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«Былые годы» (Bylye Gody) – американский исторический журнал

Периодичность – 4 раза в год.

Издается с 2006 года.

3 September 01, 2024


1. Nikolaj A. Mininkov, Artyom Yu. Peretyatko, Nikolay A. Trapsh
“We Are Obliged to Speak the Truth about History”: the Research Laboratory of A.A. Cherkasov

Bylye Gody. 2024. 19(3): 992-1004.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2024.3.992CrossRef

This article, written to the fiftieth anniversary of the “Bylye Gody” journal editor-in-chief A.A. Cherkasov, attempts to analyze the evolution of his works and identify the basic principles of the historian’s activity. It is shown that thematic diversity of the works of A.A. Cherkasov hampers their systematization and generalization: having started as a historian of the Civil War of 1918–1922, the researcher then turned towards the history of the city of Sochi, and, since 2010s, addresses a variety of issues, including those outside the research field of historical science. Nevertheless, the authors come to a conclusion that 4 features are characteristic for A.A. Cherkasov’s works: 1) Priority of verifiable empirical material; 2) Constant aspiration towards new fields of research practice: 3) Widescale archaeographic practice; 4) Conscious refusal of non-obvious, ideologized or emotional generalizations. Such features of his works, on one hand, connect him with scientific schools of V.E. Shchetnev and V.N. Ratushnyak, but, on the other hand, are a reflection of his individual scientific worldview.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1725185678.pdf
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2. Aleksandr M. Tamitskiy, Olga V. Eseeva
Christianization of the Samoyeds in the European North of Russia in the XVI–XIX centuries

Bylye Gody. 2024. 19(3): 1005-1018.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2024.3.1005CrossRef

The analysis of the historical experience of state governance and the implementation of church-state policy, including at the regional level, serves as a resource for adaptive management in the context of modern diversity of the socio-cultural environment and the need for harmonization of interethnic and interfaith relations. The spread of Christianity among the small-numbered peoples of the European North in the 16th-19th centuries was an attempt to integrate them into Russian society. The preservation of identity, the synthesis of indigenous and introduced elements is evidence not only of religious syncretism but also of the uniqueness of the Christianization processes of the specified period. The purpose of the article is to present the periods of Christianization of the Samoyeds in the European North of Russia in the 16th-19th centuries. The source base of the research is represented by materials of legislative acts of the Russian Empire, 29 funds of the Arkhangelsk Spiritual Consistory of the State Archive of the Arkhangelsk Region, and regional periodicals. The research methods were historical-comparative and problem-chronological. According to the results of the study, four periods of the implementation of church-state policy on the Christianization of the Samoyeds in the European North of Russia in the 16th-19th centuries were identified. In the first period (late 16th century - early 19th centuries), Christianization was carried out through the education and activities of individual missionaries among the local population. The second period (1825–1830) is characterized by mass baptism and attempts to convert the Samoyeds to the church. Within the framework of the third period (1830’1880), the creation of parishes in the Nenets tundra and the churching of the Samoyeds by the parish clergy were recorded. The fourth period (1887–1899) is characterized by missionary activity on Novaya Zemlya and the creation of monastic sketes in the tundra of the European North of Russia.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1725185732.pdf
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3. Denis A. Lyapin, Nikolay A. Zhirov
“Syabry” and Economic Development of the South of Russia in the first half of the 17th century

Bylye Gody. 2024. 19(3): 1019-1026.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2024.3.1019CrossRef

The article is devoted to the consideration of the economic activities of small landowners – the first colonizers of the southern outskirts of the Russian state in the 17th century. “South of Russia” is the conventional name for the southern districts of the western part of the state relative to the era of the reign of the first Romanovs. Today this territory is the economic region of the Central Black Earth Region. The issue of economic development of these forest-steppe spaces at the first stage of annexation remains quite complex. Among the various social aspects of Russian colonization of the region, a special place is occupied by the issue of “syabrs” – under this name small Russian landowners are mentioned in landownership documents. It is believed in science that the “syabrs” were members of informal rural communities, the first landowners who actively populated this region. The authors of the article clarify: they were called “syabrs” only in the case of joint ownership of part of the land, forest or reservoir. This tradition of common ownership (“syabrovoe”) survived until the second half of the 19th century. The arable lands of the “syabrs” were officially in individual use, but in reality they were cultivated collectively. The main source for writing the article was the refusal books of southern Russian districts of the 1630s and 40s. Additional documents were also used: office materials from the Belgorod table and customs books. The authors consider various methods of economic development of the South of Russia and come to the conclusion that the “syabrs”, receiving virgin (“wild”) lands for use, used all opportunities for the exploitation of natural resources: they fished, hunted, extracted honey and tar. Various methods of economic activity contributed to the formation of a single market and the development of this rich and fertile region. As a result, the effectiveness of collective efforts to develop new “wild” spaces in the South was manifested in the fact that Russia, despite external threats and wars, was able to gain a foothold in these lands, build a defensive line and move further to the Black Sea.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1725185773.pdf
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4. Leonid A. Bobrov, Оtkirbay M. Agatay, Serik А. Abdrakhmanov
Solid-Forged Helmet with Silver Ornamentation of the Second Half of the 17th – the Middle of the 18th сenturies from the Collection of the National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Bylye Gody. 2024. 19(3): 1027-1039.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2024.3.1027CrossRef

The iron helmet (QRUM nq QZh 114) stored in the National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan (NMRK, Astana) has been studied. Previously, the headgear has already attracted the attention of specialists, but has not yet become the object of an individual scientific study. The purpose of the article is to highlight the main stages of the museum history of the helmet, to give its detailed description, to clarify the dating and attribution. It is established that the Kokshetau Regional Museum of History and Local Lore obtained the headgear in 1951. Later it was transferred to the PCCRK and it was handed over to the NMRK in 2015. The central part of the tulle is decorated with silver ornamentation. The two-part visor is gilded. The upper part of the tulle was covered with the overlay in the form of a funnel, which has not been preserved. Typological analysis allowed us to date the helmet to the second half of the 17th – middle of 18th centuries (but not later than the 50s of the 18th century). It is most likely that it was made for Oirat (presumably Dzungarian) Buddhist warrior in the first half of the 18th century. This is indicated by the design of the helmet, as well as by its top, which was made on the model of a Buddhist ritual vessel. The area of distribution of such helmets coincides with the borders of military and political expansion of the Dzungarian state. The helmet could have been forged by armorers of Dzungaria or Maverannahr, who in the middle of the 18th century produced armament for the Dzungars under the supervision of Oirat masters. The silver ornamentation was applied by an Oirat, Central Asian or Kazakh artisan. In the latter case, it probably happened after the headgear was in the hands of the Kazakhs. The helmet is a clear example of interaction between the Kazakh Khanate and the Dzungarian state in the first half – the middle of the 18th century.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1725460552.pdf
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5. Ziyabek Y. Kabuldinov, Denis A. Chernienko, Anar D. Arepova
Relations of Abylai Khan with the Central Government and Regional Centers of the Russian Empire

Bylye Gody. 2024. 19(3): 1040-1051.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2024.3.1040CrossRef

Abylai as one of the influential military and political leaders of the Kazakh Steppe of the XVIII century, during the almost 40-year period of rule as Sultan and Khan of the Middle Zhuz, paid considerable attention to building interaction with neighboring states, primarily Russia and China. The presence of two powerful empires with their own priorities and tasks determined the nature of international relations in this part of Eurasia. The Russian direction in Abylai's foreign policy activities became increasingly important as Russia's position on the border line and colonization activity strengthened. Abylai's interaction with the central and regional authorities of the empire was carried out through correspondence and the exchange of embassies. The main issues for discussion were the establishment of mutually beneficial trade in the border area, the safety of trade caravans, and the exchange of prisoners. Chinese and Dzungarian factors occupied a prominent place in Kazakh-Russian relations, so another important topic for negotiations was the possible provision of military assistance. Abylai's extensive correspondence with representatives of the Russian government at various levels from the commandants of fortresses to empresses shows his desire to protect the interests of his subjects, preserve the status of an independent ruler and the sovereignty of the part of the Kazakh Khanate subject to him. The documents show Abylai as an outstanding politician who, not without success, sought to formulate and implement his interests, which in turn strengthened his position within Kazakh society and eventually allowed him to receive the khan's title. Abylai's active foreign policy activity makes him a key historical figure of the XVIII century in Central Asia.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1725185879.pdf
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6. Ekaterina A. Sertakova, Yulia S. Zamaraeva, Anna A. Omelik, Maria S. Koptseva
Interethnic Relations in the Turukhansk Region in the 18th–19th centuries

Bylye Gody. 2024. 19(3): 1052-1062.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2024.3.1052CrossRef

The article is a study of inter-ethnic relations in one of the most remote territories of the Russian Empire – the Turukhansky Krai. The study covers the period from the 18th to the 19th century – a time when the study of indigenous ethnic groups was not focused and was found rather as additional information to the description of geographical features of space and natural riches of the developed area. The published works of travellers, civil servants and clergymen, which now provide valuable insights into the northern territory and its population, served as materials for the study of this issue. The textological analysis of the sources has shown that interethnic relations in the Turukhan Territory during the period under study were complex and multileveled. They record active intercultural interaction and language borrowings, including those between Russian people and indigenous peoples, describe both positive and negative cases of inter-ethnic and intercultural communications, note the importance of peaceful coexistence of different peoples in the harsh Siberian region.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1725185939.pdf
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7. Andrii Lebid, Andrii Palchyk, Oleksandr Diadia
Monarchical Mythologeme of the Oskoptsy Sect: Genesis and Specificity

Bylye Gody. 2024. 19(3): 1063-1072.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2024.3.1063CrossRef

The article deals with the main aspects and motives of the monarchical mythology of the Oskoptsy sect. In particular, the so-called motif of “substitute (false) tsar” was analyzed. The notions about Peter I as a “substitute”, “false” tsar owe much of their origin to the fact that he introduced bragrimage, foreign customs and clothes, partied with foreigners, arranged fireworks, mocked the clergy and often left his state. The myth of the return of the tsar was also examined. In the 1840s a sect of admirers of Napoleon I was discovered in Moscow. Their cult, which involved praying in front of a bust of the French emperor, apparently included some ecstatic elements. It is possible, however, that the political mythology of this sect genetically goes back to the Oskoptic adaptation of the story of the hiding emperor. The article also presents the components of the monarchic mythologeme – questions for reflexion of the Oskoptic heresy. In the monarchical mythologeme of the Oskoptsy, the tsar acts as an ideal monarch. A real tsar, by the fact of his vocation, cannot contradict the expectations of the sect either in his personal life or in the policies he pursues. Facts that do not correspond to such representations are explained by the substitution of the tsar. The monarchical mythologeme of the Oskoptsy, despite its own specificity, fit into the general background of popular perceptions of the tsar. Thus, the political-religious imagology of the Oskoptsy conceptualizes the image of the tsar-redeemer, the monarchical version of the theology of liberation, tsarebogie. Nevertheless, the cult, the object of which in Oskopchestvo was the personality of the tsar, in our opinion, cannot be called one of the variants of tsarebozhie.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1725186020.pdf
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8. Sergey V. Vinogradov, Yuliya G. Eshchenko, Elena V. Saveleva, Oleg V. Likholet
The Role of the Nobility in the Development of the Volga-Caspian Fishing Region (60s of the 18th century – 60s of the 19th centuries)

Bylye Gody. 2024. 19(3): 1073-1083.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2024.3.1073CrossRef

In this article the authors are analyzes the noble period of development of the Volga-Caspian fishing region, which lasted about 100 years: from the time of general land surveying in the Russian Empire in the 1760s to the Great Reforms in the 1860s. In the middle of the 18th century, the government tried quickly to bring under the Volga-Caspian region, with the help of the economically active population. The government was interested in the development of the region's fish resources as an alternative source of food, which was important for a northern country with climate-risky agriculture. The possibilities of free migration were limited under conditions of the serfdom and the absence of a free labor market in the country. Therefore, the government policy of developing this territory shifted towards the nobility. Noble migration was an effective tool for settling new territories in the Russian Empire in the 18th-19th centuries. The government sold land at preferential prices to nobles, who brought serfs from the central regions to their new estates. However, this scheme did not work in the Volga-Caspian fishing region. The arid climate was not conducive to profitable farming, so the nobility bought fishing waters. The nobles were able to oust the merchants and other free classes from the fishing industry at the end of the 18th century. The authors come to concludes that the noble monopoly on fishing industry had a detrimental effect for the development and settlement of the region.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1725186067.pdf
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9. Yulia G. Kokorina
Russia's First Program for the Study of Ancient Archaeology

Bylye Gody. 2024. 19(3): 1084-1094.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2024.3.1084CrossRef

This article is devoted to the history of archaeological science in Russia. Turning to the history of archaeology, which is a complex, synthetic science, allows us to expand our understanding of the level of development of this discipline at the dawn of its formation, to realize the contribution to its pioneers of archaeological knowledge in Russia. This is the relevance of this work. The material for the study was the works of one of the first Russian archaeologists Ivan Alekseevich Stempkovsky (1788–1832), whose contribution to science has long remained invaluable. Although the scientist's works were published, they did not become the subject of special study. The analysis of his works from the point of view of the scientist's contribution to the development of Russian archaeology determines the novelty of this article. I.A. Stempkovsky came from Polish gentry, served in military service as an aide–de-camp to the founder of Odessa Duke Richelieu, and after retirement - the mayor of Kerch. Contemporaries highly appreciate the business and personal qualities of I.A. Stempkovsky, note his nobility, loyalty to duty, exceptional diligence and modesty. These qualities were reflected in his writings, among which the most valuable is "Thoughts on the exploration of antiquities in the Novorossiysk Territory", published in the journal "Otechestvennye Zapiski" in 1827. It is programmatic in nature. In this work, I.A. Stempkovsky points out the need to clearly register each find, to stop collecting random things. The scientist points out the need to create a scientific society that will take care of the protection of antiquities in the Northern Black Sea region, conduct systematic excavations, publish and interpret the materials found, take down plans of Greek cities while their buildings are still visible. A century and a half before European thinkers, the idea of a scientific community capable of critically evaluating, preserving and transmitting archaeological knowledge was expressed. The idea of an archaeological passport, which has become mandatory nowadays, is fundamentally new for that time. I.A. Stempkovsky appears in his works not only as an erudite and talented researcher, but as a worthy citizen, a true patriot of Russia, rebelling against the export of archaeological sites abroad, which leads to their loss to science. The personality and work of one of the pioneers of Russian science is an inspiring example for our contemporaries.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1725275570.pdf
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10. Ivan N. Inozemtsev, Olga A. Filenkova
Sociocultural Characteristics of Penza Governors of the 19th – early 20th centuries

Bylye Gody. 2024. 19(3): 1095-1106.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2024.3.1095CrossRef

The article, based on the analysis of diverse sources, examines the socio-cultural appearance of Penza governors in 1801–1917. Its comprehensive characteristics are given according to the following indicators: class origin, level and type of education, rank, age at taking office, presence of administrative experience. The main features of personnel policy in relation to the heads of the province are considered. It was established that the choice of candidate was determined not only by a set of formal criteria necessary to occupy the gubernatorial position, but was also often determined by a number of informal circumstances. In general, the outcome of one or another personnel option depended on a combination of factors, the combination of which could vary throughout the period under study depending on domestic and international processes. At the same time, despite the fact that the Penza region was not characterized by a decline in the role of the military element in the civil gubernatorial service, throughout the 19th century. There was a clear increase in the professional and educational potential of managers. The authors also studied the main milestones in the professional path of Penza governors. When considering the place of the governor's office in the career of an imperial official, it was noted that its receipt was a fairly important stage in the career, in most cases opening the way to the capital service. In addition, in this context, an attempt was made to reconstruct the image of the Penza region, presented in memoirs and private correspondence of individual provincial administrators.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1725186338.pdf
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11. Irina Yu. Cherkasova, Larisa A. Koroleva, Valentina S. Nikitina, Natalia V. Svechnikova
To the Issue of the Pedagogical Periodical Press of the St. Petersburg Educational District (1803–1917)

Bylye Gody. 2024. 19(3): 1107-1114.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2024.3.1107CrossRef

The paper examines the pedagogical periodical press on the territory of the St. Petersburg Educational District in 1803–1917. The source base of the research was both highly specialized publications on the periodical press of the Russian Empire, as well as pre-revolutionary periodicals themselves. The methodological basis of the work is the methods of content analysis, the retrospective method and the method of deduction. The combined use of these methods allowed the authors to carry out work on the search, systematization (including chronological) and verification of materials. In conclusion, the authors note that in the territory of the St. Petersburg Educational District in the period 1803–1917, a record number of educational journals were published among the educational districts – 115 pedagogical ones, 114 of them in St. Petersburg and 1 in Vologda. At the same time, the district also had the oldest Periodical in the Russian Empire (founded in 1803). St. Petersburg scientific journals, due to their large number, were devoted to various issues, starting with preschool education and ending with the teaching methods of various disciplines. Some scientific journals, such as the “Spravochnyi listok” (aka “Petrogradsky Uchitel”), “Vestnik psikhologii”, “Kommercheskoe obrazovanie”, were published almost until 1917.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1725186426.pdf
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12. Vadim E. Kozlov, Tatiana A. Titova
Russian Population of the Kazan Province in Scientific Publications, Nonfiction Literature and Statistical Materials of the 19th century – early 20th centuries

Bylye Gody. 2024. 19(3): 1115-1123.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2024.3.1115CrossRef

Russian population of the region is becoming the object of research of the representatives of Kazan ethnographic school from the second half of the 1940s. By the early 1990s the material culture, features of family life and social relations had been thoroughly studied, local variations of the rituals of the life cycle and especially the wedding cycle were described in detail. The acknowledgement of the narrowness of the written source base, which was essential for the deep reconstruction of local Russian culture of the 19th century, became the common place of most publications. Thus, the key element of the ethnographic description was the authors' ''field'' material, which was obtained during regular ethnographic expeditions. The age of informants and the conservativeness of the rural environment made it possible to accurately recreate the “ethnographic present” of the late 19th – early 20th centuries. The analysis of the earlier period used to be mainly based on individual works of the pre-Soviet era. The purpose of this work is a comprehensive historiographic analysis of materials published between 1804 and 1917, containing information about the Russian population of the Kazan province and, it's ethnographic features. The object of study is the corpus of published materials of different genres, publications of scientific and cultural-educational nature in particular, as well as statistical and other documentary information about the Russian population of the Kazan province. Consideration of the published sources in combination will allow to compile a more accurate and complete picture of the representation of the Russian population in public space during the formation of ethnography in Russia as an independent field of scientific knowledge.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1725186466.pdf
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13. Elena K. Mineeva, Alevtina P. Zykina, Tatyana N. Ivanova, Irina A. Soshko
Development of the Russian Education System in the first quarter of the XIX century. The Main Provisions of the Charter of 1804

Bylye Gody. 2024. 19(3): 1124-1136.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2024.3.1124CrossRef

The content and quality of education traditionally attract the attention of the state and society. In modern conditions, Russian secondary schools receive more critical comments than enthusiastic assessments. This encourages us to look for transformation options to overcome the existing shortcomings. According to the authors, any reform, including in the field of education, can be successful only if it meets the challenges of the time and is based on historical experience. Therefore, it is important to study and summarize the pages of the history of the national school. The purpose of this article is to study the formation of the national education system and its evolution in the first quarter of the XIX century. The work uses normative legal documents adopted during the period under review by the government of Alexander I, which reflect the essence of state policy in the field of education. They regulated the types of educational institutions, their purpose and objectives, the list and content of academic disciplines, the rights and obligations of participants in the educational process, etc. The main conclusions on the research topic are as follows. The policy of the government of Alexander I in the field of education can be divided into 2 stages. As part of the first stage, the Charter of Educational Institutions was developed, which is characterized by a liberal nature. He introduced the principle of continuity and general education into the school system being created in the country. At the second stage, serious changes were made to the content of education, the powers of school administrations were limited, etc.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1725186548.pdf
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14. Valery V. Batyrov, Ekaterina N. Badmaeva, Daniyal S. Kidirniyazov, Baatr V. Ochirov
The Activity of Special Commissions on the Allotment of Land to the Mohammedan Peoples in the Stavropol Province in the XIX century: Problems and Climatic Factors

Bylye Gody. 2024. 19(3): 1137-1147.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2024.3.1137CrossRef

The article is devoted to the activities of Special Commissions for the allotment of land to the Mohammedan peoples in the Stavropol province in the XIX century. The main problem facing the Commissions was solving the problem of the distribution of pasture territories among nomadic peoples. A similar issue, in particular, between the Kalmyks and Stavropol Turkmens, arose in 1806, when the Turkmen population was included in the Kalmyk steppe of Astrakhan province by the decision of the authorities. This decision has aggravated land relations in general among the nomadic peoples. The situation in land use was aggravated by the growth of the peasant population in the Stavropol province. Newly arrived Russian peasants in difficult climatic conditions of the territory were forced to switch to cattle breeding as the most profitable type of management, thus entering into a struggle for pastures and water resources with nomadic peoples. Constant complaints and conflicts from all parties involved in land disputes throughout the first half of the 19th century raised an urgent question for the Russian authorities about the exact definition of the boundaries of the territories of nomadic peoples. The difficult natural and climatic conditions of the region were among the main reasons for the failure of the project to delimit the territories of nomads between Kalmyks and Turkmens. The arid territory, the lack of water resources, the shortage of winter feed stocks caused by the burning of pastures in the rest of the year predetermined the constant dependence of nomadic farms on natural disasters, created serious obstacles to the further development of nomadic cattle breeding. Disputes and conflicts between pastoralists over limited water resources and the best pasture areas were especially fierce. Nevertheless, since the beginning of the 19th century, Kalmyks and Turkmens have managed to develop a regime of mutual migrations in the same territory, since they understood that the lack of consensus on this issue could lead to the ruin of one of the peoples. Eventually, the Russian authorities cut the Gordian knot of land contradictions between Kalmyks and Turkmens, transferring in 1859 the lands of Bolshederbetovsky ulus and a separate part of Maloderbetovsky ulus to the department of Stavropol province, thereby giving the solution of all conflict situations due to nomadic pastures and water sources to the local administration. It was only at the beginning of the 20th century that the intensity of land disputes between Kalmyks and Turkmens somewhat weakened due to the partial abandonment of pastoralists from the practice of herding cattle and the gradual transition of the nomadic population to a sedentary lifestyle.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1725460699.pdf
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15. Gregory Popov, Victor V. Barabash, Natalia V. Poplavskaya, Oleg Yu. Kazenkov
The Development of the Firepower of the Russian Army in the first half of the 19th century in Comparison with Enemies as a Factor of Russia's Victories and Defeats in the Napoleonic and Crimean Wars

Bylye Gody. 2024. 19(3): 1148-1160.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2024.3.1148CrossRef

The paper compares the firepower of the Russian army during the Napoleonic Wars and the Crimean War. The authors want to answer the question of how Russia, which defeated Napoleonic France – the militarily strongest power of the early 19th century – lost the Eastern War to Western democracies represented by Great Britain and France. The authors limit themselves to solving this problem by studying the firepower of the Russian army in comparison with the armies of the opponents, proving that the positional war in the process of defending Sevastopol required greater efforts from the Russian military industry, as well as from the logistics of the Russian Armed Forces, than the maneuver war with the Great Army of Napoleon Bonaparte in 1812 and during Foreign campaigns. The Crimean War was a small prototype of the First World War, and the Russian defense industry, as well as its military-bureaucratic apparatus, were not ready for this new type of industrial war. This work is based on some scientific works that are little known in Russian historiography, as well as on the book of General E.I. Totleben, a participant of the organization of the Sevastopol's defense, which is insufficiently studied in Russian science. The authors prove that, according to technical characteristics, the Russian artillery did not lag behind the Western one either during the Napoleonic Wars or during the Crimean War. The authors also believe that in the middle of the XIX century in Russia there was also a crisis of the military-bureaucratic apparatus.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1725187007.pdf
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16. Tatyana A. Kattsina, Viacheslav N. Shestakov, Valery A. Pomazan, Elena S. Tsyganova
Charitable Institutions of the Yenisei Province in the 1820s–1860s (Based on the Database Materials)

Bylye Gody. 2024. 19(3): 1161-1170.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2024.3.1161CrossRef

The article attempts to determine the trends in the development of charitable institutions in the Yenisei province in the 1820s–1860s through statistical data. The choice of the chronological framework of the study is due to their poor knowledge, the peculiarities of the socio-economic life of the Yenisei province and the administrative policy of the tsarist government. The process of the emergence and activity of charitable institutions was determined by a combination of economic, political and social factors specific to this region. The Yenisei province belonged to the agricultural sector, industry and trade were poorly developed in it. Both archaic and feudal socio-economic structures, as well as elements of the capitalist type, were combined here at the same time. With the involvement of modern scientific achievements, based on a thematic database, which is a multi-species collection of sources, the authors characterize the network of charitable institutions of the Yenisei province through their varieties, give a quantitative and qualitative analysis. The article notes that the number of charitable institutions was not proportional to the number of settlements and residents in them. The ratio of the number of charitable institutions in the city and in the countryside was in favor of the city. The distribution of charitable institutions of medical care for the population living outside cities was the least favorable. An important place in the system of public charity was occupied by almshouses, which, as a special type of closed charity, had to ensure the full maintenance of their contingent. Meanwhile, in practice, there were more almshouses in which the assistance provided did not cover all the vital needs of a person, but only some of them.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1725187062.pdf
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17. Erlan E. Sailaubay, Khalil B. Maslov, Svetlana O. Smagulova, Al'bina S. Zhanbossinova
Generic Conflicts and Barymta: the Evolution of Content

Bylye Gody. 2024. 19(3): 1171-1178.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2024.3.1171CrossRef

Kazakhstan's entry into the Russian Empire became a catalyst for many socio-economic processes and the transformation of the system of social institutions. The purpose of the author's research is to study the cause-and–effect relationships of tribal confrontation and the evolution of the content of the barymta institute in the boundary framework of the late XIX – early XX centuries. The administrative and territorial lines of research are limited to the Semipalatinsk province of Karkaraly county, where, within the specified chronological framework, it is possible to trace the evolution of the transition of social institutions of Kazakh society and the transformation of their content. In their research, the authors reveal the issues of social history at the junction of interdisciplinary approaches based on an empirical analysis of primary sources, archival documents deposited in the funds of Kazakh archives, published publications of travel scientists and open-access research materials, articles, monographs, collections of materials, dissertations. The authors paid special attention to the system of value orientations of the traditional Kazakh society and the evolution of social institutions in the focus of reforming regulatory and legal relations, family and hierarchical management structures. Innovations in the Kazakh steppe served as an impetus to strengthen the tribal struggle for a place in the echelon of grassroots power, determined tribal strife and barymta as a weapon of retaliation. In the new system of legal norms, the traditional institution of barymta acquired criminal content, although in the nomadic value system it was a way of protecting the honor of the clan, demonstrating the strength of the clan, and a traditional form of protecting property. The clan-hierarchical principle did not undergo any practical changes; the traditional nomadic Kazakh society adapted and «integrated» into the imperial system, preserving the patriarchal-clan institutions until the mid-20s of the twentieth century.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1725187116.pdf
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18. Kanat A. Yensenov, Ganiy M. Karassayev, Bakytzhan B. Aktailak, Beibitgul Sh. Shurshitbay
The Development of Kazakh Elders and Biys Roles in Russian Empire Administration Structure (XIX century)

Bylye Gody. 2024. 19(3): 1179-1188.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2024.3.1179CrossRef

The Kazakh Khanate was abolished and new administrative institutions were established in its stead as a result of the political and administrative reforms carried out by the Tsarist Russian Empire in 1822 and 1824. Senior Sultanate, Volost, and Senior Power institutions started to take the place of the former Khanate power in the Kazakh steppes. In the Russian Empire, the post-Tsarist structures served as the governing Senate, Governors-general, and in western Siberia, the Omsk Governor-General established new district orders in the Order of Kokshetau, Karkaraly in 1824, Ayagoz external district in 1832, Bayanaul external district in 1833, Kokpekty external district in 1844. Following the dissolution of the Khanate, several regions of the Kazakh territory were governed by powerful Sultans. And there were villages and Volosts in every one of them. They had foremen and volosts in charge. Following the 1824 reform, the Khanate authority in the minor zhuz was dissolved and split into Eastern, Central, and Western regions in accordance with the “Charter of the Orenburg Kazakhs”. He had three different senior Sultans appointed to him. The Bokei Horde originated in the western part of the Kazakh steppe. In the Kazakh steppe, the senior Sultan, volosts, and elders were chosen in conjunction with this administrative management overhaul. They worked in the Russian Empire's administrative system. Information on the judges' and elders' activity during that era is kept in Russia's archive funds. Generally speaking, it is evident that the institution of judges and elders should be given careful consideration as a subject of specialized research. Consequently, data from several archives in Kazakhstan and Russia as well as literature in global historiography were used in scientific circulation for the purpose of carrying out study.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1725460626.pdf
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19. Natalia Koptseva, Ksenia Degtyarenko, Maria Kolesnik, Tikhon Ermakov
The Significance of the Scientific Activity of Mikhail Sidorov (1823–1887) for the Development of the Northern Territories of the Russian Empire

Bylye Gody. 2024. 19(3): 1189-1199.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2024.3.1189CrossRef

The article examines the activities of Mikhail Konstantinovich Sidorov (1823–1887), an entrepreneur, public figure, and author of strategic ideas for the development of the northern territories of the Russian Empire. M.K. Sidorov invested not only significant financial resources in the development of the North and Arctic of Russia, but also his intellectual capital, being the author of a number of the most important strategic ideas, which were outlined by him in a number of documents, including in the books “North of Russia” (1870), “North of Russia. About its mountain wealth and obstacles to their development" (1881), article “Note on industrial and commercial enterprises in the North” (1867) and a number of others. Almost all of his ideas, proposals and their justification for the development of the Northern Sea Route and the development of northern territories new to the empire will be implemented in subsequent periods of Russian history. The strategy for the development of the northern and Arctic territories created by M.K. is of the greatest historical significance. Sidorov based on his own scientific and practical research and development. A textual analysis of a number of scientific works by M.K. Sidorov, who act as sources on the history of strategic documents on the development of the North, the Arctic and the Northern Sea Route in the Russian Empire, created in the 1860–1880s. It is concluded that the research of M.K. Sidorov are representative of the intellectual history of Russia of this historical period.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1725187237.pdf
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20. Varvara V. Bogdan, Sergey N. Rozhnov, Yulia V. Nikolaeva, Ilya V. Tyurin
To the 200th Anniversary of the Birth of the Traveler Ivan Ivanovich Petrov (1824/1842–1896): Some Biographical Aspects

Bylye Gody. 2024. 19(3): 1200-1206.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2024.3.1200CrossRef

The article is devoted to the study of biographical aspects and the creative heritage of the American scientist of Russian origin Ivan Ivanovich Petrov and is dedicated to the 200th anniversary of his birth. The works of both the scientist himself and modern researchers were used as materials (in particular, the works of M. Baker, S. Banner, L. Bill, W. Borneman, S. Highcox, A. Postnikov, M. Folk, R. Pierce, M.B. Sherwood, P. Shore, etc.). The methodological basis was the historiographical method (content analysis), the biographical method, the classification method and the synthesis method. After emigrating to the United States, the traveler and geographer devoted his life to exploring Alaska, including studying its population, nature, minerals, as well as natural and industrial resources, economics, meteorology, etc. Petrov was the first to describe Alaska as part of the United States and the first to begin detailed mapping of its individual territories. For the first time, he visited the territories of Alaska, where no European had ever set foot before him. A bay on the island of Kuyu and a glacier on the Kenai Peninsula are named after Petrov. At the same time, the authorities and society were very skeptical about the results of Petrov's research. His later biographers, in particular, L. Bill, R. Pierce, A. Postnikov, M. Folk, M. Sherwood, and others, try to justify the scientist, since he was forced to appeal to unconfirmed witness reports. Because of this, they present Ivan Petrov as an energetic and tireless researcher who independently carried out the ambitious tasks set for him.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1725187287.pdf
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21. Vladimir A. Svechnikov, Mikhail G. Smirnov, Ruslan M. Allalyev, Svetlana A. Grimalskaya
The Biographical Sketch for the 200th Anniversary of the Birth of the Russian Empress Maria Alexandrovna (1824–1880)

Bylye Gody. 2024. 19(3): 1207-1214.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2024.3.1207CrossRef

The article is dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the birth of Empress Maria Alexandrovna, nee Maximiliana Wilhelmina Augusta Sophia Maria, Princess of Hesse and the Rhine, wife of Russian Emperor Alexander II the Liberator. The materials were biographical studies devoted to Empress Maria, as well as memoirs of her contemporaries. The research methods used are the historiographical method, the classification method, and the synthesis method. Maria Alexandrovna became famous as the creator of the state welfare system in the Russian Empire. With German pedantry, multiplied by the sense of generosity and justice characteristic of Russians, Maria Alexandrovna creates a network of women's educational institutions/gymnasiums named after her “Mariinsky”, which have become a model in terms of the quality of education, and the process of their organization has become the benchmark of the system of state charity in the educational sphere. The branch of the Red Cross in the Russian Empire, whose purpose was to provide medical assistance to those in need, had the largest budget of all charitable organizations during the lifetime of the Empress. One of the results of the Empress's work was the fact that charity and patronage became an honorable, widespread, popular and very widespread business in the Russian Empire, not only at the state level, but also, above all, at the level of ordinary subjects. Biographers note the poor health, but very strong and at that time complex character of the Empress, while invariably pointing out such traits as pedantry, thrift, kindness and altruism. Maria Alexandrovna found the meaning of her life at the Russian court precisely in helping those in need and was faithful to this principle until the last minutes of her life.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1725275663.pdf
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22. Vera I. Fedorova
The Influence of the Exile on the Dynamics of Socio-Demographic and Ethnocultural Processes in the Population of the Yenisei Province in the XIX – early XX centuries

Bylye Gody. 2024. 19(3): 1215-1227.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2024.3.1215CrossRef

The article examines the influence of exiles on the dynamics of socio-demographic and ethnocultural changes in the population of the Yenisei province at the turn of the XIX–XX centuries. The article considers the number, gender, age, social class, ethno-confessional composition, migration of exiles, their role in the reproduction of the population, the formation of the labor market and a new socio-class structure of the industrial-urban type. It is argued that the impact of the link was ambiguous. On the one hand, it increased the rural population, which led to the conservation of the agrarian society. On the other hand, it accelerated social differentiation in the countryside and formed a labor market. At the same time, the quality of the labor force represented by the exiles was extremely low, which led to the preservation of semi-serfdom forms of exploitation, underestimation of the real cost of labor of employees and aggravated the status of Siberia as a colonial suburb. Being polyethnic in its composition, the exile contributed to the formation of Siberian identity, which was the result of the acculturation of different ethnic groups, which made Siberian society receptive to the cultural experience and values of other peoples.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1725370311.pdf
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23. Аnna S. Zhulaeva, Ekaterina A. Grigoryeva, Alexander G. Gryaznukhin, Tatyana V. Gryaznukhinа
Features of Social Deviations in the Gold Mines of Yenisei Siberia and Ways To Overcome Them in the 1830s–1890s

Bylye Gody. 2024. 19(3): 1228-1237.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2024.3.1228CrossRef

The paper, based on archival unpublished sources, examines the deviations prevailing in a complex social environment in the gold mines on the example of Yenisei Siberia in the pre-revolutionary period. The “gold rush” has worsened the criminal situation in the region under study. The statistics of mass robberies and murders grew in proportion to the growth of gold mining in the region. Despite the laws passed by the central government, the vast territory, thousands of kilometers away from the capital, lived according to its often wild rules. The "Prospector's fart" turned into trouble most often for the lucky one, luck smiled at very few people. The most difficult working conditions of the gold workers undermined their health. However, the general depressing state of medicine (the lack of a sufficient number of hospitals and medical personnel) deprived the workers of this chance for respite. Documents from the Siberian archives indicate that the situation periodically escalated, taking on a serious criminal character. Pre-revolutionary historians especially describe the mass unrest of workers in the Yenisei province in the taiga gold mines in the pre-revolutionary period. Keywords: Yenisei Siberia, gold mining industry, social deviations, crime, prostitution, social and personnel composition of participants, social aspect, deviant behavior, drunkenness.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1725191469.pdf
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24. Sabira N. Apasheva, Michael K. Churkin, Sairan M. Kartbaeva, Natalia I. Churkina
National Education as an Instrument of Imperial Colonization of Asian Russia in the Discourse of National Oriental Studies of the mid ХIХth – early ХХth centuries

Bylye Gody. 2024. 19(3): 1238-1248.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2024.3.1238CrossRef

The article attempts to deconstruct the discourse of national education in the scientific works of Russian orientalists. The hypothesis is formulated that the discourse of national education, represented in the works of Russian Orientalist scholars, performed a significant function of forming the perceptions of the authorities and society about possible scenarios of integration of national minorities of peripheral territories into the all-imperial space, based on modern scientific knowledge delegated to the empire the right to make responsible decisions in the field of national and imperial construction. The paper notes the paradoxical construction of the discourse of national education as a tool for integrating the Asian periphery into the all-imperial. On the one hand, orientalists, as carriers of knowledge about the East, associated the achievability of the results of integration of non-ethnic communities with the overcoming of cultural differences and the formation of a "big Russian nation" in Asian Russia. On the other hand, the Eurocentric attitudes and provisions that developed in the intellectual environment of the late Enlightenment era produced such ideas about the possibilities of incorporation of the peripheries, in which the motive of cultural distance between the man of knowledge and culture and the colonial subaltern remained unchanged. In the course of the research, the perceptions of Russian orientalist scholars about the Asian periphery of the Russian Empire as "its own east" at different stages of research activity in the broad chronological boundaries of the 19th – early 20th centuries were revealed. It is established that the problem of the formation of national education in the peripheral regions of the empire was an integral part of the discourse of integration of national minorities into the all-Russian social space, within which the framework of interaction between the imperial authorities and the indigenous population of the peripheries was set. In the discourse of the first generation of Russian Orientalists, the issues of incorporation of the territories and the indigenous population of the peripheries were considered in the context of Eurocentric attitudes, and national education was labeled as an instrument of Christianization of nomadic nomads. In the spirit of conservative romanticism, theorists and practitioners of Orientalism constructed scenarios of a national school, in the coordinate system of which the use of the native language in education was a decisive factor in overcoming cultural differences. The evolution of Russian Orientalism in the following years, which consisted in overcoming the templates of Eurocentrism, did not fundamentally change the general content of the discourse, adjusting only the methods of its implementation in the sphere of national education while maintaining the rhetoric of moral superiority and paternalistic logic in relation to the peoples of Asian Russia.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1725187537.pdf
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25. Alexander V. Golovinov, Maigul Matayeva, Zaure Ayupova, Yulia V. Golovinova
Gaps in Penitentiary Policy and Issues of Criminalization of the Asian part of Russia in the Political and Legal Ideology of Siberian Regionalists in the second half of the 19th century

Bylye Gody. 2024. 19(3): 1249-1256.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2024.3.1249CrossRef

Within the framework of this study, an attempt is made to reconstruct the political and legal views of the Siberian regionalists G.N. Potanin and N.M. Yadrintsev. The ideological legacy of democratic regionalists is emphasized on the problem of negative factors in the social life of pre-revolutionary Siberia through the growth of crime in the region and short-sighted penitentiary policy. Based on the hermeneutic analysis of published sources - journalistic and scientifically significant articles of political and legal content, as well as books by famous Siberians, the determinants of social ill-being in the Asian part of the Russian Empire are identified, such as a constant increase in crime, robberies, mass hard labor and exile, vagrancy. It is shown that in the political and legal thought of the leaders of the regionalist movement it was noted that the issue of punishment in the history of mankind from the beginning of the centuries to the modern period of development of the state and law constitutes that fatal, global issue that has not been positively resolved either by human practice or by the theory of legal science. The authors note that the thinkers believed that the system of penalties in laws and regulations in most countries is very similar. They analyzed mainly codified acts of European countries. Textual analysis clearly demonstrated to the writers practically identical forms of criminal-legal influence from the death penalty of exile to corporal punitive effects. The authors come to the conclusion that the humanistic political and legal thought of N.M. Yadrintsev and G.N. Potanin was characterized by the methodology of quantitative and statistical analysis, which in turn, in the knowledge of the social practices of the Siberian region, clearly and convincingly showed the detrimental impact of the miscalculations of the penal colonization of the region on its social development. Also, as a result of the work done, it is noted that, according to the legal views of regional thinkers, the criminalization of the population, the growth of crime, countless thefts, the poverty of the lower strata of the population and social insecurity have long been faithful companions of the Siberian “melting pot”.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1725187590.pdf
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26. Daria N. Nesterenko, Denis N. Gergilev, Nadezhda L. Khait, Tatyana V. Izluchenko
Dichotomy of Public and Private on the Case of the Phenomenon of Sexual Commerce in Yenisei Province in the late XIX – early XX centuries

Bylye Gody. 2024. 19(3): 1257-1264.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2024.3.1257CrossRef

The article considers the phenomenon of sexual commerce through the prism of the dichotomy concept of public and private in the pre-revolutionary society of the Russian Empire in the middle of the 19th – early 20th centuries. Private is a category that included what was hidden from society, which was intimate in character. On the one hand, private is associated with individualism, the presence of internal moral counterbalances that delineate a space to which the rest of the participants of society, as a rule, have no access. The public, on the other hand, is associated with social relations. At the same time, the boundaries of the concepts are outlined in view of the coexistence of two opposite social institutions in pre-revolutionary Russia: the patriarchal family with a set of values and the institution of legalized sexual commerce, which was introduced into the rank of a craft after the reform of Count L. A. Perovsky. Sexual commerce as a phenomenon was used by researchers as a conceptual and categorical apparatus that denoted practices of sexual exchange, which had a compensatory nature, with multiple agents. The use of such a term excluded the moral burden of other concepts, such as prostitution. The concept of dichotomy through the mutually negative properties of appearances in the present study allowed us to conclude that the two institutions are not mutually exclusive. The social processes that were examined in the article through the prism of dichotomy allowed us to approach the essence of the contradictory nature of everyday life. The unique locus of Yenisei province within the space of the Russian Empire implied the presence of authentic everyday practices among certain social categories. They were not perceived as an anomaly, but at the same time violated the boundaries delineated by society in the locus of privacy. Synthetic correlates of behavioral norms and anomalies of Russian pre-revolutionary society allowed us to overcome some contradictions of theoretical and methodological obstacles.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1725187632.pdf
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27. Timur A. Magsumov, Teymur E. Zulfugarzade, Mikhail B. Kolotkov, Sergei B. Zinkovskii
Caucasian Educational District (1848–1917): A Review of Modern Historiography

Bylye Gody. 2024. 19(3): 1265-1275.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2024.3.1265CrossRef

This historiographical review is devoted to the Caucasian Educational District in the pre-revolutionary period. In total, 63 titles of works found by search queries on the website of the electronic scientific library were used in the work (eLIBRARY.RU), which were published between 1993 and 2023. 46 publications were published in Russian, and 17 in English. The methodological tools of our research are based on the historical and genetic method, which allows us to consider the evolution of the historiography of the public education system and identify problem areas, that is, where the interest of researchers was most insignificant. The authors came to the following conclusions: 1. The historiography on public education in the territory of the Caucasian Educational District is extensive, it touches on both private issues, for example, the history of specific educational institutions or the organization of the educational process, and the topic of public education, which claims to be generalized (fundamental). 2. The degree of study of different regions of the Caucasian Educational District varies and can vary from one to five papers. Let's name the Kara region as the first example, and the Kuban and Dagestan regions as the second. 3. Almost all the works (63 titles) presented in the review were carried out by representatives of local scientific centers that specialize, among other things, in the history of the Caucasus.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1725187687.pdf
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28. Natal'ya A. Shevchenko, Yulia V. Kapitanets, Galina M. Zinchuk, Natalia L. Krasyukova
The Historical Sketch for the 175th Anniversary of the Hungarian Campaign of the Russian Army in 1849

Bylye Gody. 2024. 19(3): 1276-1285.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2024.3.1276CrossRef

The article is dedicated to the 175th anniversary of the so-called “Hungarian campaign” or “Hungarian crusade” – the intervention of the Russian army in 1849, led by I.F. Paskevich, in Hungary in order to pacify the Hungarian people's liberation revolutionary movement, which wanted to secede from the Austrian Empire. The materials were memoir and archival sources. The methodology consists of a set of methods such as historical-systemic, historiographical, biographical, as well as the synthesis method. The Hungarian campaign of 1849 has a contradictory assessment in historiography. In pre-revolutionary historiography, the campaign is considered an example of military and diplomatic art. In Soviet historiography, it was the intervention of the tsarist despotic regime and the suppression of the national liberation movement, which rebelled from Austro-imperial oppression. Modern historiography focuses on factual information, new archival data, as well as on a deeper study of individual episodes of the campaign. The success of the campaign is primarily associated with the name of Field Marshal Ivan Fedorovich Paskevich, a favorite and confidant of the Russian Emperor Nicholas I. Paskevich relied on the quantitative and qualitative superiority of Russian troops, as well as on minimizing combat losses. Because of this, a general battle between the Hungarian militias and the Russian army was not held, but separate, exhausting battles took place. Therefore, the combat losses turned out to be scanty. The main damage to the Russian army was caused by the cholera epidemic. The Austrians, who were helped by the Russian Empire, proved to be untenable either as a military force or as suppliers to the Russian army. Although it was the Austrians who took the brunt of the blow and suffered the most losses in this civil war, it was the Russian army that ensured victory. The expedition cost the Russian treasury 47.5 million rubles. Paskevich, avoiding losses, was able to reconcile the parties diplomatically by bribing the talented Hungarian commander-in-chief Artur Gergei with a large sum of money, as well as promising him and the rebels amnesty, as a result of which the civil war in Austria-Hungary successfully ended.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1725187760.pdf
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29. Olga A. Plotskaya, Gulmira T. Urankhaeva, Nikita S. Grudinin, Ruslan M. Zhirov
Customary Legal Methods of Acquiring Rights to Land from Zyryans in the 19th – early 20th centuries

Bylye Gody. 2024. 19(3): 1286-1293.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2024.3.1286CrossRef

A study of customary legal methods of acquiring rights to land resources from the Zyryans in the 19th - early 19th century. XX centuries, today in many ways allows us to highlight the features and customary legal patterns of transfer of rights in relation to real estate. Despite the spread of sources (forms) of positive law during the period under review, in Zyryan communities a significant place in the regulation of social relations was given to the norms of customary law, which, of course, indicates the significance and relevance of the topic of this study. It should be noted that the periodically used customary legal method of acquiring rights to land resources from the Zyryans during the period under study was free borrowing, which indicated the emergence of the right of first possession or the right to apply labor during the exploitation of this site. In customary law, the Zyryans also used this method of acquiring rights to land, such as the acquisition (receipt) of rights to a land plot by the community, after the departure of its member from the community, or after his death. In addition, the Russian legislator at the state level established the rules for transferring land to peasants for use, by granting peasant societies the right to lease state-owned land and the right to buy and sell land. Such transactions were also supported by the norms of customary law among the Zyryans, therefore the Zyryan legal customs did not contradict, but, on the contrary, complemented the norms of positive law. The norms of positive and customary Zyryan law also sanctioned this method of acquiring rights to natural land objects as inheritance.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1725188216.pdf
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30. Maisara Bekmagambetova, Aidar Aitmukhambetov, Ruslan Bekmagambetov, Gulmira Nurusheva
Orenburg Educational Institutions in Training Personnel for Administrative and Managerial Institutions of the Turgai Region in the 19th – early 20th centuries

Bylye Gody. 2024. 19(3): 1294-1303.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2024.3.1294CrossRef

In the XIX century the process of formation of Kazakh employees takes place. Kazakh youth had been educated in a number of educational institutions, in particular the cadet corps and gymnasium. These institutions were located in Orenburg, which was a major administrative center. Cadet Corps was intended for the training of officers. The main contingent of the Kazakh cadet consisted of representatives of the aristocracy, i.e. from influential families. Kazakh graduates of the corps in military ranks continued their military and civil service. Subsequently, as a result of changes in the principles of recruitment of administrative and managerial staff through the acquisition of civic education, members of the public were oriented towards learning in civil educational institutions, which included gymnasiums. In the Orenburg gymnasium for the period of its functioning there were several dozen Kazakh boys. The first generation of gymnasists were descendants of officers, some of whom were graduates of the cadet corps. The range of activity of gymnasists was diverse. Many Kazakh gymnasists continued their studies at universities, after which they were engaged in medical practice, were in the system of law, and functioned in the field of clerical work. The graduated gymnasists acted as employees, implemented social projects, carried out scientific and cultural cooperation with representatives of the public.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1725188277.pdf
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31. Sergey I. Podolskiy
Academician N.S. Kurnakov and His Contribution to the Formation of the Russian Industry in the late XIX – early XX centuries

Bylye Gody. 2024. 19(3): 1304-1317.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2024.3.1304CrossRef

The paper examines the biography of academician Nikolai Semenovich Kurnakov (1860–1941), a prominent chemist, metallurgist, the creator of the physico-chemical method. The paper does not embrace the scientist’s whole life. Of interest is the time of Kurnakov's formation as a major scientist before the turning point in 1917 he met as a very mature man. Kurnakov managed to enter the professional circle of chemical scientists, became famous in the capital and in the empire. The future academician joined the informal social network of scientists. The turn of the 20th century was the time of his creative takeoff, due to which he had a constellation of brilliant students, among them N.I. Podkopaev, N.I. Stepanov, P.Ya. Saldau, S.F. Zhemchuzhny, A.N. Kuznetsov, K.F. Beloglazov. The paper also draws attention to Kurnakov’s pedagogical talent, special ways to treat his students. At that time Kurnakov created of the physico-chemical doctrine of the origins, which we discuss separately. Kurnakov’s studies of the properties of salts found in various regions of the Russian Empire may be considered as one of his major achievements. These studies were in demand by the domestic industry. During the First World War Kurnakov became one of the founders of the Commission for the Study of the Natural Productive Forces of Russia (KEPS). This organization was a unique one. Thanks to KEPS, scientists had the opportunity to coordinate research aimed at strengthening the country's defense capability. In particular, strategically important works with the properties of platinum were carried out. Kurnakov was able to formulate important proposals for the government on the use of this metal.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1725188332.pdf
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32. Mariya A. Sosnina, Tatyana V. Vorotilina, Natalya I. Besedkina, Anna A. Avanesova
Customary Regulation of Obligations from Contracts among the Peasants of the Russian North in the second half of the XIX – early XX centuries

Bylye Gody. 2024. 19(3): 1318-1326.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2024.3.1318CrossRef

The article analyzes the issues of customary legal regulation of obligations from contracts among the peasants of the Arkhangelsk province during the most ambiguous period in the history of the Russian Empire – the period of bourgeois reforms of the second half of the XIX century. At a time when the Napoleonic Civil Code has been in force in France for half a century, and in Germany the preparation of the German Civil Code is rapidly underway, in Russia there is an urgent need not only for further development of bourgeois relations, but also for legal regulation of this process. The difficulty of creating a civil code in the Russian Empire was that after the abolition of serfdom, it was necessary to include free rural inhabitants in the general legal field, who for centuries regulated communal legal relations by custom. After the peasant reform of 1861 introduced a volost court for peasants, which judged on the basis of local customs, their study began, which is relevant in our time, since many analogies with peasant customary norms can be found in modern Russian civil law. Based on the theoretical conclusions drawn in pre-revolutionary historiography, as well as the conclusions of modern researchers in the field of legal history, the authors of this article have made reasonable conclusions using the protocols of the volost courts stored in the State Archive of the Arkhangelsk region about the specifics of the customary legal regulation of the relations of obligation among the peasants of the Russian North. With the help of data from archival documents that have not been published anywhere before, it was possible to draw valuable conclusions for historical and legal science about the conditions of validity of contracts, their types and form, the subject matter of transactions, guarantees of fulfillment of obligations and ways to terminate them. Due to the rather fragmentary state regulation of peasant legal relations, the customary law of the peasants of the Russian North developed local customs, the stable functioning of which was facilitated by volost judicial practice.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1725188385.pdf
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33. Natalia Ye. Goryushkina
Wholesale Alcohol Trade in Excise Russia (1863–1894)

Bylye Gody. 2024. 19(3): 1327-1336.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2024.3.1327CrossRef

The article highlights the wholesale trade of alcohol in Russia during the period of the excise duty collection system. The basic principles of historical cognition – historicism, objectivity, consistency – were chosen as methodological tools, they were supplemented by the method of contextual interpretation of legal acts, historical-comparative and historical-genetic methods. Based on a wide range of sources, published and unpublished, the basic principles of organizing the sale of large quantities of alcohol are outlined, the persons who have received the right to wholesale trade at the excise tax are named, the requirements for a wholesale warehouse and a wholesale batch of drinks are clarified. Attention is drawn to the continuous improvement of excise legislation, which did not stop during the entire excise period. The author shows how the wholesale market has evolved under the influence of government measures. At the first stage, it only acquired its outlines, at the second stage there was a distribution of spheres of influence between large regional merchants, at the third stage large wine trading houses took shape, Russian provinces were divided into productive and consumer ones in relation to alcohol. It is concluded that wholesale trade in excise Russia was at the center of commercial relations between the manufacturer of spirits and their consumer. Wholesale warehouses have largely determined the nature of the country's alcohol market. The development of interregional trade has led to an increase in trade operations, an increase in the area of wholesale warehouses, and an increase in the profitability of the wine trade. The state did not fail to take the revenues of wholesale warehouses into its own hands, the state-owned wine monopoly replaced the excise system.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1725188428.pdf
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34. Mukhtar S. Isayev, Khazretali M. Tursun, Gaukhar B. Batyrbekkyzy, Gulnar B. Kozgambayeva
The Scientific Study of Historical and Cultural Monuments of the Syrdarya Region of Turkestan by Russian Scientists (XIX – early XX centuries)

Bylye Gody. 2024. 19(3): 1337-1344.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2024.3.1337CrossRef

The Turkestan region, which became part of the Russian Empire in 1865, was rich in historical and cultural monuments. Historical monuments of the Syrdarya region, one of the 3 regions in the administrative composition of the region, were distinguished by a combination of sedentary and nomadic cultural values. Arab and Persian travelers left extensive information about historical and cultural monuments on the territory of the region in the Middle Ages. But his professional study in a scientific context and work on objects in the state register were carried out during the period of the Russian Empire. Russian scientists were the first to take steps on the issues of systematization, classification and protection of types of historical monuments in this area. Russian scientists attached great importance to medieval Muslim architectural monuments. In this direction, for the first time they undertook a scientific description of the construction of a mausoleum built in honor of the authoritative medieval Sufi Khoja Ahmed Yasawi, a minaret in the city of Sauran and other monuments. In addition, Russian scientists have shown great interest in studying historical and cultural sites in the Syrdarya region that have totemic and Sufi religious significance. Underground mosques were also important. One of these underground mosques was Kiluet in the Turkestan city. On the recommendation of scientists, the tsarist administration initiated measures for the first time to preserve and protect large historical and cultural monuments. The materials of Russian scientists left behind for the study of historical monuments have not lost their value to this day. In this article, based on archival and field research materials, the analysis of the main stages and results of the study by Russian scientists of historical and cultural monuments of the Syrdarya region of the Turkestan region is carried out.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1725370554.pdf
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35. Nikolay A. Vlasov, Andrey V. Bodrov, Nina E. Adamova, Olga V. Smirnova
The Image of Russian Pan-Slavism in Germany, Great Britain and France at the end of the XIXth century

Bylye Gody. 2024. 19(3): 1345-1355.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2024.3.1345CrossRef

The reconstruction of the image of Russian Pan-Slavism in Western European countries at the end of the 19th century is of no small importance, since it brings us closer to understanding the perception of Russia and Russian politics by the great European powers. The article offers a comparative analysis of the image of Russian Pan-Slavism in Germany, Great Britain and France, the purpose of which is to identify common features and differences that allow us to establish the presence or absence of a correlation between the nature of this image in a particular country and the trajectory of its relations with Russia during the period under review. The analysis is based on a wide range of sources: diaries and correspondence of representatives of the political, diplomatic and military elite, materials of parliamentary debates, newspaper and magazine journalism, fiction and journalistic literature. The main common feature of the perception of the image of Russian Pan-Slavism in Germany, Great Britain and France was a negative attitude towards the ultimate goals of this movement, which could lead to a “big war” in Europe, regardless of whether it was interpreted as a plausible cover for the expansion of the Russian Empire, as an irrational public demand “from below” or the intrigues of a small “party”. However, while in Germany the term Pan-Slavism acquired an increasingly broad sense of a label to designate Germany's opponents in Russia, in France, on the contrary, the previously quite unambiguous image of Russian Pan-Slavism fragmented, being replaced by new neutral or even positive interpretations. The evolution of the image correlated with the dynamics of relations between the great powers: the degradation of Russian-German relations, the increasingly close nature of Russian-French ties, as well as the stability of Russian-British rivalry within the framework of the Great Game. In all three countries, interest and attention to the phenomenon of Pan-Slavism had almost disappeared by the end of the 1880s.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1725188518.pdf
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36. Alexander V. Golovinov, Zhamaladen Ibragimov, Anton A. Vasilev, Zhumageldy Kenispaev
Vagrant Population and the Causes of Criminal Acts in Pre-Revolutionary Siberia in the Political and Legal Ideological Heritage of N.M. Yadrintseva

Bylye Gody. 2024. 19(3): 1356-1363.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2024.3.1356CrossRef

The purpose of the research is to demonstrate and reconstruct the political and legal ideas of the Siberian regionalist Nikolai Mikhailovich Yadrintsev in the field of factors of criminalization and the growth of crime in the pre-revolutionary period of the history of state and law in Siberia. The material in the work is the journalistic works of the Siberian educator on the topic of the causes of crime in the Asian part of Russia. The author's articles published in Tue. floor. XIX century, as well as his book on prison studies and the penal policy of the autocracy (1872). The methodological basis for the work was the paradigm of narratology. We consider the historical comprehension of political and legal views, expressed in the form of textual expression of ideas and ideals, to be most successfully possible using the tools of narrative history. The article emphasizes that, guided by the principle of dialectical materialism, the regionalist publicist believed that criminal statistics should demonstrate the interdependence of personal reasons and social influence on intentional criminal acts. The authors come to the conclusion that the worldview of the ideologist of Siberian regionalism was characterized by a concept based on an integrated approach and the Hegelian principle of the dialectical unity of all factors and causes that lead to criminal acts in Siberia. The social stratification of the region was powerfully influenced by the punitive nature of the colonization of the East of pre-revolutionary Russia. The scale of the social impact of convicts, exiles, thieves, robbers, and tramps was impressive. This was expressed in an increase in crimes and was accompanied by a lack of faith in the law as the embodiment of the fight against evil. It is also shown that in his political and legal thought the famous Siberian attached importance to the wandering population as the main factor in the spread and growth of crime. He associated with this class the total criminalization of society in the East of the country. Exile and hard labor were considered as accompanying negative factors of deviations and atrocities in Siberia.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1725188577.pdf
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37. Alexey A. Fatyanov, Nikolay A. Mashkin, Andrey V. Losyakov, Anna V. Filippova
Development of Gymnasium Classical Education in the second half of the 19th century: Experience of the Past for the Present

Bylye Gody. 2024. 19(3): 1364-1372.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2024.3.1364CrossRef

The article examines the education system in the second half of the XIX century. The authors note that the level of education in this period was much higher than in some European countries and was considered one of the best in Europe. Based on the analysis of archival documents and legislation of the XIX century, the study examines the educational process and the chronology of its changes, the lesson schedule, the culture of behavior of teachers and students, the procedure for conducting exams in public and private classical gymnasiums. The main advantages and disadvantages of the gymnasium education process of that time are revealed. The authors conclude that the heyday of classical gymnasium education can be attributed to the 1860-1870 years, when education was wordless, students were given the optimal load for learning the material. The educational process was thoroughly controlled both in public and private gymnasiums, but at the same time there was a certain freedom of teaching. The number of objects and their types contributed to the comprehensive harmonious development of a person as a person and, in turn, formed his civic identity.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1725188624.pdf
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38. Evgeny A. Akhtamov, Denis N. Gergilev, Tatyana V. Izluchenko, Michail G. Tarasov
Conditions and Prospects of Steamship Traffic on the Yenisei in the 19th century based on Materials from a Report by A.N. Gadalov

Bylye Gody. 2024. 19(3): 1373-1381.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2024.3.1373CrossRef

Since the inclusion of Siberian lands into the Russian state, the agricultural and industrial development of this region has been hampered by the lack of reliable transport communications. Rivers seemed to be the most accessible transport communications in the 19th century in Siberia, due to their large number, length, and proximity to places of economic activity of the population. Merchants and industrialists of the Yenisei province in the second half of the 19th century increasingly raised the issue of developing steamship traffic on the Yenisei – as a necessary condition for the successful economic and cultural development of the region. Also in the future, the issue of using the Northern Sea Route to enter foreign markets was considered: both European Russia and Europe itself. The object of study of this article is the ideas of the Yenisei merchants, outlined by A.N. Gadalov in a memo to the Minister of Finance on the most optimal form of organizing steamship traffic on the Yenisei. The authors note that the development of shipping companies was not possible without government assistance in the form of government benefits to compensate for a number of expenses of shipping companies, at least at the initial stage. This was due to the fact that private individuals could not alone cover the costs associated with the creation and maintenance of the shipping company. Further development of steamship communication required large capital investments, which towards the end of the 19th – beginning of the 20th centuries led to the emergence of partnerships and joint-stock shipping companies. The authors also noted the supposed strongholds of the waterway in the Kara Sea, and considered the factors that influenced the success of the voyage and the activities of the shipping company as a whole.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1725188668.pdf
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39. Ilya I. Aminov
Quasi-Police of the Counties of the Transcaspian Region in the Russian Empire During the Fight against Robberies and Banditry

Bylye Gody. 2024. 19(3): 1382-1393.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2024.3.1382CrossRef

The article is devoted to the study of one of the main problems of the establishment of Russian power during the gradual occupation by the Russian Empire of the territory of settlement of Central Asian peoples - the establishment of peace and security, both in the Transcaspian region and throughout Central Asia. At the same time, historical sources eloquently testify to the opposition to this policy of a significant number of organized gangs engaged in raids, robberies, robberies, threatening the peaceful and submissive part of the local population. Since regular police institutions were still being planned in the counties of Transcaspia at the beginning of the 20th century, the district administration of the region, which performed military, police and economic functions, was forced to form quasi-police units in order to ensure law and order. This approach in the Transcaspian region led to the recruitment of the county guard mainly from freelance Turkmen cavalrymen (dzhigits) who were well aware of regional extreme conditions, the national language, traditions and customs of the Turkmen. The assignment of police duties to regular military personnel was recognized as untenable not only due to their ignorance of the language and way of life of the local population, but also the complete inconsistency of the military ranks being sent to perform basic police duties, due to the desire of the military command to get rid of those who were unsuitable for combat service, or, more often, violated military discipline. However, the recruitment of police guards from Turkmen horsemen, with all the side difficulties, did not help solve another, no less important problem of combating robberies and robberies - to establish the activities of criminal investigation, inquiry and investigation bodies on the periphery of the counties of the Transcaspian region, the recruitment of which required the involvement of qualified specialists – true fighters against especially serious mercenary and violent crimes.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1725188746.pdf
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40. Sergey I. Degtyarev
The Socio-Political and Cultural Life of the Ukrainian-Ruthenian Population of the Austro-Hungarian Empire on the Pages of the Journal “Kievskaya Starina”

Bylye Gody. 2024. 19(3): 1394-1406.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2024.3.1394CrossRef

This article is devoted to the study of the information capabilities of the monthly journal “Kiyevskaya starina” in studying various aspects of the history of the Ukrainian-Rusyn population of the Western Ukrainian territories that were part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in the late 19th – early 20th centuries. The journal was published in the Ukrainian lands of the Russian Empire in 1882–1906. A large number of materials related to Ukrainian-Rusyn themes were published on its pages. Most often, these are essays and short articles about the social, political and cultural life of the Rusyns of Galicia, Bukovina, Transcarpathia and those who emigrated to the countries of Latin and North America. In addition, the journal contains scientific research of a historical and ethnographic nature, reviews of works devoted to Ukrainian-Rusyn themes, or reviews of Rusyn literature. These publications were grouped into several thematic areas, which were identified as the most promising for research based on the materials of the journal “Kiyevskaya starina”. The main ones are: self-organization of Ukrainian-Rusyns abroad; socio-economic situation of the Ukrainian population of Galicia, Bukovina, Transcarpathia in the late 19th – early 20th centuries; the struggle of Rusyns for their cultural, national, political rights; historiography of the history and culture of Rusyns on the pages of “Kiyevskaya starina”, etc.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1725188782.pdf
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41. Tatyana G. Karchaeva, Galina M. Lushchayeva, Nikolai R. Novosel’tsev, Mikhail D. Sever‘yanov
“Zealous Servants” of the State: About Officials and Their Awards in the XIX – early XX centuries (based on the Materials of the Yenisei Province)

Bylye Gody. 2024. 19(3): 1407-1415.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2024.3.1407CrossRef

This article tested the historical facts about awarded officials in Siberia in the XIX – early XX centuries. Formulary lists from the funds of the State Archive of the Krasnoyarsk Territory made it possible to create an electronic archive in the Microsoft Excel program about 373 civil servants who worked in provincial and county government bodies in the Yenisei province from 1887 to 1917. There were officials from grades XV to XIV according to the Table of Ranks (287 people) and clerical servants who did not have ranks (86 people). Mathematical and statistical methods made it possible to establish the exact number of civil servants awarded the insignia of the Russian Empire. The Orders of St. Stanislaus III degree had 103 people, II degree – 40 people, St. Anna III degree – 71 people, St. Anna II degree – 12 people, St. Vladimir IV degree – 15 people, St. Vladimir III degree – 4 people, foreign orders – 2 people, military medals – 45 people, jubilee and for achievements with medals – 151 people, jubilee and achievement medals – 151 people, other crosses and badges – 4 people, badges of immaculate service – 2 people. The techniques of the prosopographic approach allowed us to recreate the image of officials who have been awarded various government awards. We examined the biographies of average and special employees who differed from the general array of bureaucracy. We concluded that in the Yenisei province, a number of factors influenced the receipt of insignia: social origin, level of education, territory, place, conditions for the beginning and stages of public service. Thus, the most complete sets of orders in the "correct" gradualism (according to the statutes of the orders) were 40-50-year-old officials transferred to Siberia from the central and western provinces of the Russian Empire, of noble origin, who served for more than 20 years in the field of civil service, as well as those who participated in battles and battles or had experience helping troops during military operations in which the Russian Empire participated in those years.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1725275898.pdf
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42. Gyulnar K. Mukanova, Satay M. Syzdykov, Samat Zhumatay, Assemgul S. Temirkhanova
Forest and Forest Guards in the System of the Central Asian Possessions of the Russian Empire in the XIX – early XX centuries

Bylye Gody. 2024. 19(3): 1416-1424.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2024.3.1416CrossRef

State priorities in the field of protection and conservation of natural resources are strategic, which is evident from the historical experience of a number of European monarchies in England, France, Russia, etc. In the context of a growing shortage of moisture in the expanses of Central Asia, the “forest” theme is relevant. The study of the historical experience of relations between various social strata, within the framework of the imperial model, through the prism of the “forest” issue, is important in the context of identifying trends towards the centralization of the natural resource management system in remote regions. A critical analysis of thematic archival sources, narratives and published works on the history of the forest possessions of the Russian Empire and, in particular, the Turkestan and Steppe territories is carried out. Within the framework of the topic, the role of the forest guard in the implementation of imperial policy in the XIX – early XX centuries is studied. To analyze the historical mission of the forest guard at the beginning of the twentieth century, an analysis of facts and their interpretation was carried out, in particular, from the history of the requisition of “foreigners” for rear work in 1916 and mass unrest. The materials on the uprising of 1916 were studied in detail, sources from the central and regional archives of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan, memoirs, etc. were involved. The scientific methods and approaches we use are traditional: analysis and synthesis, comparative, the principle of historicism, verification of sources, etc. A previously unexplored layer of problematic issues of conservation and exploitation of forests within the designated geographical areas was raised the framework in the XIX – early XX centuries. On the basis of the studied special literature and sources, trends in the evolution of the imperial right of ownership and use of state-owned forests and the social code of relations between forestry and local residents were identified.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1726131511.pdf
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43. Serikbay D. Mamraimov, Sarsenbek K. Yelshibayev, Bakyt S. Tokmurzayev, Zhanat R. Abisheva
Orthodox Missionaryism in the Steppe Region as a Regional Practice of Imperial Religious Policy in the late ХIХth – early ХХth centuries

Bylye Gody. 2024. 19(3): 1425-1432.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2024.3.1425CrossRef

This article, based on the materials of missionary records, as well as diaries and notes of the staff of the Kirghiz Spiritual Mission, reveals the practices of implementation of imperial religious policy in the Steppe region as a region that was the object of intensive colonial expansion in the second half of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. In the course of the research it was established that the incorporation of new subjects in the peripheral regions was carried out within the algorithm of communication between the imperial authorities and the Russian Orthodox Church, with reliance on the principles of religious tolerance towards the indigenous peoples. However, the movement of imperial structures from the center to the peripheries actualized the issues of cultural equalization of the population, which was a determining condition for the consolidation of remote territories within Russia. In this connection there were certain adjustments in religious policy, which, without changing its content, implied not only active proselytizing actions in the indigeneous environment, but also a number of serious concessions to the pagans, which strengthened the authority of Christian preachers and removed the indigenous inhabitants from the sphere of influence of Muslimism. During the period under study, the staff of the Kirghiz mission, relying on the traditions of spreading Orthodox Christianity that had been established in the European part of Russia, introduced flexible practices in the Steppe region that were oriented towards achieving harmony with the indigenous peoples in the religious sphere. These included the widespread experience of influencing the aesthetic sense of proselytes by demonstrating the external effects of Christian worship, material aid to neophytes and land provision, the performance of church services in local languages and dialects, and the involvement in missionary work of natives of various social strata of the foreign community. In the system of coordinates of the peripheral religious policy, the low efficiency of the actual conversion of local inhabitants to Orthodoxy was to some extent compensated by the efforts of missionaries who were in regular communication with the indigene population. The understanding of the fundamentals of the indigenous peoples' way of life and clear ideas about the organization of their economic life, which were characteristic of Orthodox missionaries, provided more comfortable conditions for the spread of Christianity in a foreign ethnic cultural environment.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1725276214.pdf
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44. Ekaterina A. Sertakova, Natalia M. Leshchinskaia, Maria A. Kolesnik, Aleksandra A. Sitnikova
Coverage of Technical Progress at the beginning of the XX century on the Pages of the Journal “Vestnik Znaniya” (1903–1917)

Bylye Gody. 2024. 19(3): 1433-1444.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2024.3.1433CrossRef

At the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, the number of new technical inventions that transformed the life of mankind in the 20th century was rapidly growing – electricity, cars, airplanes, reinforced concrete structures, etc. Today, technological progress continues and proceeds at an equally rapid pace. The relevance of this study is related to the need for philosophical and cultural understanding of issues of technical progress. The study of the history of the issue of how society related to technical changes in culture at the beginning of the 20th century was carried out on the basis of content analysis of articles in the journal “Vestnik znaniya” (1902–1918, publisher V.V. Bitner). The journal was educational in nature and set itself the goal of familiarizing a wide audience of readers in the Russian Empire with the phenomena of modern life. Based on the results of studying the magazine, the cultural-philosophical position of the magazine's publishers in relation to technical progress was revealed, and a list of the main technical inventions was presented, which were described on the pages of the magazine as the most significant technical discoveries of the early 20th century. Content analysis of journal articles was carried out on the basis of a study of a selection of issues for 4 years – 1903, 1908, 1913 and 1917, which made it possible to trace the evolution of the educational activities of the journal publishers in relation to issues of technical progress.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1725188980.pdf
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45. Olga A. Sukhova, Ivan N. Inozemtsev
The Feat of Vasily Ryabov and the Formation of Imperial Identity (Based on Materials from the Penza Region)

Bylye Gody. 2024. 19(3): 1445-1452.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2024.3.1445CrossRef

During the Russo-Japanese War, the feat of private Vasily Ryabov, a native of the Ivanovka village, Penza district of the same region became the event of unprecedented significance for the Russian province. This article is devoted to identifying and analyzing the practices of spontaneous commemoration and means of memorial policy in relation to honoring the memory of the hero. The source base of the study was made up of the records of the governor’s office and the directorate of public schools, as well as publications of the regional periodical press. The concept of “commemoration” is understood as a set of actions aimed at consolidating in the collective memory and transmitting social experience necessary for solving actual problems of the present and future. The key parameters of memorialization of the past were reasoned. The functional purpose of commemoration as a method has been established: consolidation and regulation of mass experiences against the background of defeats and the unsuccessful start of the war; formation of imperial, provincial and local identities. The signs of the transition from traditional to modern commemorative forms and manifestations of civil initiative were revealed. The authors consider the ways of information transmitting, historically determined forms of socio-political interaction to coordinate commemorative actions, the relationship between memorial culture and historical politics.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1725189021.pdf
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46. Lina R. Gaunova, Angela A. Zhurtova, Peter A. Kuzminov, Zareta H. Soblirova
N.F. Rudolf – Organizer and Trustee of Public Education in the Caucasus

Bylye Gody. 2024. 19(3): 1453-1461.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2024.3.1453CrossRef

The article is devoted to the study of the role of Nikolai Fedorovich Rudolf as the Trustee of the Caucasian educational district and his contribution to the development of primary and secondary education in the region in 1907–1917. To reconstruct the organizational and pedagogical activities of the Trustee of the Caucasus Educational District the authors attracted a large number of documentary materials, including archival ones, taken from the archives of the Russian State Historical Archive and the Central State Archive of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, systematized and analyzed historical sources, which made it possible to highlight the main directions of his work, analyze methods and principles of his educational policy. Nikolai Fedorovich graduated with excellent grades from the Imperial Moscow Technical School in 1886 – one of the best educational and scientific institutions in Russia and Europe. He implemented the acquired knowledge in all positions he held during his career. On July 7, 1907, he was confirmed as Trustee of the Caucasian Educational District and in this capacity faced the unique challenges of a multinational and multi-confessional region, which he successfully resolved. Under his leadership, projects were developed aimed at opening new schools, he introduced teacher training courses, and set the task of updating old ones and developing new curricula that took into account both national and local educational needs. A characteristic feature of Rudolph's activities was his attention to vocational education. He supported the creation of technical schools that taught young people the necessary skills to work in agriculture, industry, and craft production.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1725189072.pdf
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47. Olga V. Kolpakova, Alena B. Shigurova
Charitable Activities in Penza Province during the First World War

Bylye Gody. 2024. 19(3): 1462-1469.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2024.3.1462CrossRef

Based on the materials of the Penza province, the charitable activity of the population of the Penza province is considered as a sphere of formation of civil identity. The authors address the question of how military actions and global conflicts affected the development of charity, what challenges charities faced in wartime conditions and what forms of assistance were developed to support the military, refugees and war victims. Various organizations are being created on the territory of the Penza province, which have become an important link in the system of providing assistance to the military and their families. The purpose of their activities during the war was to coordinate efforts to provide assistance to those in need, including refugees who found themselves on the territory of the Penza province. Charitable activities in the Penza province during the First World War were marked by widespread and all-round support of the population during the war period. Not only charitable organizations, but also ordinary citizens actively participated in providing assistance, which was not only of economic importance, but also contributed to strengthening the socio-cultural sphere, social cohesion and the formation of civic consciousness, ensuring the unity of the population in the conditions of military trials.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1725189114.pdf
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48. Maria S. Koptseva, Anna A. Shpak, Yulia N. Menzhurenko, Kenija A. Degtyarenko
“Znanie Dlya Vsekh” (1915) as a Source on the History of the Russian Empire Science in the late 19th and early 20th centuries

Bylye Gody. 2024. 19(3): 1470-1481.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2024.3.1470CrossRef

This article is a source-based issues analysis of the monthly journal “Znanie dlya vsekh”, published in St. Petersburg in 1915. The study purpose is to analyze the Russian science history and assess the information potential of the journal under study as a historical source. The materials of the editions of “Znanie dlya vsekh” are not limited by either time or geographical limits. Here we find a variety of scientific pursuits, both modern and rooted in antiquity. This study attempts to classify all the richness of the materials presented and form an overall picture of the development of science in Russia. Russian painting history The journal provides information not only about the scientific activities and technical specific scientists discoveries in the period under study, but also describes the economic, cultural and religious life of the Russian population in its dynamics, historical and military events on Russian soil, the role rulers, the cultural specifics of other states and the peculiarities of Russian life in them, the history of the development of world painting and the formation of art galleries, etc. “Znanie dlya vsekh” is important not only as a historical source, but also as an educational and pedagogical publication combining the natural science, humanities and technical fields of knowledge. The article analyzes twelve issues of the journal for 1915, which allowed to determine the main directions of educational activity and self-education of the Russian Empire in the late XIX – early XX centuries. The topics of the issues themselves made it possible to trace which scientific directions, scientists and inventions were popular and had recognized importance in the global scientific space.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1725189167.pdf
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49. Goran Rajović, Sergei N. Bratanovskii, Alexander Y. Epifanov, Ivan N. Kuksin
The Reflection of the Trebizond Operation of the Caucasian Army (1916) on the Pages of the Newspaper “Soldatskii Vestnik”

Bylye Gody. 2024. 19(3): 1482-1488.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2024.3.1482CrossRef

The work examines the Trebizond operation on January 23 – April 5, 1916 on the pages of the military newspaper “Soldatskii Vestnik”. The files of the military newspaper “Soldatskii Vestnik” for the period of the Trebizond operation were used as a source base. The first publication dates back to February 17, 1916, and the last to April 16 of the same year. The research methodology is presented by the chronological method, the method of content analysis, as well as the method of scientific induction. The authors came to the following conclusions: 1. The first episodic mention of the new Trebizond direction of the Caucasian Front on the pages of the “Soldatskii Vestnik” began only on February 17, 1916, that is, more than three weeks after the start of this operation on January 23. This is partly due to the presence of the Erzurum area, which is more promising for war correspondents, where the military operation at that time was close to a successful conclusion. 2. Most of the materials in the newspaper devoted to the Trebizond operation were presented by reports from the headquarters of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief with few exceptions, when additions were required from the editorial office or there was other material that could be used as propaganda (for example, a reprint from the Austrian newspaper “Zeit”). 3. Due to the fact that the Turkish city of Trebizond was captured by Russian troops without a fight, the newspaper paid minimal attention to the circumstances of the capture of the city. The reasons for this, among other things, were that Russian troops at the beginning of April 1916 actively developed an offensive in the Erzincan direction, as well as the fact that the newspaper was not published in the period from April 7 to April 14, 1916. As a result, the success at Trebizond was practically not represented on the pages of the “Soldatskii Vestnik”.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1725189214.pdf
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50. Zhuldyz M. Tulibayeva, Temur E. Tulibayev
Contribution of Academician B.A. Akhmedov to the Study of the Historical Geography of Central Asia of the Modern Era (on the Occasion of the 100th Anniversary of the Scientist’s Birth)

Bylye Gody. 2024. 19(3): 1489-1497.
DOI: 10.13187/bg.2024.3.1489CrossRef

The article discusses and analyzes the scientific works of academician B. A. Akhmedov (1924–2002), addressing issues related to the study of the historical geography of Central Asia from the 17th to the 19th centuries. Most researchers are familiar with the scholarly legacy of the scientist primarily through his works, which illuminate the medieval period of Central Asia, but B. A. Akhmedov made a significant contribution to the study of various aspects of the region’s history in the Modern Era as well. The authors of this article investigated the main works of the scientist, which contain valuable factual material on the historical geography of this period. Among them, notable works include Mahmud ibn Wali: Sea of Secrets Regarding the Deeds of the Noble (Geography), History of Balkh (the 16th – first half of the 18th centuries), and Historical-Geographical Literature of Central Asia in the 16th – the 18th centuries (Written Monuments). The authors of this article studied works by the scientist and presented them in the most detail. The authors provided an analysis of the information on the historical geography of the Central Asian region from the 17th to the 19th centuries contained in B.A. Akhmedov’s works. First and foremost, this includes the reconstruction of the administrative-territorial division of the Balkh Khanate in the 17th–18th centuries, conducted by the scientist based on the materials of Eastern manuscript compositions. B.A. Akhmedov describes in detail the location of regions, districts, and major cities, as well as their internal structure, with descriptions of the surrounding areas, forts located on caravan routes, water channels of the khanate, etc. The scientist reconstructed and identified individual historical toponyms mentioned in the manuscripts.

URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1725189262.pdf
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URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1726131882.pdf
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URL: https://bg.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1725189302.pdf
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