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«Былые годы» (Bylye Gody) – российский исторический журнал

Периодичность – 4 раза в год.

Издается с 2006 года.

2 June 05, 2015

1. Tatiana P. Khlynina
«In Order to Strengthen the Protection of Rostov Mobilized Population»: the Construction of Fortifications Autumn 1941 – Summer 1942
Number of views: 1105      Download in PDF

full number
Number of views: 4291      Download in PDF

3. Veronika V. Tsibenko, Sergey N. Tsibenko
Circassian Question: Transformation of Content and Perception
Number of views: 1468      Download in PDF

4. Larisa A. Koroleva, Alexey A. Korolev, Victor V. Zinchenko, Elena K. Mineeva
The Orthodox Believer in the USSR. The 1940–1980th (on Materials of the Penza Region)
Number of views: 1323      Download in PDF

5. Vladimir P. Trut, Anatoly I. Narezhny
On the Participation of Don Cossacks in World War II in 1941
Number of views: 1276      Download in PDF

6. Sergey O. Buranok, Dmitry V. Surzhik
June 22, 1941: Evaluation of Public Opinion US and UK
Number of views: 1197      Download in PDF

7. Dmitry V. Buyarov
Insurgency in Xinjiang in the first half of the 1930s
Number of views: 1194      Download in PDF

8. Olga I. Shestak
Policy in the Area of Wages and Its Implementation in the Far East in the 1930s as a Mechanism for the Formation of Social Hierarchy
Number of views: 1103      Download in PDF

9. Lazar S. Jeifets, Anton S. Andreev
A. Gorelik: Argentinean touches of Russian Revolution Portrait
Number of views: 1262      Download in PDF

10. Anvar M. Mamadaliev
The Everyday Activity of Rural Schools in the Early 1920s (through the Example of Schools in the Village of Aibga)
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11. Vladislav I. Goldin
Origins and Phenomenon of the Civil War in Russia: Glance Through a Hundred years
Number of views: 1400      Download in PDF

12. Altaiy I. Orazbayeva, Zakish T. Sadvokassova
The Muqaddimah of Ibn Khaldun and the Specificity of the Social Structure of a Nomad Society (through the Example of Traditional Kazakh Society)
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13. Lyubov G. Polyakova
Black Sea Governorate during World War I: A Historiographical Survey
Number of views: 1262      Download in PDF

14. Sergey G. Sulyak
Genocide of the Rusins in Austro-Hungary during WWI. A Short Review of the Question
Number of views: 1337      Download in PDF

15. Konstantin V. Taran
Revisiting the Issue of Far-Left Political Parties in 1907–1909 (through the Example of Black Sea Governorate)
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16. Petr K. Dashkovskiy, Elena A. Shershneva
The Russian Government’s Policy on Control over the Religious Life of Moslem Communities within Western Siberia between the Second Half of the 19th and Early 20th Centuries
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17. Timur A. Magsumov
The Additional Professional Training in the Late Russian Empire
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18. Tulebaev Turganzhan, Gulzhaukhar K. Kokebayeva
The Making and Development of Economic Forms of the Industry of Turkestan Krai in the late 19th – Early 20th Centuries
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19. Sergey V. Lyubichankovskiy, Igor A. Tropov
Russia’s Regional Governance at the Change of Epochs: Administrative Reform Drafts in the Late 19th-Early 20th Centuries
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20. Nicholas W. Mitiukov
New-York “Water Buses” – The Intrépida and Mensajera Gunboats
Number of views: 1187      Download in PDF

21. Vasiliy P. Zinov'ev, Igor S. Solovenko
Norm of Exploitation of Miners in Siberia in the Late 19th – Early 20th Centuries
Number of views: 1210      Download in PDF

22. Hope O. Bleich
The Contribution of Russian and Mountaineer Enlighteners to the Making of Writing Culture in the North Caucasus
Number of views: 1282      Download in PDF

23. Maxim N. Krot
Liberal-Conservative Synthesis: the Experience of Creating the Concept of Evolutionary Modernization of Russia in the Second half of the 19th Century
Number of views: 1239      Download in PDF

24. Aleksandr A. Cherkasov, Vyacheslav I. Menkovsky, Michal Smigel, Violetta S. Molchanova
Ethno-Demographic Processes in the North-East Black Sea Area in the 19th – Early 21th Centuries (through the Example of Greater Sochi)
Number of views: 1298      Download in PDF

25. Natalia N. Koroteeva, Alexey A. Soynikov
The Realization of the State Policy on Expanding the Drugstore Network in the Russian Empire between the 18th and the First Half of the 19th Centuries
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26. Tatjyana V. Kovaleva, Tatjyana O. Tsurik
Transformation of Manor of the Nobility in Russian Culture-Historical space of 18th –19th Centuries (Materials of Chernozem Region)
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27. Sergey I. Degtyarev
Bessarabian Functionaries in the Epistolary Legacy of Ivan Sergeyevich Aksakov
Number of views: 1232      Download in PDF

28. Konstantin D. Bugrov
Russia’s Territorial Size as a Concept for International Politics: Nikita Panin’s Northern System (1760–1770)
Number of views: 1265      Download in PDF

29. Natalya V. Toroshchina, Anna I. Bobrova
Metallic Masks from the River Tym
Number of views: 1245      Download in PDF

30. Evgeny V. Vodyasov, Olga V. Zaitceva
Medieval Burials in Coffins at the area of Tomsk Ob Region: A Local Phenomenon or a “Mongol Trace”?
Number of views: 1396      Download in PDF

31. Valentine G. Medvedev, Anna N. Fedorova, Pavel A. Rumjantsev
The Legal Regulation of Artisan and Trade Corporations in the Cities of Medieval Europe
Number of views: 1352      Download in PDF

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