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«Былые годы» (Bylye Gody) – российский исторический журнал

Периодичность – 4 раза в год.

Издается с 2006 года.

3-1 October 01, 2016

Column by editor-in-chief
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2. Khoros V.G.
The Historical Optimism of Boris Mironov
Number of views: 1046      Download in PDF

3. Mazur L.N.
Analytism against Empiricism: Reflections on the New Book by B.N. Mironov
Number of views: 1065      Download in PDF

4. Poberezhnikov I.V.
Russian Imperial Modernization: The General and the Specific
Number of views: 1070      Download in PDF

5. Selunskaia N.B.
In Search of the Best Explanation of Russian History
Number of views: 1059      Download in PDF

6. Potkina I.V.
The Phenomenon of Russian Modernization: Research Approaches, Problems of Lawful Government, Administration, and Human Capital
Number of views: 1034      Download in PDF

7. Kerov V.V.
“It is Necessary to Create a New Suitably Positive Past”: Boris Mironov in Russian Imperial Historiography
Number of views: 957      Download in PDF

8. Artamonova L.M.
Modernization of “Collective Beliefs” and “Cultural Capital” in the Russian Empire: From Enlightened Absolutism to Civil Society
Number of views: 1038      Download in PDF

9. Liarskii A.B.
Historical Research of the Russian Modernization: Theoretical and Practical Aspects
Number of views: 1035      Download in PDF

10. Veselov Yu.V.
The History and Sociology of Nutrition
Number of views: 988      Download in PDF

11. Morozov A.Yu.
Noble Estate Self-Government in Russia: Between the State and Civil Society
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12. Ul’ianova G.N.
Modern Russian Historiography as a Living and Growing Intellectual Body
Number of views: 943      Download in PDF

13. Smirnov Yu.N.
The Modernization Concept as an Integrative Framework for the Methodology of Studying Topical Issues in Russian History
Number of views: 1013      Download in PDF

14. Sunderland W.
A Glass Half-Full, Perhaps Three-Quarters: Imperial Questions in Boris Mironov’s “Rossiiskaia Imperiia”
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15. Verniaev I.I.
Russian Imperial Principles and Technologies of the Management of Ethno-Confessional Diversity and of the Integration of Traditional Socio-Cultural Systems
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16. Shkuratov V.A.
Historical Psychology in Boris Mironov’s “Russian Empire”
Number of views: 992      Download in PDF

17. Worobec C.D.
A Qualified Optimistic Analysis of Imperial Russia
Number of views: 955      Download in PDF

18. Ekshtut S.A.
“The Нuman Comedy” of Boris Mironov
Number of views: 1129      Download in PDF

19. Kulikov S.V.
The True Beginning of Post-Soviet Historiography of the History of the Russian Empire
Number of views: 958      Download in PDF

20. Mironov B.N.
Do Russians Need Cliotherapia?
Number of views: 1054      Download in PDF

21. Cherkasov A.A.
Essays on Historical Optimism
Number of views: 950      Download in PDF

Number of views: 948      Download in PDF

full number
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