of Russian monarchists on the strategy of ensuring the stability of the political and social regime of the empire in the period 1905−1917. The aim of the study is to identify the main vectors and trends in the evolution of the views of monarchists on the strategy of ensuring political stability in the Russian Empire in the designated chronological period. The source base of the work is formed by attracting materials from the pre-revolutionary periodicals, sources of personal origin and publications of office documents and program materials of political parties. The methodology of the work is built on the basis of a combination of synchronous and diachronic comparative analysis. It is concluded that during the period under review, the views of monarchists on the strategy of ensuring the political stability of the empire were actively evolving. Initially, they did not have their own views on this issue, delegating the function of determining the vector of its decision to the system of the current government. However, as the revolutionary crisis grew, the monarchists began to develop their own position on this issue. Initially, popular were the ideas of a partial limitation of the powers of the recently created parliamentary institutions or the restoration of “primordially autocratic principles” in the system of state administration. However, in the end, the point of view of moderate monarchists prevailed, insisting on the need to create mechanisms to cut off political radicals from participation in legislative activity. In the period 1907–1911 the monarchists promoted the idea of the need to combine moderate reforms with the conservation of social institutions that ensure the functioning of the patriarchal model of Russian society. At the same time, attention was focused on the fact that transformations in the socio-economic sphere should become a priority for the authorities: the transition to political reforms in the absence of an increase in living standards was seen as fraught with the beginning of new revolutionary uprisings. In the future, the monarchists moved to more radical positions. They proposed to rebuild the political and economic models of the organization of society in the spirit of corporatism. During the First World War, they actively discussed projects for the establishment of the post of a dictator, uniting in his hands the supreme powers in the civil and military spheres. Thus, the monarchists went beyond the traditionalist paradigm of autocracy. At the same time, their very perception of political stability was transformed. Initially it was seen as a static state corresponding to the “sacred past”. However, by the end of the period under study, monarchists perceived stability as a state of the political system that allows political and social systems to remain resistant to external and internal challenges through evolutionary transformations or the creation of new extraordinary institutions and forms of management or economic organization.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1638355314.pdf
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41. Stanislav N. Sinegubov, Sergei P. Shilov
Areas of Concern of “the Russian Policy” in the Reports of the German Naval Attaché P. Hintze in 1905−1908

Bylye Gody. 2021. 16(4): 2014-2025.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2021.4.2014CrossRef

The article analyzes the messages of the German naval attaché in Russia P. Hintze in 1905−1908. They describe significant actions of the Russian authorities to restore the naval forces harmed in the Russian-Japanese War of 1904−1905. Both the foreign policy of Petersburg and of the German leadership depended on it. P. Hintze’ reports were important here as evidenced by his right of direct appeal to Kaiser Wilhelm II – not every naval attaché had this privilege. This was explained not only by the importance of Russia for Germany, but also by P. Hintze’ analytical skills and his acquaintances with representatives of the highest Petersburg political and military spheres. As the authors show, in his reports in 1905−1908 the German attaché went beyond the scope of purely naval affairs, although they, of course, remained one of the most urgent for him. P. Hintze not only stated the facts that attracted his attention, but also gave them a comprehensive description to reach a higher level of foreign policy forecasting of the development of German-Russian relations. The analysis of the German naval attaché’ reports revealed a number of serious challenges that predetermined the deterioration, rather than the improvement, of the political climate between the two countries.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1638355507.pdf
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42. Irina N. Litvinova, Oksana A. Karagodina, Elena O. Danilova
Philanthropy in the Field of Guardianship and Care of Children in the Town of Tsaritsyn of the early 20th century

Bylye Gody. 2021. 16(4): 2026-2033.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2021.4.2026CrossRef

Based on the materials of Tsaritsyn and partly his district, the specifics of the main forms and directions of charity in the Lower Volga province at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries are considered. The special role of entrepreneurs in improving the work of institutions in the areas of public care and care for orphans, as well as education and assistance to students from poor segments of the population is shown. To a certain extent, the philanthropic activities of public organizations and individuals in the field of healthcare in relation to the category of "babies", as well as rural residents in a lean year, are considered. A new source, introduced into scientific circulation, is analyzed in more detail – a report on the activities of the Tsaritsyn boys' shelter. The purpose of the work is to reveal the content of charitable practices in the field of guardianship and public education in a large district center of the Saratov province, to publish new information about the benefactor – a well-known merchant in the region A. N. Serebryakov and the orphanage opened by him. The materials of the article are necessary for researchers to develop a virtual excursion on one of the important topics – the social history of Volgograd.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1638355582.pdf
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43. Ekaterina A. Sertakova, Alexandra A. Sitnikova, Yuliya S. Zamaraeva
Sources on the History of the Yenisei Peoples of the Russian Empire (on the Example of the Analysis of Materials from the Newspaper "Krasnoyarets")

Bylye Gody. 2021. 16(4): 2034-2042.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2021.4.2034CrossRef

The relevance of this study is associated with the importance of studying the history of the indigenous peoples of the north of the Russian Federation, in particular, the Krasnoyarsk krai, which makes it possible to understand the peculiarities of the ethnocultural development of the indigenous peoples of the north from the end of the last century to the present, to see the changes in relations between the Russians and small-numbered peoples of the north that have occurred over a hundred years old. The significance of the study is explained by the fact that the peculiarities of the life and culture of the northern peoples of the Yenisei province at the beginning of the 20th century are studied on the basis of materials from «The Krasnoyarets» newspaper, which were not previously considered by scientists. As an archival source for the study 13 issues of «The Krasnoyarets» newspaper were used, which was published in the Yenisei province from 1906 to 1909, in which feuilletons, articles and notes about the life of the aborigines of the northern territories of the province were published. The main part of the article is the publication of significant extracts and quotes from the newspaper related to the description of the life of the indigenous peoples of the north, with research findings and interpretations. As a result the authors of the article concluded that in newspaper «The Krasnoyarets» journalists are primarily focused on describing the problems of the indigenous population of the Yenisei North – the unfair attitude of merchants to the hunters of the north (to make aborigines drunk with alcohol, low cost of furs exchanged by merchants from hunters, etc.), the spread of destructive diseases among the aboriginal population after contacts with the Russians, the inaccessibility of education for the aborigines, in general, the harsh living conditions in the north, often leading to hunger and other problems. Journalists focus the readers' attention on these problems for the sake of drawing attention to them, for the sake of changing this unfortunate situation in the future.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1638355720.pdf
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44. Natalia P. Koptseva, Ksenia V. Reznikova, Yulia N. Menzhurenko
The Journal «Сine-phono» as a Historical Source: National Provincial Cinematography in 1907−1916

Bylye Gody. 2021. 16(4): 2043-2052.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2021.4.2043CrossRef

The article examines the possibilities of the materials of the journal “Cine-phono”to act as historical sources on the development of national cinema at the time of its formation. The discussions of the greatest interest for potential researchers, unfolding on its pages, were revealed: about the phenomenon of cinema, about its relationship with the authorities, about the reflection of the main current events in the development of cinematography, etc. by the residual principle. Analysis of the materials of the journal “Cine-phono” made it possible to single out in 1907–1916 three periods in the formation of provincial cinematography (1907–1908 cinematography mastered territories outside the boundaries of capital cities; in the 1909–1914s – active extensive development; decline in the number of references to provincial cities in 1915–1916 associated with the events of the First World War) and rank the regions depending on the level of development of cinematography. The most significant topics in the development of provincial cinema have been identified, these are general issues of the functioning of cinemas; political action in relation to cinema; education; emergencies; charity.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1638355784.pdf
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45. Dmitry N. Belyanin, Viktor N. Razgon, Anton V. Razgon
Crafts and Hiring for Agricultural Work of Settlers of the Tomsk Province According to the Results of an Economic Survey Conducted Under the Leadership of V.Ya. Nagnibeda in 1911−1912t

Bylye Gody. 2021. 16(4): 2053-2062.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2021.4.2053CrossRef

The article, based on the analysis of the materials of the statistical survey of settlement farms conducted in 1911−1912 under the leadership of the head of the statistical department of the Tomsk resettlement district V. Ya. Nagnibeda, determines the comparative prevalence of various types of crafts among migrants who settled in different geographical zones of the Tomsk province. The relationship between the level of involvement of migrants in crafts and hiring for agricultural work and the duration of their residence in the province is also studied. The specialization of the crafts of the migrants who settled in various natural and geographical zones of the Tomsk province was determined by differences in the provision of natural resources and the level of development of socio-economic infrastructure in the places of settlement, the zonal specialization of agricultural production. Hiring for agricultural work was the main economic activity of the settlers outside of agricultural pursuits on their farms. New settlers were most actively involved in this type of economic activity, in groups of migrants with a duration of residence in the places of the new settlement for more than 8 years, the number of settlers living by selling their labor was significantly reduced. The significantly lower prevalence among colonists of some extractive industries (fishing, beekeeping) than among old-timers reflected the incompleteness of the process of their adaptation to the new natural environment.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1638356652.pdf
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46. Pavel A. Merkulov, Svetlana V. Bukalova, Oksana V. Leonova, Nadezhda V. Mironenko
Patriotic Moods of 1914 as a Mobilization Resource of Social Transformations

Bylye Gody. 2021. 16(4): 2063-2072.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2021.4.2063CrossRef

The article analyzes the "patriotic upsurge" that accompanied Russia's entry into the World War I. This phenomenon of public consciousness and mass behavior is considered within the framework of the pre-revolutionary evolution of the socio-political sphere in the Russian Empire, which demonstrated the paradoxical dynamics of the transition from the apparent unity of society and authorities to the predominance of anti-autocratic sentiments in the conditions of the external military aggression. The authors points out the weakness of ideological basis of patriotic moods of July-August 1914, which led to the predominance of the emotional component in them and determined the temporary limitation of this phenomenon. The content of the "moods of 1914" is analyzed through their objective external manifestations: patriotic processions, a surge of charity and volunteerism, riots of the mobilized. Each of these phenomena can only be explained to a limited extent by patriotic or "anti-patriotic" motivation. It is concluded that the initial period of the World War I in Russia was accompanied by contrasting manifestations of social activity and opposite emotions, reflecting the transition of society from a stable to an extreme status. The authors come to the conclusion that "patriotic upsurge" by its nature was an independent phenomenon, which allows us to consider it outside of the widespread three-stage periodization of the patriotic sentiments evolution in Russia during the World War I. This point of view removes the problem of the autocracy "guilt", which couldn’t use the potential of universal patriotic enthusiasm to mobilize Russian society to the total war.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1638356717.pdf
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47. Nicholas W. Mitiukov
Identification of the Steamer “Granata”, acquired by Izhevsk Factories during the First World War

Bylye Gody. 2021. 16(4): 2073-2083.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2021.4.2073CrossRef

The steamers of the Izhevsk Arms and Steel Works had a significant impact on the cultural and economic life in the village of Izhevsk Zavod. In the scientific and local history literature, there is often a mention of the steamer “Granata”, acquired by Izhevsk plants during the World War I. Unfortunately, in most works, information about the ship is reduced only to the very fact that there was such a ship. Analysis of graphic images and textual documentation shows that the Izhevsk steamer “Granata” is apparently a serially built steamer at the Votkinsk plant. But the analysis of biographies according to the data of registers and ship lists unambiguously showed that the Votkinsk plant by 1914 had not built steamers with an unknown fate, with characteristics similar to the “Granata”. On the other hand, the existing steamers “Krasnovodsk” (i) and “Oriet”, whose biography by 1914 is not clear, differ too much in characteristics from the “Granata” and it would take a lot of money and time to rebuild them. This makes a rebuilt version unlikely. So the most promising version is with the use of the Votkinsk plant of the old hull from the steamer “Vyatka”, built by order of the Ministry of Railways. Votkinsk plant has been in litigation with the Ministry of Railways for a long time over the excess of costs for work on the “Vyatka” in excess of the contractual amounts, so the possibility of using the old hull of the steamer is quite likely as a way to partially repay the debt. On the other hand, among the ships attributed to the Votkinsk plant, there is a steamship “Galevskaya Pristan”, the construction documentation of which is absent. And it is quite probable that the former hull of “Vyatka” passes under this name.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1638356772.pdf
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